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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/23 in all areas

  1. I'm not sure BSA did that directly but since University of Colorado Boulder is one of the leading universities concerned with NA issues it's an appropriate place to hold NOAC but an unlikely place to host AIA type events. UCB's NA center basically led the fight with the NFL to change team names.
    2 points
  2. I go back to my analogy of a sports team. If someone wants to play ice hockey then they get skates, pads and a hockey stick. They learn the rules, agree with the rules and play hockey. If someone wants to be a Scout they get a uniform and some camping gear and a good pair of shoes. They learn the rules and agree to follow the rules and then go and Scout. Hockey doesn't change the rules to expand membership and try to make it where everybody plays hockey. The worst mistake that Scouting has ever made is changing the rules to satisfy a minority who didn't like the old rules. If Scouting
    2 points
  3. Wow, another fatal wound to the Order of the Arrow. It looks like the National whoever realized that no matter how they propogandized, pushed and bullied the OA, they just couldn't handle the blowback from most of the local lodges concerning removing Native american regalia, clothing or dress (whatever is politically correct) during ceremonies. So, in their wisdom and treachery, banned all AIA activities at NOAC. I guess whoever fails to realise that many or even most lodges really enjoy AIA activities and are dedicated to the dance, dress, music and ceremonies of the AIA. It will be inte
    1 point
  4. Sure my friend. AIA is a common acronym used by Order of the Arrow members meaning American Indian Affairs. Some my claim that this is offensive but our AIA chairman is an American Indian and uses the acronym freely. The national OA leadership banned all AIA activities at the National OA Conference
    1 point
  5. Perspective is in the eye of the observer, but also their mind. Blinders often appear due to previous personal bias. https://lawliberty.org/an-elegy-for-the-boy-scouts/
    1 point
  6. Oct 3, 2023 - another look Spotted lanternflies help make smoky honey - great for honey bees and maybe good for us. As their regular food store dwindle, honey bees feed on the autumn honeydew excreted by mature lantern flies (forget for a moment plants killed by resulting mold). The honey made from the honeydew has "a weird taste that, at least in my experience, not too many people find palatable. I guess it’s kind of an acquired taste,” he says. “It kind of has a smoky, kind of maple-y taste to it, which sounds great, but it is kind of odd when you’re expecting honey, according
    1 point
  7. This was a hot topic within our lodge as we are AIA heavy with native Americans in the lodge, dance teams, and drum competitions. We have our lodge and same folks at Pow wows within 4 states. We hold 6 NOAC national champions in Northern Drum Competition (2004, 2006, 2009, 2015, 2018, and 2022). We also hold the NOAC 2022 Fancy Shall Competition dancer (female). When we put on an AIA event for the lodge, section, or cub-heavy events, everyone is impressed and not one negative word about it. BSA is losing support by droves with this one. Not sure the attendance in Colorado will be the sam
    1 point
  8. The rear-view mirror has been for a while now the only place where National and Council fees provided any real value to a member or unit. IFF BSA is going to continue into the future, tbe entire business plan needs to be reformulated. IMO, HQ and Councils need to almost eliminated. The entire structure needs to be reversed (as does most units). Patrol/Den is at the Top. All other bureaucratic groups sole purpose is to support the patrol/den. All revisions of handbooks and mB pamphlets can be handled by volunteers. Many of us have been willing to do thus for decades, but have be
    1 point
  9. Oct 13, 2023 Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a new law guaranteeing more settlement money to Ohio Boy Scout abuse victims. "...Ohio’s current civil statute of limitations in bankruptcy cases was 12 years. That’s now void for the next five years, meaning Boy Scout abuse victims filing a claim will receive all the money they’re owed through the settlement, rather than just 30 to 45% of it. Ohio is the first state to take advantage of the settlement’s provision allowing states to extend the statute of limitations, according to sponsors Republican Rep. Bill Seitz." @Eagle1970
    1 point
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