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Catholic Scouts shun lawmakers over ethics

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Catholic Scouts shun lawmakers over ethics





Parkville pastor bars officials who differ with church policy


By Liz F. Kay

Sun reporter

June 9, 2007


The pastor of a Catholic church in Parkville has barred the parish's Boy Scout troop from associating with elected officials who do not support Catholic moral teaching.


Monsignor James P. Farmer, who came to St. Ursula Catholic Church last year, has told Boy Scout Troop 26 that it cannot let elected officials who supported stem cell research legislation participate in Eagle Scout award ceremonies, nor can the troop visit the legislators at their offices at the State House.


"We were told that no elected official could participate that did not have a record of being pro-life," said Doug Marquess, the troop's former committee chairman, who was asked to step down last month after serving three years because of his objections.


The decision has sparked frustration among some members of the troop - and has prompted the Archdiocese Of Baltimore to begin considering how the guidelines should be applied.


"This issue just doesn't belong with the kids," Marquess said. "This is about the kids learning to be good citizens and having fun."


This isn't the first time the Boy Scouts of America has found itself at the center of debates with roots in politics and religion. For example, the Boy Scouts prohibited gay and lesbian scoutmasters.


Leaders of major Christian denominations opposed their inclusion and the Supreme Court ultimately ruled against their hiring in 2000.


"I doubt that the founders of the Boy Scouts in America thought of the organization as a way to influence the behavior of politicians," said Clifford Wallace Putney, a history lecturer at Bentley College in Massachusetts who has studied the origins of the Boy Scouts in the United States.


At St. Ursula, committee member Mary Lee Jones, who is Catholic, said she can see both sides of the situation. However, "this is a Boy Scout issue, and the religion should be kept out of it," she said.


"I don't think those officials come to our troop meetings and our Scout ceremonies to publicize their views on abortion."


State Sen. Katherine A. Klausmeier and Del. Eric M. Bromwell, both Catholics and Democrats who represent the area, were both no longer invited to these events and said they are trying to forge a compromise with the Maryland Catholic Conference, the lobbying arm of the Archdiocese Of Baltimore.


Farmer, who became pastor of St. Ursula's last year, declined to comment, according to archdiocesan spokesman Sean Caine.


Caine pointed to Catholics in Political Life, a 2004 document published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, that states that Catholics "should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."


The archdiocese is discussing forming a committee to examine this issue, especially how it might affect Boy Scout troops at parishes, Caine said.


The Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a senior fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center, said similar types of conflicts often arise during commencement season.


For example, Cardinal William H. Keeler did not attend graduation at Loyola College in Maryland in 2005 when the Catholic institution invited former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani to speak and receive an honorary degree. Groups that oppose abortion planned protests of the event.


Parents say the prohibition has not been uniformly imposed. For example, children attending St. Ursula's school wrote to their legislators, including Bromwell and Klausmeier, to support state funding of private school textbooks.


"It's expected that our pastors would enforce all the guidelines and the teachings of the church," Caine said.


"The intent of the guideline is that we express all church teachings clearly and consistently. That does not mean we cannot engage, communicate and dialogue with public officials."


Klausmeier received a letter last summer from the troop stating she was no longer allowed to come and give Eagle Scouts an award and a Maryland flag flown over the Statehouse, as she has done many times during her 13 years in office.


"Needless to say I was very upset," she said. "The boys are good kids, and I don't do any politicking by any means."


Bromwell, a graduate of Calvert Hall College High School in Towson, said his record includes support for issues close to the Catholic church's views, such as parental notification before abortion.


"I don't feel that politics should really have anything to do with support of the Boy Scouts," the delegate said. "To be told we're no longer welcome is really disconcerting."


He and other elected officials jump at the chance to attend Eagle Scout ceremonies and other events, he said, and they also give tours of the Statehouse to Boy Scouts earning citizenship badges.


Neither he nor Klausmeier was aware of other parishes enforcing similar restrictions, nor do they know other legislators who have been affected. They learned of the parish's stance through parents.


"I've obviously had lobbyists from the [Maryland] Catholic Conference come to lobby me on those issues," Bromwell said. "At the same time, nobody said if you vote for this, you're no longer welcome."


Caine said that Farmer and other archdiocesan officials tried to contact Klausmeier to discuss this policy, especially after the state senator addressed an Eagle Scout ceremony she was attending as a personal guest of the recipient.


Parents of youths in the parish troop were then told that guest lists would have to be approved in advance if they sought to include elected officials, Marquess said.


Caine said elected officials were welcome to attend events as guests, seated in the audience, but could not participate.


"This is not a personal attack. This is not something that is done in a mean-spirited way, but is an attempt to be consistent and clear with respect to church teaching," Caine said.


The Boy Scouts uphold the decision of the pastor, saying that the church - as the chartering organization - is allowed to set its own policies, said James Milham, the Baltimore Area Council's director of field service.


For example, Jewish troops don't camp on Saturdays, and Mormon troops don't camp on Sundays.


"We franchise our scouting programs to a church or PTA or fire department," Milham said. "It's their program, and basically within the charter agreements they have the right to restrict when it comes to people participating. If that's the church's belief, we have to honor that."


Although Troop 26 is chartered by St. Ursula's, anywhere from a quarter to a third of the 52 scouts are non-Catholic, Marquess estimated.


Catholic organizations sponsor about 100 of the approximately 880 units of the Baltimore area council of the Boy Scouts of America, which includes the city of Baltimore and the five surrounding counties, Milham said.


Most large Christian denominations hold charters for Boy Scout troops, Milham said.


Nationally, about a third of U.S. parishes have scouting, with more than 330,000 children and young men involved in Catholic-sponsored groups, according to the Boy Scouts' Web site.


Marquess, St. Ursula's former committee chairman, said the church provides space to meet and storage for the troop's camping equipment. Charter partners also have final say over troop leadership, Milham said.


Caine said Marquess was asked to step down because of his actions in response to the policy.


Susan Gibbs, spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Washington, said decisions about invitations are made at the local level and vary among parishes. All politicians receive invitations to tour schools during Catholic Schools Week, for example.


"We're part of the community," she said. "We also want to be clear what we stand for, and that it's important to us."


Putney, of Bentley College, wrote in an e-mail that several Christian groups brought scouting to the United States from England in 1910, particularly the YMCA, then an evanglical Christian organization that wanted to reach young boys.


Although 80 percent of troops in 1915 were led by major Protestant Christian groups, now more Catholic and Mormon groups provide institutional support, he said.



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Thats why there should be a division of church and state, the only ones to suffer in this case will be the boys. This is yet another reason why I left the Catholic religion many years ago and have never regretted it once, they think they can keep taking more and more control of things that are none of their business. Now they presume to mandate their beliefs on non Catholics as well. Who knows maybe one day we will become like Islam and the clerics will determine all that we do, think or say. I know there are a few Catholics in here who will jump to the Catholic church's defense but this could turn into another subgroup within scouting like the LDS, then scouting becomes diminished even further.


The BSA has stopped allowing schools to charter a unit, maybe we should do the same with the churches. It really urkes me to see a bunch of celibate old men in the Vatican dictate what every Catholic must do in all aspects of their lives. Many of these gentlemen are guilty of a potpourri of moral and ethical sins themselves

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Thanks for posting this article.


The first thing that came to mind is that the Catholic church, through the Pope, is opposed to the war in Iraq. If the pastor is going to be consistent about shunning politicians and about proclaiming Catholic teaching on current issues, including the war, then no public official who supports the war should be allowed to talk at Eagle Courts of Honor. This would include President Bush (who is also Honorary President of the BSA) and Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, who is an Eagle Scout and former President to the National Eagle Scout Association, to name only two. It would also include almost every elected Republican official and many Democrats. This would be a lot of people to shun.


This is only one example.


Being consistent on these ethical and moral issues is so difficult. Good luck to that pastor, that parish and that Boy Scout troop. Good luck to all of us in Scouting.


Got to get ready for church, and learn more about what the Catholic church teaches that goes against what our politicians vote for or against.


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You seem a little harsh on your views of the Catholic Church.


No organization is perfect. The US, the BSA, and their leaders are flawed as well.


I would argue however that throughout history perhaps no organization has done more good for more people than the Catholic Church.

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I thought Trevorum was actually being very nice to Catholics. Trev, I have made the same observations, but Catholics around here tend to view the Pope's statements not so much as rules as 'guidelines'. ;)

But to follow up on what Aquila Calva wrote, I would also add such topics as capital punishment and divorce, etc. The shunned list would indeed be very long.

Wouldn't it be nice if religion wasn't so divisive....

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I meant so say that Baden seemed a bit hostile to Catholicism.



The Church recognizes that there is a theological difference between Abortion and Capital Punishment


An excerpt from the Catechism,




Capital punishment is not regarded as wrong in all circumstances. The Church spells out when it can be used, though it also holds that in modern times it rarely must come to that. Abortion is always wrong.


The Chuch doesn't even recognize divorce so that seem to be a non-issue.

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What the Pope says are guidelines, unless he speaks "ex cathedra" at which point he is infallible on matters of faith and morals. I will let others find out the last time a Pope spoke "ex cathedra".


So, pile it on the Cathoics, I saw in the paper a local college theatre deparment was doing a delicious little comedy called "Nunsense", about nuns in a convent. Any idea what would happend if they advertised they were going to put on a production satirizing an Islamic Cleric? Would they even consider it and how long before a Fatwah is issued on the Director, Cast members and anyone associated with it. The Monsignor has taken a stand based on his morals and we are supposed to say that it's wrong? I dont understand but what I think is more appropriate on the thread about civil society

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I seem to recall during the debates about whether to include gays, athiests and girls in BSA as a policy, "local option" was the mantra, meaning to let the charter organizations decide how to run their own units.


Well, here's a CO that's made a policy decision, so where's the love? Has everyone decided to support "local option" only when you agree with the CO's decison?

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To me it's simple. If we say the Chartered Partner indeed owns the unit, then we have to accept they will issue "guidance" from time to time.


The priest in question appears to be applying the standards of his denomination to the folks he allows in contact with his Scouts. I see nothing wrong with that. Can anyone show me where what's being done is illegal, immoral, or fattening?


Besides, we're talking the State of Maryland here. Geographically, it fits inside of any number of Congressional DISTRICTS out here in Flyover Country. The last time I checked, neither the 2d Class Citizenship requirement nor the Citizenship in the Nation requirements demanded you see only ONE particular legislator (yes CIN requires you to express YOUR views to one of your Senators OR your Congresscritter).


OGE: I first saw NUNSENSE in the West End in 1987, as my then bride and I were DEROSing home from US Army, Europe. We stopped in London for a week of goodbye to our favorite European city. Honor Blackmun was "Mother Superior." Now, I am a believing Christian of a conservative persuasion, and I'd unconditionally recommend anyone see NUNSENSE!!!

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Well Fred, you'll have to point out who has both:

1) advocated that COs should have the power to decide if gays/atheists/girls can join their pack/troop, and

2) said that this CO does not or should not have the power to make the decisions as stated in the article (criticism of their decision is not such a statement).


I can't seem to find anyone who fits.

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Yah, dat's interestin', eh?


I wonder who called the media. Doesn't seem like much news. Catholic Church decides who can teach in a church-sponsored youth program. Seems reasonable. And it's a different thing when you're invitin' someone so as to "encourage debate" and when you're invitin' someone to give a keynote talk to youth. Seems like yeh can welcome someone for the first who really wouldn't be appropriate for the second.


As an outsider, the thing that strikes me as the deeper issue is the one that Aquila brings up:


In a sinful world, who do you have left as leaders if you exclude all the sinners?




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Heh, heh, Beavah, yeah...or who is going to cast that first stone? Actually, if this is the price we pay for local option, I'm all for it. I hadn't forseen it before now but it might be fun watching the antics of those OTHER chartering organizations. ;)

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To reply to THE SCOUT, this is the same bull the church pulled a while back where they stated that any Catholic who voted for a candidate who was not pro life would be committing a sin if they continued to receive Communion. As far as divorce is concerned the busiest office in most dioceses is the Marriage Tribunal where they make Catholics jump through a series of hoops to get an annulment so they can remarry in the church, and the rate of anuulments or invalidity cases being granted have increased dramatically in the last five years. So they may say they don't believe in divorce, but their actions run contrary. God gave humans free will to formulate their own decisions whether they be right or wrong. The Catholic Church under this new pope seems bent on taking making choices away from individual Catholics, that is flat out wrong. I agree with Trevorums statement. Again I say most of these clerics are hardly in a position in their public or private lives to dictate ethics or morality to anyone else. This story is just another example of improper mandates by a hopefully rogue priest that should make every Catholic question the authority of such a priest.

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BadenP, I guess I'm responsible for the 'divorce' issue here. Perhaps I should have suggested 'birth control' instead. I often amuse myself with the thought that the most Catholic country on Earth (Italy) also has the most strongly declining birth rate of any country. THOSE tea leaves are sure easy to read.;)

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