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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Houw about a compas course? Or gear it around the type of activities Baden Powell had on Brownsea. Or around our American heritage. Or Roman Days. Or Knights of the Round Table. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  2. NJCubScouter, Making a comment and discussing the topic are two different things. A person can make a comment without being involved in a discussion or debate. Ed Mori Scoumaster Troop 1
  3. In my opinion, both should be in question on a Scout forum if they deal with issues other than Scouting. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  4. yarrow, I think we have all experienced the same problem at one time or another. In my Troop, I only require full uniforms at special functions like Courts of Honor, Scout Sunday, etc. For Troop meetings, I require our Troop 1 shirts. This seems to "take the pressure off". However, I do require my SPL & APSL to be in full uniform Troop meetings. Setting the example for the rest of the Scouts. I am always in full uniform for all Scout functions. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  5. Ya know, we can bash or defend the ACLU all we want. I think we all know what the ACLU does (or doesn't do - I'm a basher). I feel a thread dedicated to the ACLU regardless of the subject has no place on this board. Folks, this is a Scout forum! Let's stick to the game at hand! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 "The ACLU is neither American or about liberty"
  6. Merlyn_LeRoy, OK explain something to me. If there is "separation of church & state" then why does Congress have a chaplin that opens each session with prayer? Why hasn't the ACLU stopped this? And if this is OK, why can't religious groups (regardless of religion) meet in a public school? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  7. scoutdad, I see you need to get the 2nd years in February. But what about the Webelos that haven't earned their AOL by that time but will before you go to summer camp and want to go to summer camp? Couldn't you start to integrate these boys in the dens they will be in prior to crossover? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  8. OK. Soap box down. Standing on top. Would someone please show or tell me where in the Constitution it says church & state should be separate? I have never seen this. What it does say is the government shall endorse no religion or deter the free expression of any religion. Step down. Pick up soap box. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  9. scoutdad, "The AOL is the highest honor in cub scouting, but if the boys who haven't earned it are to remain in scouting and go to summer camp, they need to enter scouting in March." I agree with the 1st part of this statement, but I don't know if the last part is true. We don't get our new Scouts from the Pack until May & have no trouble with them going to summer camp. The 2nd yr Webelos participate as 2nd yr Webelos until they offically cross over after they earn their AOL or meet the age requirement if they don't earn their AOL. "We are careful to wait until after sch
  10. Lashed boot or hat rack Gate to campsite Chippewa Kitchen Paper towel holder Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  11. Terry, Ditto to Bob White. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  12. evmori

    Cub emails

    Robin, I just sent you an e-mail. Troop 1 would love to help out. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  13. Doesn't sound like Scout behavior to me. I would meet with these boys & their parents away from the Pack & explain what has been going on. I would also explain where these Webelos stand as far as earning the AOL. This way, you are covered and there is less of a chance of this coming back to bite you in the future. Also, mom & dad might not be aware of what is going on. If you aren't the Cubmaster or CC, I would get them in the loop so everyone is on the same page. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  14. Welcome scoutruud! It's always refreshing to get another opinion whether we agree or not. After all, isn't that one of the purposes of this forum - to debate issues! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  15. Rooster7, You will be missed. I have always enjoyed reading your posts! Hurry back! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  16. My Troop has policies in place. They mostly deal with what is and is not acceptable behavior. We also have a document that details what the consequences are for unacceptable behavior. The new Scout & parents must read & sign both. They are given a signed copy & the original is kept in the Troop records. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  17. I need some help. I am presenting our charter to the church that sponsors us this Sunday (2/24/2002) during Scout Sunday. I'm tired of doing the same old routine. Any ideas? Thanks Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  18. Terry, Thanks for pointing that out! Sometimes I get tunnelvision & miss the neat stuff. Great idea. I sort of agree with Fscouter about a link directly to the story not just the publication. I also realize that sometimes these articles are reomved from the publication site & they can never be found again. Keep up the good work. This is a great site. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  19. BSA policy should be followed whether it is a good or bad policy. If an individual feels it is a bad policy, then that individual should do everything in his/her power to try and change that policy. Until that is accomplished, the policy should be followed. There are some things that local councils now do that differ from national. In my council, we are not permitted to use liquid fuel while national allows liquid fuel. Whether I agree with this policy is not important. What is important is that I follow it. By not doing so, would pass the wrong impression to my Scouts and after all
  20. Training, training, training. It sounds like none of the adult leadership in this Troop have attended any type of training. Training is important. That's were we adults learn the ins & outs. "Even more upsetting is that some of the adults go along with this, although a number have gone elsewhere with their boys." This should send up red flags. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  21. You might be a Scoutmaster if ........... > The last words out of your mouth at night are "Shut up and go to sleep". > The top of your belt buckle is shinier than the reat of the buckle. > You consider the coffee cup haning from your belt as part of you "full uniform".
  22. I attended Catholic school until 6th grade then transferred to public school. I regret neither. Both of my kids (my son is now in college) attend public school. My son graduated with honors & my daughter has been on the honor roll since 3rd grade. Both are severe to profoundly deaf. I know there are bad public schools out there. There are also bad private schools. Home schooling for some isn't an option. We all want the best education for our kids. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  23. My son loved Scouting! He is deaf and Scouting really did him alot of good. He feels at home in the outdoors & was elected SPL three times by the Scouts in his Troop. He earned his Eagle in 1998. There have been many times he has told me or someone else, "I can do it. I'm an Eagle Scout" Our local paper printed a small article on him after he received his Eagle. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  24. "My agenda is to change the BSA policy to make it a local matter. " Making this a local matter only will complicate the issue more! This isn't like the federal government deciding the individual states can decide! This is a national policy. If it is left up to each council, then the Boy Scouts of America will be come the Boy Scouts of Greater Pittsburgh, etc.. Not a good thing. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
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