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Hang in there, Northeast buddies!

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Thanks LeCastor. We will see whether this turns out to be as bad as they say. It has already gone from a Historic Blizzard to a Potentially Historic Blizzard (which is not quite as poetic) and the snowfall predictions have gone from 2 to 3 feet to 1 to 2 feet.

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I'll just add, most school districts around here are already closed for tomorrow, so I like the Scouting blog's idea that the kids should spend at least part of their snow day reading a merit badge pamphlet. Most of them will probably spend their day playing video games instead.

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Weatherman: the only job where one can be wrong every day of the year and still keep the job. Don'tcha just love the media? Back when I was a kid the newspaper gave us the news, today all we get is the National Enquirer and People wrapped up in "whatever sells." Just a few weeks back the media told us we're going to have a bad winter day. All the schools closed in anticipation of it and it turned out to be a really nice day for the kids to go out in the snow and play for a change. They'll just have to tack on a nice June day to make up for it.

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