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BSA Legal Page


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"Sorry, the requested page has expired.

Please email support if you believe this message has been received in error."


This is the message I am now getting when I check the link I have kept for the legal site, which included details on law suits and so on. Had not been an entry since May, but that was not uncommon. Hope they update it and find a way to keep it more current, yet have the archives available.

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Yah, they never did a very good job with that site, eh?


I think it was put up when they were dealin' with da membership-related issues. Now that da high-profile legal cases have shifted to sexual abuse-related issues, puttin' stuff up is a less attractive PR move.




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It's odd, the same "Sorry" message appears on the "back" pages of the site as well, but the page headings are still there. In other words if you click on a menu item such as "Litigation" at the left and then the sub-item "Duty to God", you get to a page that has the heading "Duty to God" -- not just in the window frame but on the page itself -- and then the "Sorry" message below that. I've never seen that before -- usually if a page is "down", there is nothing there at all.


I always had the impression that this was not a site put up or maintained by the BSA itself, but either by the BSA's main law firm or a public relations firm. I have never been very impressed by it either, mainly because it had several statements that the BSA always seemed careful NOT to make. For example (and not to start a discussion about this), I never saw an official BSA publication or web site that said that "agnostics" were barred from membership, but the legal site did. Other than that page, the BSA's official phrasing seemed to be that a Scout must believe in God or a "higher power", without using the words "atheist" or "agnostic", at least that I ever saw.

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Beavah, on the "sexual abuse" cases, I think you're correct. I don't think that site ever had anything about those cases at all, or any other "personal injury"-type cases. As I said above, my suspicion is that this is/was a site maintained by the BSA's main law firm, meaning the firm that handled the "membership"-type issues, so the site discussed the cases they were dealing with. "Personal injury" cases (including the sexual abuse cases) are probably dealt with by other firms.

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For what it's worth, scouting.org is registered directly to BSA HQ at Irving. By contrast, bsalegal.org is registered to Bork Communication Group ... whose own website, borkgroup.com, seems to be having the same issues and error message.


The company handles communication strategies in support of litigation. It's headed by Robert H. Bork Jr. (yes, he's the son of that Bork).

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