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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/24 in all areas

  1. 100%. I had the performance uniform and loved it. Lost a buncha weight (yay) so needed a new shirt. No more of those, bought the cotton one. Miserable. Just awful. I mean it looks good. You can really crisp it up with the iron, but wearing it in FL is rough. So hot. Just soaks up the sweat around the neck and pits and stays super moist. Strong excitement about the re-introduction of performance options except I suspect it'll take our council shop years to cycle through current stock to where it is available locally and I like... JUST bought this cotton one so will have to stick w
    1 point
  2. A bit of a reach, but cotton is not the best choice often. Modern wicking type materials are generally a better choice. On the other hand, a uniform worn for formal and indoor use is fine, though they likely could simply use all the modern materials and then have no issue. For info; Here is an article that quantifies the heat loss effects of cotton, polyester and polypropylene: Rossi et al., Dry and Wet Heat Transfer Through Clothing Dependent on the Clothing Properties Under Cold Conditions, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2008, Vol. 14, No. 1, 69–7
    1 point
  3. Maybe his attendance is one of "a few surprises" he mentioned. I hope Glen Pounder will also attend and speak of problems and progress with YP since he came on board a year ago.
    1 point
  4. I think the best approach would be to give the CO's options, and let them decide how they wish to structure their Scouting program... Just like they already do with selection of adults, religious and character requirements, and whether they have a girl Troop under their umbrella. There are many that would wish to stay with the single-gender approach. There are many that would integrate.
    1 point
  5. Perhaps it is just my highschool, but as a parent of a teenager I have to say expectations of what teens must do far exceed what was expected of teens 20, 30, 50 years ago. First, they are expected to take college level courses in high school. When I was a kid, I took 2 AP courses, now ... If you want any chance to get selected by a highly selected university you need at least 8. Plus you need to have nearly perfect grades and an ACT/SAT that is very high. Then look at sports. When I was a kid you can simply walk on to most teams and the sport lasts the season. Now, the best t
    1 point
  6. Since 1955, with a few gaps. Sequential since 1975 when reupped as adult. I mean, we even marched with dummy rifles in local parades with a VFW sponsor, and we rode in the backs of trucks, mostly open. Pack frames were often home made, or heavy wood, and bedrolls, rather than sleeping bags were fairly common, especially in our unit with VFW who furnished us all wool mummy bags. Yet, most of the past that I remember is familiar to today, just with modern adjustments. Moaning for the old days is nonsense, other than the disappearance of common sense and taking responsibility without be
    1 point
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