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Why Did F-scouter pull the thread on BSA and molesters?


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Anyone else notice that Frank aka F-scouter has pulled the thread on BSA covering tracks of molestors, and put it in restricted status? Once again IMO Frank has abused his moderator status after two comments in the thread were directed at him. Maybe it is finally time for Terry to relieve Frank of his moderator status since he continues to try to push only his own agenda, eliminating posts and threads that he doesn't really agree with or when he gets called out.

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FScouter needs to site the rule that was broken that gave him the right to remove the thread. Unless of course we are suspending free speech. If that's the case it's time to move on.


I participate in Scouts-L where discussions on gays is prohibited but that rule is stated up front.


How do I access "restricted status" threads?


BadenP, I notice your post was done at 1:53 AM, when was the thread removed?

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This thread is sort of indicative of why that thread was moved.

I did it.

It wasn't Fscouter. The prejudice in this case is against Fscouter and that is the level of 'discussion' that was being pursued in the thread in question.

So after I asked for something better, and got nothing, and after I began to read the earlier responses, and after an eponymous thread attacking Merlyn was started (which I also ended), and after Merlyn then complained about moderation, I took the whole shebang to the corner to have a time out and sulk for a while.

If the other moderators will please respond as to their opinions on all that, I will gladly defer to the consensus opinion....including Fscouter to whom I make, on behalf of THESE guys, a humble apology.

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Eagle732.....Internet forums are not a place for free speech....They are not public in the same way the BSA is not a Public club....so they are not subject to free speech laws....Your membership and postings are subject to the owners whims....



With that said this forum is very open for a scouting forum....Meritbadge site is ruled with an iron fist......



I don't know if anyone else witnessed or participated in the BSA's brief forums at myscouting.org......You think the crowd is tough here......It lasted less than 6 months if memory serves me right.....And that was even tied directly to your BSA membership.....


No clue what was said in the thread...



But I still contend that the folks that did the covering up need to be held accountable in either criminal or civil court.

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Yah, hmmmm...


I guess I missed somethin'. I thought that thread was doin' OK, given da subject matter. It's hard to imagine the subject not makin' people a little bit hot. I know some of those reports make my blood boil, and I agree with Basementdweller that I'd like to see millstones around necks. I feel a bit like that fellow in da Harry Potter movies who screams "I want to see some PUNISHMENT!!". I reckon da primary reason Merlyn was gettin' some heat is because this issue really hurts. It's not the sort of thing that comes across well from an outsider who spends most of his time tryin' to hurt scoutin' on lesser issues. It's somethin' where we want to be gatherin' our own torches and pitchforks, thank yeh very much.


I will confess that I long ago confined FScouter as my only permanent "Ignore this User" character, because it seemed to me that none of his comments ever contributed meaningfully to discussions of Scouting, and more than half of 'em amounted to nothing more than takin' personal pot-shots at other forum members. I approached him privately about it many times and in many ways, and called him on it publicly a few, and was told in every case where to shove it. It doesn't surprise me when a discussion suddenly goes off da rails to see references to a post by him that I can't see. I find Merlyn more acceptable, because Merlyn is not a Scouter. I can't hold him to da same standard, and he actually does contribute as well.


Now, in fairness, BadenP goes off the rails sometimes (don't we all?), but he contributes. Kudu is da veritable definition of repetitive bombast much of the time, but he contributes some of da best patrol method stuff. And don't even get me started on that Beavah guy, what an arrogant, long-winded, droning, living example of everything I hate about his profession fellow that is!


Personally, I thought da thread was an important one about a timely and sensitive issue. Deletin' it was da wrong call IMHO, though admittedly I didn't see the last dust-up. I agree with removin' any spun-off Merlyn thread; I think that was likely our shootin' the messenger.




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I'll second Beavah's comments.




While I don't much care for the relish Merlyn seems to have for bringing up negative issues about Scouting, they are a fact of life and we have to be able to evaluate the issues honestly and then be able to deal with them in responsible ways.


I think that thread is worth continuing for those reasons.


Same for the threads about boorish people making snide comments when boys are selling popcorn. Boorish people are a fact of life, and thinking about such issues through beforehand helps identify effective and polite ways of dealing with them.



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Beavah, I'm normally loath to pull the plug on any kind of speech. The rhetoric had gotten personal in that thread (not at me) and it was one of those judgment calls you champion so often. It seemed that the personal attacks were getting in the way of 'substance' (evidence the OP for this thread). I thought it was time to have a 'cooling-off' period.

I'll see what the responses are here and from other moderators. BTW, any moderator can overrule me at will. I won't object in the least.


Edit: AZMike, yes I'd like to read what you found.

SeattlePioneer, I tend to agree with you. Let's wait to see some other opinions.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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I don't like the "issue and politics" area as well even though I have posted there occassionally. It's a depressing area to visit. Alot of troll-like folks hang out there that probably hate Scouting and never have anything positive to say about it. For them, the BSA will never be right, everything is wrong all-the-time, everything is a conspiracy, and everything is a cover-up. I tire quickly of reading the "jaundiced" viewpoints including those that call themselves Scoutmasters. In many ways, it's a shameful place and I regret that I ever posted there.


The biggest boost for me on this board is discussing programs, event ideas, camping ideas, Cub Scout ideas, Training, etc. You know what I'm talking about...the things that really matter to unit leaders like myself to make their programs fun and educational.

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Just to remind you that in the thread it was indeed F-scouter who threw the first stone or comment so to speak, so I responded. IMO as I have stated in the prior thread that F-scouter in the eight years I have participated in this forum has time and time again abused his moderator status by removing entire posts he has disagreed with or sometimes just out of spite when he has lashed out against someone and they have responded to him. I personally can take anything he can dish out, however He has the authority to remove any response to him on a whim and does so repeatedly. Maybe it is time for Frank to be relieved of his moderator position and just be one of the group instead. packsaddle I feel your action was premature to say the least as that thread was discussing a very real and difficult problem the BSA has been dealing with for some time.(This message has been edited by BadenP)

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