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For Scouting Leadership, there is no better book I've found than Working the Patrol Method. https://www.scoutleadership.com/

Professionally I found Crucial Conversations to be very helpful. https://smile.amazon.com/Crucial-Conversations-Talking-Stakes-Second/dp/0071771328/ref=sr_1_3?crid=LS2Z9G35VUHQ&dchild=1&keywords=crucial+conversations&qid=1602512439&sprefix=Crucial+Co%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-3

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I am old school, and like books. One of the most informative and something I learned a little from was the 3RD EDITION 2 VOLUME SCOUTMASTER'S HANDBOOK.  The only reason I got "a little" out of it was I lent it to a SCOUTREACH Scoutmaster, and never got it back. I would love to have it again because there was a wealth of information in it.

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Hi @5thGenTexan,

Great question - regrettably, I don't have an immediate answer for you.  Can you remind us again of your position and longer term interest for what you want to do in Scouting?  I ask because I think a Cubmaster vs. Scoutmaster/Committee Chair realistically needs different technical skills.  



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Have you ever read "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking", by Susan Cain? It helped me understand myself and my own leadership strengths as well as be able to better recognize them in some of my more "quiet" scouts. The book also showed how we often make mistakes about what true leadership is.


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41 minutes ago, yknot said:

Have you ever read "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking", by Susan Cain? It helped me understand myself and my own leadership strengths as well as be able to better recognize them in some of my more "quiet" scouts. The book also showed how we often make mistakes about what true leadership is.


I will check that out


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