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Everything posted by evmori

  1. sctmom, You are correct. Location is the key. My wife, myself, my son & my daughter (in 2004) all graduated from the same public high school. The school district is considered on the the top 25 in the country. There are good and bad public & private schools. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  2. It's a slow day here at work! sctmom, What this teaches kids is if they don't like something they can quit or run to mom & dad & they will fix it. We both know this isn't how the real world operates. My wife & I have always taught our kids they must complete what they started. If they don't want to do it again, that's OK. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  3. While the BSA doesn't recommend an adult leader accept the responsibility of handling Scout meds, I feel it IS the adult leader responsibility to handle them. When we go to summer camp, my Advancement Chairman handles all the meds. He is a nurse. When we hold our pre-summer camp meeting, he gets a list of the all the medication from the parents. He also advises them he will handle administering the medication. Letting a 12 year old be responsible for taking medication on his own seems - for the lack of a better word - stupid. These guys have a tough enough time remembering to put o
  4. sctmom, AHA! Sounds like the ones who left are teh "my way or no way" type. I give the Scoutmaster credit for recognizing the problem & finding a solution to remedy it so quickly. I'm sure this Troop is in good hands. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  5. Ditto to eisley. The police have ways of finding out exactly where the e-mail came from & the power to find out whoe sent it. Good luck. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  6. In my Troop, the SPL & ASPL are responsible for teaching totin' Chit & Fire'm Chit. They certify the Scout has earned his chit then I will give the Scout his card. While I am filling out his card, I ask a few questions. If I feel the Scout doesn't understand or really didn't learn anything, I will talk to the teacher before I sign the card. And the card might not get signed! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  7. Bob, Considering sctmoms experience, I feel allowing the parents of new Scouts on camping trips will only delay the boys. If mom and/or dad are around, there is less of a chance for a new Scout to try something. You can tell them until you are blue in the face to sit by the fire & read a book. If they see their son having trouble, most will jump in to help their son. This isn't a bad thing. I feel it just doesn't give the new Scout the chance to try - and maybe fail - new things on his own. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  8. sctmom, We don't encourage parents to go camping with their new Scouts. We feel this is a good time for the boys to be with older Scouts & learn from them without mom & dad around. We do encourage the parents to visit during the day to see what we are working on. We also encourage parents to sign on as leaders. We don't give the new adult leaders much responsibility until they have attended Scoutmaster Fundamentals. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  9. My council is a combo of two. We span 3 counties & have 4 small camps & 1 large summer camp. Our districts seem to be divided by a combination of townships & boroughs. For example, my district encompasses 6 townships/boroughs. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  10. Bob, Good point. Forgot about the supplier. Ed
  11. Bob, My council holds an annual bowl-a-thon & does quite well! I have never been a big fan of the popcorn sale. My Troop only recently started selling popcorn & most of the Scouts do very well. What I don't like is the Scouts only get a max of 39% of what they sell. I feel the split should be 50/50. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  12. I also find the Scouting for All site a hoot! Personally, I stopped buying any Levi products since they pulled their support. I won't even let my wife buy them at a second hand shop. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  13. feathers, I will include your daughter & family in my daily prayers. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  14. I will be getting a Scout with similar food restrictions for medical reasons. I haven't approached anyone to discuss this issue yet so I am curious as to some suggestions. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  15. According to the on site mschwartz posted the Troop requires their Scouts to earn these every year. While I understand refreshed courses on wood tools & fire building are necessary, I thought these chits were good indefinitly? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  16. I agree with all the posts. Bob, While one doesn't need to be an expert to be a merit badge counselor, being very proficient at the badges one teaches only benefits the Scout. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  17. There have been a lot of good ideas posted here. While we don't all agree with all of them I think we need to remember what works for our unit. I like the "wash the dishes myself & hide them". I might give that a try. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  18. Bob, I know if a Scout brings my advancement chairman a signed blue card it must be accepted. I'm not disputing that fact. I am only trying to prevent any "gray area" stuff that might come up. Got a question. If a Scout brings my advancement chairman a signed blue car & my advancement chairman ask the Scout some basic questions about the badge & the Scout is clueless, can he hold back the badge until the Scout demonstrates he actually earned the badge & wasn't just "given" the badge? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  19. TJ, Yes they are mistaken. If they read the Bible, they will find God doesn't condone homosexuality. He says it's wrong. Like Weekender, I don't hate homosexuals. As Christians, we are taught to love the sinner & hate the sin. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  20. Bob, I think you missed my point. If a parent of a Scout signs off on a lot of merit badges this could come into question. It makes no difference if the parent is the most qualified person in the whole world. The question might come up about the Scout earning the badges his parent signed off or was he just "given" the badges. I don't want my Scouts to be in that position. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  21. OGE, Funny you should ask about this. Yesterday (3/18/2002) the Focus on the Family radio show was discussing this very topic. It was said there is very little information available due to this being a new thing. Dr. Dobson - the show's host - did feel (and this is his opinion) that children adopted by gay couples would be more predisposed to becoming gay than children adopted by hertosexual couples. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  22. sst3rd, Ditto! If we focus on providing the best program possible with the resources we have to the Scouts then we are doing our job. All the other "stuff" just muddies the waters. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  23. Anyone who professes to be a Christian (like myself) and believes homosexuality is OK can't be a Christian. Read the Bible. Sodom & Gomorah were destroyed for this reason. God doesn't condone homosexuality. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  24. Bob, The reason I never signed off on my son's merit badges & won't let other leaders sign off their son's merit badges is simple. If something regarding a badge comes into question, I don't want the Scout being compromised because his dad signed off on the badge. I'm not explaining this real well am I? OK. I work in a bank (this is a fact). When I use to underwrite credit applications, I never looked at one that was from a friend, acquiantance or family member. Why??? I didn't want to put myself in a position that might be questioned because I knew the person. I hope this
  25. As far as I know (and I could be wrong) there are no requirements as to who the merit badge counselor is other than the counselor must be registered with the BSA. Having a Troop policy that restricts a Scout to using his home Troop counselors doesn't seem right to me. I am a merit badge counselor for 10 badges & I have signed off many of the Scouts in my Troop on their requirements. The one thing I won't do & don't let the other adult leaders do is sign off on merit badges for their own son. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
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