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Socialist Words or Christian Classical Words

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This thread was spun from another thread.Which shall we use?


Ayn Rand in her book the Fountainhead sketched the details of how a society is moulded or turned in one direction or the other by the simple use of words. Words connate ideas and words are powerfull. To promote an idea or demonize an opponent, use certain words or to make an idea disappear, just stop using the words. Words are like points on a compass: THEY POINT TO A DIRECTION. Ayn Rand plays this concept in her novel. She lived under socialist tyranny; she ought to know. We call these code words.


Each human organization includes words that are specific to it. Outside these cultures, some words may have no meaning. The military has a special lingo all to itself like deck is naval terminology for floor. The Christian Church has special language all to itself, for instance the word Passion. Jewish culture has terms specific like the term goyim. The ancient Greeks called others barbarian. Each culture has terminology and meanings special to its core philosophy.


Socialism and leftist ideology is no different.


The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them values of the Scout Oath and Law.


The first thing is the word people. It is gender neutral and inclusive. People is also syncretic by nature. Exactly Marxist language.


Furthermore, if it is the Boy Scout program, Boys is not people and people are not boys. How can Boy, being exclusive and gender specific, include a word that is gender neutral and inclusive? Another Oxymoron. Here is an organization that sends people out into the woods to classify plants by genus and species which are categories of logic developed by Aristotle and the BSA program manages to mangle logic in its very own mission statement. How can people which is a species participate in a whole which is boy? Logic which is an instrument of truth would demand that the BSA be renamed to say People Scouts of America. Boys are a species of the genus people but people can not possibly be a species of the genus boy.


What really does people represent? It is syncretic therefore embodies the mentality of Equality.


Over 200 years ago, the French lower classes went on a rampage butchering the monarchy, killing priests, burning religious books, destroying churches, demolishing monasteries all to the cries to the Trinity of Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite.


The generic and all encompassing word people conjures up this word of Equalite, that over the past two hundred years over 200 million people lost their lives because of leftist ideology. Every philosophy uses words that express its core. The word people expresses entirely the concept of Equalite.


Do we use socialist words in the BSA or do we use traditional scientific classical words? Do we use the word people or do we use the word boys and man? Do we pander to the feminists in their hatred of boys and men that now their inquisition against these words now appear in the premier boys organization?


The Scout Law is not an incorporation of values it is an incorporation of virtues. Again, values is gender neutral and non specific. On the other hand, virtues are gender specific and definite to a certain class of human beings.


Do we use socialist words in the BSA or do we use traditional scientific classical words? For an organization that touts truth and knowledge as being part of what it means to be a scout citizen, these errors show a glaring lack of knowledge. Virtue corrects what Plato calls faults of the soul. These faults of the soul are called Vices. Virtue is what is called when vice is not present. The Scout Law incorporates virtues and these terms are 2300 years old. Values is what? Values do not correct vice. Do we replace a 2300 year old term for a 30 year old term? Value is an economic term originally. Value is also been used as a Marxist term as in labor theory of value. (Oxford English Dictionary XIX Vol) Either a man has virtue and makes him a man, or he has no virtue and therefore is not a man. Virtue makes the man. Values do not make a man.


Virtues are instilled by habit. They are not as the mission statement says ethical and moral choices. They are behavior PATTERNS, not choices. Character is what is on the soul it is not a choice.


Words have meaning and this shows that the BSA program has been compromised. And for the two stars on the badge that represent Truth and knowledge, they obviously don't know the meaning of either word.



(This message has been edited by WHEELER)

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Personally I thought the term "Young People" in the Boy Scout Mission statement was choosen because females (Gasp) are in Venturing Crews, Explorer Posts, and the Learning for Life Program which are all part of the BSA(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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But of course, OGE, if you hadn't been involved in Scouting since the Nixon administration, you wouldn't know that.


Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean reverent. Please explain how those words apply only to males.(This message has been edited by Twocubdad)

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Helllllo Dave!

Did you ever hear from my uncle?


Also, are schlemiel, schlabmzel, amd hossenpfeffer code words for Milwaukee, Cleveland or the Boy Scouts?


Twocubdad - my eight year old daughter already knows she can join Boy Scouts at 14 - our DE told her!


We had better stop talking about Ayn Rand - there are two pop-up ads for Rand related sites on this website now.

(This message has been edited by Marty_Doyle)

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Brave is the idea that originally was Greek. The Greek word is 'andrea'. 'Andre' means man.


So, when one says to instill 'brave' in a boy it means to masculinize him to have fortitude, boldness of character, courage, all these things.


St. Paul says women are to be taught 'submissiveness'.


To Two cub Dad please read the post "The training of boys to be men" in the Open discussion section. There it explains all these things in the Scout law and others are part and parcel of the Greek word 'arete' which "best" in the Scout Oath comes from.


Arete changes characteristics according to what it pertains to. It is a term that applies to all things, animals, human beings, male and female. The arete of a male is very much different from the arete of a female.


NO, women should not be masculinized. That is what Unisexism is. In order to make equal, women must be masculinized and boys effeminized to make equal.


But this is what takes the cake, the BSA has adopted language of the feminists and their agenda. The BSA has become 'effeminate' because it can not stand up (be brave) for their boys and call them boys. They are now 'people'. The BSA, an organization started in helping boys, has now adopted the language of hate toward boys. Feminization of the BSA? The BSA cannot stand up for manliness, manhood, or males.

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