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Everything posted by Kahuna

  1. When I was working with a troop and a Sea Scout ship, my dog would frequently be along. I had to rig up a special little corner on our boat so he could go potty on long trips. The kids thought it was great.
  2. Writing the congresscritters won't hurt, but my guess is it won't help either. I notice they are all liberal Democrats except Sessions. He's no doubt working with them just to get something out.
  3. If local experience in two councils is any guide, there is no way of knowing how many there are. I'm a vice commodore and we are constantly finding units have disappeared overnight. If you visit an active unit, the numbers you see are nothing like the numbers on council rosters. Whatever figure you come up with is just a guess.
  4. ". . . increase its rarity." LOL, it will do that, but rarity doesn't always translate into value. Except for OA patches.
  5. "They will probably launch it at Jamboree, and everyone can get a day 1 cancellation from the special Jamboree post office.." This philatelist will not be getting one. Neither, I suspect, will most other Scout stamp collectors.
  6. Horizon, I'm sure you're right about some leaders and Scouts who were ahead of their time on the race thing. Since I grew up in the South, but was a military brat and went to integrated schools, I had a chance to see both sides. In the South, however, during those days, very few black boys would have dared approach a white Scout troop and very few Scoutmasters, including me, would have been willing to open the Pandora's box of trying to integrate it. It was dangerous, for one thing. You could very easily find yourself picked up and taken for a ride by a carload of rednecks if you were
  7. . . . I'll get knocks for this sure, but bolo ties just remind me of retired guys. And what's wrong with us retired guys? (. . . adjusting black socks with shorts and sandals.)
  8. Some good ideas, but I demand a collar and will NOT wear a neckerchief. I wore one for 10 years as a Cub and a Scout and some as an adult. No more. Looking back at our uniforms, I think the dark green Explorer shirt with the olive green shorts and olive green knee socks was the best looking and not impractical. I would have no problem with either the dark green or the olive or even the current olive (DLR)for shirt and pants. The only thing I really like about the new uniform is the long-sleeve shirt with roll up sleeve feature. Looks very traditional and Scouty. I'm okay with cargo p
  9. See the clip of the hostage middle schooler above. He's proud. It certainly doesn't help Scout pride that agencies like the USPS come out with stuff like the "scouting" stamp that doesn't honor Boy Scouting.(This message has been edited by kahuna)
  10. "Rather than looking for the history showing that the Scouts were a mirror of their times, I would be interested in any stories of Troops that broke the barrier in advance of the general public." The really nasty thing about history is that it is what it is. If you go back and read and understand history, you will be better prepared for the present. No need to go and look for things that make it appear rosier and happier than they were. What good came from the Spanish Inquisition? (Apart from a great skit on Monty Python!). It stands as an example centuries later of what not to d
  11. I didn't find this anywhere else. A really neat kid and talks about Scouting on Fox: http://video.foxnews.com/11577762/hostage-helper
  12. No, I would bet against refusal to allow the BSA logos. USPS will not sell many of these and Boy Scout philatelists (as opposed to scout philatelists, if there are any) will create a big fuss about it. It strikes me as a way to dodge an issue by the USPS. Political correctness?
  13. Looks like it could be a stamp about the Apaches who worked for the cavalry. Doesn't mention anniversary, 100 years or Boy Scouts of America.
  14. Does this look like a Boy Scout anniversary stamp? http://tinyurl.com/yfke7rw
  15. I was a DE in Miami in the early Seventies and Bill came down to talk to us about it. I didn't remember much about it until I saw emb021's post. Sounds right to me. I don't think it ever really went anywhere.
  16. Yes, I was very pleased to see that announcement.
  17. Actually the Alabama is more 2/3 the size of the Iowa class BB's, and carried about the same armament. I don't know for sure that it was a treaty ship. It was laid down in 1939. The Alabama is hull number 60 and the USS Iowa is hull 61. I never took Cubs overnight aboard, but our Scouts went several times and never found a lack of things to do. Cubs need more supervision, but you sort of have that. Enjoy.
  18. Can a liberal BE involved in scouts these days? If you read this forum, you must know they are well represented here. That said, if you live in a conservative area, you must deal with what you find there, but that doesn't mean you can't raise the issue. I wouldn't get into the ammunition thing, but those other kinds of comments are objectionable and have no place in Scouting. I suggest you find a non-confrontational way of raising it with the committee or Chartered Organization.
  19. You'll never convince me that a culture that watches reality TV doesn't gobble up all this stuff. You do have a point about the media though: it is pretty self-involved.
  20. I live in Orlando and was listening to the radio yesterday when they started covering the shootings downtown. For an hour, the reports were that 13 were transported with some in cardiac arrest and two bodies at the scene. Now we know it was one body a lot less injured. They just feel compelled to get out the latest news and obviously there is going to be a lot confusion. Our local stations, of course, had to get out the word the the interstate running through downtown was a parking lot so that people wouldn't end up in it. As said above, it's what the public demands.
  21. Yesterday, I felt pretty much the same way I felt on 9/11. Prayers and blessings for all those killed or injured by this man and for their families.
  22. "When it comes to suits against private parties, I'm really not fond of da advocacy firms. Abuse of da system, IMO. When it comes to cases against the government, da advocacy firms have a role to play, eh?" I feel the same way, although I would disagree that anything actually keeps the government honest.
  23. The ACLU is always in there somewhere. I agree there has to be a willing "victim."
  24. "Sorry Kahuna, you're not my type" You're sure? No, pack, get your mind out of the gutter.
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