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Can I get some ice cream with that 3.14159265358979323846?


If the BSA would change the way they charter units, the public school & government agency thing would be a moot point.

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How does this chartering work? Here in the UK many groups are sponsored by churches and schools, although in most cases this sponsorship is little more than the use of the name, and maybe the hire of a church hall, ie. Mrs Chug's Beaver Colony is part of the Holy Trinity(Margate)Scout Group. The church doesn't provide any financial assistance to the group, although the Beavers and Cubs use a room for their meetings. They also have monthly church parades.

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In the US, the Boy Scout program is "chartered" to an organization to use as their youth program. The idea is similar to a "license" or "franchise" of a McDonald's restaurant. Someone else owns the restaurant, but can use the McD name, trademarks, advertising and supplies in a manner acceptable to McDonalds, Inc. In Scouting, modifiations can be made to the program to suit the CO's needs, within limits.


In Scouting, sometimes the line gets fuzzy as we can have weak Chartered Organizations who participate minimally (sign the form once a year and provide a place to meet, if we're lucky), to the other end of the spectrum such as the LDS church, who uses a widely modified Scouting program as an integral part of their youth ministry...in fact it IS their youth ministry and all LDS boys are automatically registered in a unit whether they actively participate or not (which keeps the BSA happy).


Also note that the GSUSA is a totally separate organization and they don't do it this way.

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Pi r rectangular:












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Slice of Pi:


1...... 3.141592

1..... 65358979323846264338

1.... 3279502884197169399375105820974

1... 94459230781640628620899862803482534211706798

1.. 21480865132823066470938446095505822382148086513282306

1.. 64709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110

1... 5559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648

1.... 2337867831652712019091456485669234603486104

1..... 543266482133936072602491412734

1...... 5870066063155881748

1....... 81520920


If I'm going to waste time playing with trolls, I want it to look good!

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Do I have this correct? If I think there is something different about someone else then I'm a bigot. If that be the case then I'm bigotted against people who can't eat chocolate. I'm bigotted against people who don't drink coffee. I'm bigotted against skinny people because my BMI says I'm over-weight by 2 pounds. Tomorrow I'm planning on being bigotted against over-weight people.


It is always interesting to see bigotted athiests calling believers bigots and then whining that they aren't allowed in a club they wouldn't be interested in anyway.


Homosexuals are bigotted against hetrosexuals, so why isn't anyone getting concerned except when hetrosexuals are bigotted against homosexuals?


Why are athiests concerned about what BSA teaches? They don't agree with it anyway.


The more I think about it the more I'm convinced I'm bigotted against bigots who don't think they are bigots.


The really cool thing about the whole argument is that BSA's standards and norms rankle those who somehow feel like it's necessary for their mission in life to run down other people.


Big people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Little people talk about other people.


Ever notice how Scouters talk to Scouters and yet athiests talk to Scouters. Ever wonder why there are no Scouters on the athiest forums harassing them? I dont', they have more important things to do with their time.


Look at the very first post, very first words, "I think that the BSA is totally bigoted, and in spite of this still is shown in a good light." To me this indicates first of all in spite of this gentleman's opinion, BSA is still shown in good light." I'm thinking that BSA has survived 100 years because it's a good program, not because of one man's opinion. And why in the world would a forum dedicate 5 pages of forum space to discuss one man's opinion that most don't agree with anyway.




(This message has been edited by jblake47)

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