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Watch Chief Scout Executive Robert Mazucca Speak Live!

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Chief Scouting Executive Robert Mazucca will speak live at the Cradle of Liberty Council's annual recognition dinner, following brief remarks by council executive Tom Harrington live at 5:20 PST.


To watch, visit http://www.telenect.com/u/vhqi2easao and complete a quick registration process (Just enter your name and email address and choose and confirm a password...we promise, no spam).

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Thanks to this thread, I caught about the last half of the speech.



At one point the CSE stated that the heart and soul of Scouting are the Scout Oath and Scout Law.


I think that's a fair statement, but it is in contrast to one Scouter in this forum who maintains that the essence of Scouting must be found in the words of the 1916 Congressional Charter, and particularly in the concept of "Scoutcraft" that existed at the time.


Frankly I think the CSE has the correct idea on where the heart of the Scouting movement is to be found.



Still, I have some bones I would pick.


I am concerned at the extent of the national office's ambitions. My bias is for a locally based and frugal Scouting program. I'm rather concerned about the extent of money being poured into Scouting Disneyland projects of various kinds.


Frankly I have never done National or World Jamborees, Philmont or other adventure bases. I don't doubt that Scouts and adults have a great time at such activities, but I am concerned that very expensive outings of these kinds can be over done.


Secondly, I am concerned about the extent to which various "partnerships" draw the Scouting program into being a part of the various intellectual fads and fashions of the day.


Concern about obesity is probably entirely justified, but I'm concerned that officially adopting this concern and many others like it is going to divert our program away from its fundamentals.



Chasing the fads and fashions of the day, however worthy, is not in the end what Scouting is about.



I was also put off by boasting about the expanding number of Eagle Scouts when BSA membership has been stagnent. Personally I think the Eagle Scout rank as a goal is overmarketed and over sold. Let boys set their own goals in Scouting and be happy with whatever advancement goals they may choose.


Overemphasis on advancement to Eagle is really a false value in my opinion. I'd put emphasis on supporting a boy's journey to First Class and make that a celebrated journey and goal.

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Any chance this will be put on YouTube for those of us who missed it?


I know Tom Harrington, he was Council Exec in the COuncil I serve before he went to COL. His son was in the Troop I serve and earned Eagle


He went to Camp for 4 years as an Assistant Scoutmaster with the Troop. He knows the program from when he was an Eagle and now as his son went through the program


Not many Council Executives can say that

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The two speeches can be viewed by following the same link: http://www.telenect.com/u/vhqi2easao


A quick registration is required (name, email, and choose and confirm a password), but it is free and will not result in spam.


My last experience with scouting was in Webelos, but it was interesting to read SeattlePioneer's take on the speech. Feel free to share the above link with anyone who would be interested.

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One thing I first noticed is Bob did not even bother to wear the formal scouting professional uniform, like the CoL SE did, to a dinner meeting of one of the largest councils in the BSA. As the CSE he still hates wearing official BSA anything, as he did when he was the SE at the council I was a DE. Second his talk rambled on and on taking the credit for the 100th Anniversary, the new uniform, the new high tec MB's,blah, blah.


Next he says he is on the road spending 252 nights last year in hotels. I wonder what his expense accout is like and how much he is costing the BSA with his continued PR trips, rather than spending time at National talking with the staff about what they can do to make scouting better. You might think he was running for office instead of the CSE of the BSA. IMO, he is still the same blowhard I knew twenty years ago and will probably be the first CSE to leave the BSA with a massive debt when he retires. With Mazzuca you need to read between the lines in his talks, it's all about him.(This message has been edited by BadenP)

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The Cradle of Liberty Scout Exec presumably cleared his talk with Mazucca beforehand.


He did talk a lot about getting youth outdoors, the theme of the evening was said to be "No Child left inside", it does seem as if the BSA intends to be outdoors oriented for some time yet

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What makes you presume that? The CSE is way too busy traveling around the country and parts of the world to have time to review someone elses speech. However I did like Tom's speech much better as he seemed to have a much better understanding of what scouting is truly all about, unlike his boss Bob. The one remark the CSE made in his speech I enjoyed was when he said,"I wake up every morning and say to myself don't let me screw this up." Too late Bob you are well on your way.

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"Next he says he is on the road spending 252 nights last year in hotels."


Wouldn't it be a great local morale and PR boost to have the Chief Scout Executive stay at the council camp when he's in town? I'd wager 99 percent of camps have winterized cabins these days - he wouldn't even have to sleep on the ground. The mattresses at my camp aren't even all that lumpy, the showers usually have hot water most of the time and I'm sure the camp director would cook up some liquid eggs for his breakfast.


I know, I know, he's an executive of a major corporation and needs constant Internet and cellular access and proximity to big airports and transportation that's not a beat-up camp pickup truck to run things properly. But one can certainly dream ...


(Written only half tongue-in-cheek.)

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Wouldn't it be a great local morale and PR boost to have the Chief Scout Executive stay at the council camp when he's in town?


It'd be too easy to crack a joke about meeting the requirements of the Medical forms, but then again, he probably wouldn't be staying 72 hours... Really, don't like to joke about people's weight, but if he's going to set a policy, he ought to set an example too.


I know, I know, he's an executive of a major corporation and needs constant Internet and cellular access and proximity to big airports and transportation that's not a beat-up camp pickup truck to run things properly.


On a more serious note, a CEO needs an understanding of what the organzation is doing at the delivery level a lot more than he needs an airport and a net connection. Frankly, I think your idea is fantastic, at least once in a while he ought to do it.

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JMHawkins said:

"On a more serious note, a CEO needs an understanding of what the organzation is doing at the delivery level a lot more than he needs an airport and a net connection. Frankly, I think your idea is fantastic, at least once in a while he ought to do it."


A Scout is Thrifty.

I do agree with the above statement. It certainly couldn't hurt for the CSE to spend his time at the local councils when he is travelling. It is certainly much less expensive than paying several hundred dollars a night for a hotel suite. He could also get a better overall feel for what is happening "in the trenches", so to speak.



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What have you guys been smoking?


I doubt a CSE could spend the night at a camp like that if he wanted to? Have you never seen the amount of fawning, bowing and scraping that goes on where ever he goes? Particularly among the pros.



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