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Eagle Problems....BIG

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This is a web forum, not a court. No one is obligated to post anything here. The original poster owes us nothing. And Ed, two days ago you were certain this was all a scam!


I hope the process works the way it is intended and that a clear decision is reached and communicated to all parties.


That's all I have to say. Don't bother replying to me because I'm not about to post more in this thread.

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This is a web forum, not a court. No one is obligated to post anything here. The original poster owes us nothing. And Ed, two days ago you were certain this was all a scam!


No, Lisa, the original poster doesn't owe us anything. But letting us know what happened is just common courtesy which is something that seems to be lost today.


And I still think it's a scam until proved otherwise.

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Holy Hanna. Come on gang. Get over it already. More server space has been wasted on a bunch of (adult?) Scouter taking pot shots at one another than on helping the poor woman out. COME ON. Get over yourselves. This is just the type of BS (the pot shots) that caused me to call it quits with scouting after so many years of service. Serving the boys was great. Listening to the adults bicker, whine, back bite and point fingers was frustrating and very discouraging. You all should be ashamed for fighting like this. Get a handbook and re-read it. Then remember: Helpful, Friendly, Courteuos, Kind. SET the example, NOT create an example. Mud Slinging has nothing to do with effective communications.

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I am like everyone else, I would love to know the outcome of this saga, as it seems to have gone on much longer than any of the experienced Scouters have expected it to.


However, my interest, at this point, is in regards to your son. Obviously, life continues, but how is he doing? How well is he handling this situation? Is he still involved in Scouting? I would be interested to know if he is using his experiences with the process to help mentor other Scouts who are getting ready to work on their Eagle projects.


Thank you for keeping us posted on your son and his situation (all of it, not just the decision from National).

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the thread that never dies...Reminds me of an old camp song, "The Cat Came Back!"


nldscout sez: "I hope by now everyone realizes this is just a hoax and no appeal was ever filed"


No. I, for one, haven't realized that yet. That statement's been tossed out a couple times.

It's a rather strong statement which suggests that the mother, and several who have assisted her and who have posted in the last couple of weeks are bold-face liars.

Can you back that statement up, nldscout?


I've heard the line: "No appeal ever takes this long." I can't refute that. But that answer doesn't satisfy the question of whether these people were lying or not.

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Well according to a friend of mine who is a CE in another council, when he was at region and national in previous jobs the goal was to decide appeals in as short a time as possible, but he could not recall any appeal taking over 90 days, they want to answer as quickly as possible to get the scout back on track.



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No doubt, the time frame of this process has exceeded most folks expectations.

Does that make it a hoax, and support the notion that no appeal was actually filed. Absolutely not.

For it to be a hoax would imply from the very first word of her very first post, mdsummer set out to intentionally deceive this forum along with the other one she posted on prior to this. Personally, I never got "the feel" that this person was toying with us. And several others have backed up her story. The implication of a hoax projects on them as well.

Fairly confident that I'm beating a dead horse here, but it seems really odd that the good folks who jumped on the wagon at the start, typing up advice as fast as they could, would suddenly drop this as a hoax based on nothing else than: "it's taking too long."


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