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Everything posted by evmori

  1. While I enjoy these type of debates, I feel this one has been debated to death. Therefore, I will no longer participate in this thread or any other thread that discusses this topic. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  2. The changes to the Swimming merit badge reverted back (almost) to they way they were 2 years ago. The racing turn & dive were removed. I thought these 2 requirements were a bit much for the badge. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  3. FScouter, I like it! If this occurs during our next trip, I will give it a try! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  4. How does everyone feel about the recent changes to some of the merit badges? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  5. OGE, Excellent! Thanks for bringing this Scouter back to reality. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  6. sctmom, Please don't take this as a "shot" at you or your son. I am only responding to your scenario. In your example, your son is lashing out after something he perceives bad happens to him. In my example, Scouts were told more than once to clean the dishes & never responded. That's the difference. Tossing stuff on the ground should be done as a last resort to get a point across. This shouldn't be done as a reaction like your example. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  7. There are times when tossing the dishes on the ground is appropriate. If the patrol hasn't cleaned them & not responded to repeated requests to finish the job, I have no problem with tossing them in the mud. A point needs to be made & sometimes this is the way to make that point. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  8. Bob, Actually, it's not as hard as you think to drop a newer tent. Ed
  9. I don't know about you guys but all the tents at my summer camp are tattoed with "NO FLAMES IN TENTS". I think that says it all! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  10. DD, If the rules are in compliance with the BSA rules, then yes. Otherwise, no. Bob, Does the BSA have rules not guidelines for appearance? Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  11. Morality is a very personal thing. What I think is moral might not be to another. Earings & long hair in my opinion are not morality issues. Homosexuality on the other hand is (and I don't condone it). Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  12. A)My district is offering this option. It will be handled by the Commissioners. c) Annually.
  13. Bob, I didn't know ignorance was an excuse for breaking a rule. So if I don't know a rule exists, I cna break it? I won't be in trouble with the BSA or I won't go to jail? That's pretty cool! IMHO, ignorance is no excuse for breaking a rule. I don't know all the rules the BSA has but I do my best to try to follow the spirit of the program. As far as guidelines go, they are nothing more than that - guidelines. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  14. I have to butt in. 1st define long hair. longer than yours? Longer than The Beatles? It's all subjective. A long haired Scout can live by the Scout Oath & Law just as well as a short haired Scout. 2nd - While I don't like earings on guys, as long as it doesn't pose a safety hazard or isn't offensive, what's the issue. An earringed Scout can live by the Scout Oath & Law just as well as a non-earringed Scout. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  15. A)The SPL or ASPL should have caught this before I did. I would get either the SPL or ASPL depending on who did the inspection and the PL together & explain whta I found & why I shouldn't have dound it. Then I would tell them they are responsible along with the Patrol for cleaning ALL the cooking gear again. The PL & SPL or ASPL will inspect AGAIN and when they are satisfied, they will inform me & I will inspect. We do something similar to this at summer camp before we turn in our gear for the week. B)Like Bob said, some tents are meant to be pcaked stuffed. But let's
  16. Bob, I like the buddy idea. We are in constant communication with our Pack (Pack 1). We take the 2nd year Webelos on 3-4 campouts per year to help them integrate into the Troop. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  17. merritt, My Troop calendar is located on our web site at http://www.bsa.net/pa/t1 Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  18. IMHO, Common sense should prevail. If a Scout is seriously hurt & bleeding and he is not my son I would rush him as fast as I could to the hospital. I really don't think the parents of this Scout are going to worry about how I got their son to the hospital. And if they do decide to take some action against me, let 'em. IN my heart, I did my best for my Scout. All the training in the world will not prepare you for the things that come up in this organization. Reading all the rules & regs won't do it either. There are things that are going to happen that will require an adul
  19. eisely, We have never had enough new Scouts (usually 3-4 per year) to have a New Scout Patrol. I agree that sometimes the younger Scouts can be intimidated by the older Scouts & this can pose problems within the Patrol. This is where I would step in and have a discussion with the SPL, ASPL & PL's. I would explain one of the best ways to learn is by doing. Let the new Scouts do some of the work. Don't expect them to do it as well as you. Watch & teach as them as they go. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  20. "The styles of leadership vary, I am amused by one poster who argues against the validity of many of the methods of scouting, and then complains that he doesn't have enough scouts to do things according to the BSA program. HMMM doesn't use the program as written in the SM handbook and doesn't have enough scouts, well imagine that. " I'll assume that this was in reference to me. My statement was I have a small Troop & don't have the luxury of utilizing the all the positions of responsibility. I was completely unaware that ALL the positions of responsibility were required to run a Tro
  21. OGE, Good one! As Scoutmaster, I would have a one on one with the ex-SPL and explain his current position. I would also encourage him to pass on his knowledge to the current SPL. I would also encourage him to lead his Patrol the way he led the Troop and to follow the leadership of the new SPL. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  22. Bob, Her exact words were "superior knowledge". Nuff said
  23. Bob, Just couldn't resist. There are some Troops (mine included) who don't have the numbers to have all the Scout leadership positions. In my Troop (that term again)we only have a SPL, ASPL, 3 PL's, & 4 QM's. The SPL & ASPL have been working with a couple Scouts to apply for the Instructor & Troop Guide positions. My treasurer is the mom of 2 Scouts. She is already paying for both uniforms plus other costs. And yes, both Scouts participated in the Troop fundraisers & did quite well. I don't require her to wear a uniform when she attends a Troop meeting. I don'
  24. BobWhite, Excellent! In my opinion, I don't feel the issue should have gotten past the PLC. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  25. mommascout, By "lumping together" I meant you can't compare a 15 year old to an 17 year old. They can be part of the same patrol. 18 year old Scouts are considered adults. Since my (that term again) Troop is small (17 active) I don't have the luxury of having Troop Guides for the new Scouts. Therefore, I mix them in with the other patrols. I have found this works well since there are a range of ages in each patrol with a range of skills. The new Scouts learn from the older Scouts this way. I have "taken the challenge". I have observed the patrols in my Troop on man ocasions p
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