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Everything posted by evmori

  1. If somone earns something, should there be a reason to take it away? Only if it was earned fraudulently.
  2. Or f) they go and the Scoutmaster counts the camping and tells the committee to pound salt.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  3. So yes, I learned a great deal about patrols and boy scouts, (and venturing too) and as a cub leader, a lot of that terminology was fairly novel for me. But what did you and the others learn about Cub Scouts. Lisabob?
  4. Yah, so what's da difference between that and arguin' balls and strikes with the umpire? Yeh just are disputing the "facts" with whoever is makin' a call on what "fact" should be recorded. A strike depends on the umpire. A night camping is a night camping. No umpire required.
  5. The committee decides what is an official troop event. Got that in an official BSA document?
  6. The committee or committees in the other thread are morons plain and simple. Not receiving an award for an earned award is wrong, no punishment. But receiving an award because "my Johnny is so wonderful he deserves to be recognized" is also wrong.
  7. I think we should stop comparing Scouting to sports and band. They are not the same thing. Pretty much any boy can join Scouting and stick it out for years. The same can't be said of sports and band. So the comparisons are moot.
  8. The "knife incident" cumilated with the mentioned scout waving his knife ate other scouts in a threatening matter. The father stated it was his son's right to do this. Thanks for the clarification. And dad is totally off base.
  9. Huh? Not your Troop committee but the Troop committee of the Troop these Scouts went on this outing with? That's even crazier! And totally absurd! None of the rules that this committee or the other committee have made are useful!
  10. I think one more rule is necessary for this committee. To be a committee member, one must be fully trained for their postion.
  11. The SM not the ASM is the gatekeeper for the Scout's advancement. Sounds like sour grapes on the ASM's part.
  12. Wood Badge went to h*ll in a hand basket when they dumbed it down. It is no longer the elite training course it was.
  13. evmori: In my mind, it does, because knowing the parents the way I do, I think that the potential of a false accusation speaks to character. Disagree. What you have here is a bunch of "he said, she said" stuff an the Scout is stuck in the middle. This is a family issue and not a Scouting issue and definitely not any BOR issue.
  14. Good read Calico. Excellent questions that need to be answered.
  15. The Troop Committee doesn't decide what counts for rank, either. That is up to the Scoutmaster! And the rule they are trying to enforce is bogus. This committee needs to get itself trained 1st.
  16. I'm with Kudu. The committee has completely over stepped it's authority on this one. Maybe they should concentrate on getting themselves trained and leave the kids to the Scoutmaster.
  17. Wait a minute. The Scoutmaster is the gatekeeper for this stuff, not the committee. The committee has no say in this! These questions are only for informational purposes. How does this committee know the leaders who took the Scouts camping haven't taken the required training? Are all the members of this committee trained?
  18. evmori


    PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair LSMFT - Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
  19. None of this has anything to do with this Scout earning Eagle.
  20. How much does the taliban pay? Are there health benefits?
  21. http://www.scbsa.org/openrosters/DocDownload.aspx?orgkey=2457&id=79293 Look at the end of the brochure.
  22. So basically, the Cub family pays nothing if they sell their allotment of popcorn, correct? The math doesn't work 36 boys at $185/boy = $6,660. What is the other $10K for? Who does the selling?
  23. Not that it matters, but will the Norton waring disappear in due time, or is the site branded with a scarlet letter for eternity? It should go away now that Terry fixed things.
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