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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/19 in Posts

  1. I read Socrates quote, "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think", and thought it would be a good Scouters Motto. If a motto works like a compass to keep our vision and actions on course, what would your Scouters Motto be? Barry
    1 point
  2. As I was browsing the scout shop on line today looking to uniform my new Tiger granddaughter, it came to me what goofed up Cub Scout uniforms we have. Each Cub rank specific hat is $15, rank specific belt buckles are $7, specific slides are $6, and socks are $6. Why the heck are Cubs getting a new batch of uniform items each year? How about just changing the neckerchief and letting it go with that. That item is only $10. Early 90s, all Tigers wore were the orange tiger shirt with earned paw prints, as they were just trying out scouts. We nickel and dime (really $5 and $10) our adults eac
    1 point
  3. There are no class A or class B uniforms in BSA.
    1 point
  4. My answer would be that I don't know of any unit that does that, and, assuming this is a run of the mill service project not some overnight event, I have never heard of or seen any other organization require medical forms for this type of participation. If there's someone in your troop who is particularly fanatic it about it have them be the person who shows up at the event and hands them out and collects them.
    1 point
  5. That seems like a lot of bother when there is a much simpler solution. Have your Chartered Organization do your fundraiser, under its own umbrella, and donate the proceeds to the unit. Takes the council out of the equation entirely.
    1 point
  6. IMHO, this is an issue that deserves a wider audience. As I suggested, take it directly to the SE, and to your COR. The COR is officially your rep to the Council. Talk to your RoundTable, to your District Leadership. Compare notes with other Units. Conflict with popcorn sales is not a valid reason to NOT fundraise somehow for your Unit. The only "discipline" the Council can do is pull your Unit Charter. That, and rescind everyone's membership in BSA. Those are the only things the Council thru the SE can do. I seriously doubt they would go that route, but ya never can tell.
    1 point
  7. @SnarlyYow, thanks for sharing. In multiple volunteer capacities I have met predators and folks who were wrongly accused of predation. I'd be a fool if I thought that I can now tell the difference.
    1 point
  8. I hope there are SOME Scouts left in the rest of the world.... I am missing the WSJ because at least some of that time I will be in Belgium and Netherlands with LW while she pursues her muse. As a late awakened talent painter ( nice sense of color) wife Margo has discovered Van Gogh. I will (among other things) be looking for Scouty things along the way while she indulges in painting classes and touring Van Gogh sites. Fair weather, Summit.
    1 point
  9. If I were your son, I'd reply "Hopefully when you all send care packages for Johnny, there's enough for him to share with me, as I'll be there as well" .
    1 point
  10. We were at our local camp last month. Changing a MB class had to be done via the camp office, and only prior to noon on Monday. We were at our second camp of the summer last week (Daniel Boone in NC) and at the Sunday SM meeting we were told that they have an open enrollment policy. Once camp starts if a Scout decides he does not want something he is signed up for, he just tells the instructor he is dropping, picks something else that fits his time schedule, and tells the new MB counselor that he is joining the class. No muss, no fuss. I had a couple of boys who said they were put i
    1 point
  11. I like that Socrates quote. IMHO, that's a good match for how scoutmasters should work.
    1 point
  12. When I was talking to the National Director of Cub Scouting, he said they are moving away from the rank specific uniform items, minus the neckerchief and hat. They are just trying to get rid of inventory.
    1 point
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