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Everything posted by Eagledad

  1. Hi Laura You got some very good replies that apply to you question. Another way to ask your question is how do you build a program where every new scout has the ability to get first class in one year even when the troop recieves a new scout every month. This use to be the way most troops ran their program before the NSP idea was presented. It's more challenging today, but it still can be acheived. PLC's need to make sure there are opportunities for advancement each month. They could have a theme like knots or first-aid, but they should also be prepared to teach and test on any
  2. Good Day All >>Another question I've learned to ask SMs is how much longer they plan to be around. If they plan to be leaving within the next year or so, it's a good idea to ask about who will likely be taking their place.>Number of eagles? Why would you ask that question?
  3. Hi all At one time we asked the SPL and ASPL to be part of the adults group. While they did enjoy hanging with the adults some, they where always seeking out their fiends. Most of our Senior Scout Leaders are 15, 16 and 17, so that may have something to do with it. We still bring enough food for them and when they have had a hard day and need a break, they sit with the adults. But when they want to just relax, they want to be with friends who relate to them. We do treat our PLC with specail prevlegdes, they usually get treats like candy, cookies and even coke once in a while from th
  4. Good morning all Wow, some great post on ground pads and storing them properly. I just wanted to add that sleeping bags need to be store the same way, either unstuffed laying out, or hanging up. With each use, the pile in sleeping bags breakdown and become less efficient. keeping them unstuffed in storage helps extend the life of the material in the bag. Down bags hold up a little longer than man-made fibers, but they also need to be stored unstuffed and hanging up. Also, clean you bag as much as the manufacture allows. The more the bag breaths, the warmer it is. Oils in our skin can
  5. Hi All I believe a scout should be asked to leave when his attendence disrupts the positive influence of the the Troop program. Barry
  6. >>Not to use at least a closed-cell foam pad (for most conditions) is daft.
  7. Good Morning All My younger son and I use a closed cell pad, my older 20-year-old son doesn't use a pad. That will change as he gets older, I'm sure. They make some really good inflatable pads now that are very thick for folks with back trouble. I backpacked for ten days with an adult who has back troubles and he said these thick pads are fantastic. I don't have much trouble with my back, so a closed cell pad works for me, but the newer inflatable pads roll up so small now, they take up very little room in the pack. I'm looking to get one for that reason. Several scouts in our troo
  8. >>I am not sure I would want him around meetings,>And he is definitly not the type of role model I would want other Scouts following.
  9. Hi All We had a 16-year-old Eagle in our Troop get his 19-year-old girl friend pregnant (sister of his best friend who is also an Eagle in our Troop. What did we do? Really nothing. Both families had to get use to the situation. I say it took about a year and just after the baby was born for everyone to open up about it. Everyone knew the situation, the wrong of the situation and the struggle for the families. The scout didn't show up as much because he had more responsibilities. He would talk about it if asked, but the answers were short. We let the families figure this one out because i
  10. Hi All >>Where I come from, two deep is just that two deep all the time. Just stop and think of it for a second, the YP policies are designed to protect both the kids, and the leaders.
  11. >>The bad leader may not know how to mentor youths.
  12. Good Morning All >>but I don't think the boy is getting the full application of these methods as they are intended.
  13. Hi All >>Two deep leadership is required at all Troop activities
  14. >>Did someone say "Niagra Falls"? Slowly I turn...
  15. >>"Good leaders must first be good followers" (or some variation of the quote). What does this quote mean to you? Do you agree with it? How does it apply to scouting?> What does this quote mean to you?>? Do you agree with it?>? How does it apply to scouting?
  16. Hi Proud Eagle BW give a good solution or even just leaving all the older scout together would probably work as well. The youth leadership will come from the older patrol, so at least two or three of them will always be busy with Troop administration and managment. In our troop, those guys are so busy, they don't have time for cooking or normal patrol duties, so the rest of the patrol supports them. It works great for us. As for the new older scout, you will have to get a feel for why he joined your troop, but I found that if he has gone through puberty, he will never be happy with t
  17. >>The question for debate should not be NSP or mixed. The question is "Do you follow the Scouting program or not?
  18. >>The BSA does reccommend, insist, really leans on you to have a program that would allow a scout to become a first class scout in a year. There is a huge difference between making sure the boys attain first class and having a program that enables the scout to become first class, if the scout shows up at meetings, activities, shows scout spirit, etc.
  19. >>Eagledad Are you saying that some troops needs NSP and some do not? How could that be? I truly respect what you have to say, but I wonder what your motivation was for that last post.>You and Bob White say almost the same thing most of the time, but you 2 seem to rub each other the wrong way. I sit and read what you and BW say and think they are saying the same thing in a different way. >A open mind is a learning mind.
  20. Hi All >>I was just looking for someone with, possibly, a similar experience and, perhaps, some suggestions as what to do next.
  21. >>You see separate patrols as high maintenance. Can establishing and developing the character of a random ever-changing group of youth ever be low maintenance?
  22. >>I am an ASM right now and I would like to see our troop have a new scout patrol and a venture patrol. I think that the scouts would be in favor of both but I fear that many of the adults would reject the idea.
  23. AOL Life Current Assistance Scoutmaster Current Council JLT Chair Barry
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