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Everything posted by dsteele

  1. I'm remotely related to Aaron Burr. Every once in a while I get a strange urge to make a pinhole in twenty dollar bills. . . UG
  2. I''ve been in the dark so long. . . chorus of "how long has it been?" . . .that I''m starting to like it. DS
  3. Come on in and join Hopper, Ak and I. There's a spare log for you! DS
  4. It's 9:55 PM Eastern time. I'll be in for one hour or so. Come on in, I'd love to not see you! I mean, I'd love to chat with you. Dave
  5. I hear uncleguinea is in the chatroom. Or maybe I am... In any case, come on in and say hello! DS
  6. Hops and I are in the chat room. Come on in if you're of a mind. Haul up a cyberlog and pour a cup of coffee. Stop in and say howdy! It's at http://groups.msn.com/boyscouts/chatroom.msnw We hope to see you there. It's 10:20 PM eastern standard time. Dave
  7. I hear deer tackling is an excellent sport! DS
  8. FWIW = For What Its Worth. Can I go back to sleep now? DS
  9. Its just a jump to the left . . . Then a step to the right . . . Put your hands on your hips . . . And bring your knees in tight. Let's to the Time Warp Again! Unc.
  10. What I would really like are step-by-step instructions on binding my own book in hardcover. That way I can give a very personal first edition to my wife for Christmas. After that, it's up to the book and a future publisher. Does anyone have an idea for a link where I could get instructions on binding a book? I haven't had much luck in my search, and will have to "fake it." Merry Christmas to all. Unc.
  11. Congratulations. Thank you all for your service. Unk.
  12. Eamonn: I'm sorry, my friend. I must have missed seeing the soap box in your post. All I saw was good sense. If there is a soap box under your feet, would you mind sharing it with me? Unc.
  13. Steve Austin? Wasn't he the six million dollar man? Uh-oh. I think I just dated myself. Unc.
  14. Come on in. I'm looking for one more chat before I hit theroad for a while. Unc.
  15. Anybody looking to chat? I'll be around for a while and hopefully you'll come in an say Hi. http://www.msnusers.com/boyscouts/chatroom.msnw If you're new to chat, or new to msn, you'll need to create a username and password for yourself. Come on in! Unc.
  16. Welcome to the campfire! We're glad to have you here. Feel free to hoist a voice and have some fun with us. Unc.
  17. We're rocking now. If you're interested, come on in. Click on one of the links to the chat room above! Hope to see you there. Unc.
  18. The fire is lit . . . yet again. Come in and join us. Bring your own log and bug juice! Unc.
  19. There's a naked moose running through the chat rooms. Come join us! Woodbadgebird, if you're out there, pull up a log and join us. Let's have a Sat-r-day night get together. I'll be around until 11:30 EST or so. Unc. ANYONE is welcome! We're a great bunch. UG
  20. Is anybody out there? Come on in and sit a spell! Unc.
  21. Howdy and I hope to see you in the chat room! Come on in! http://www.msnusers.com/boyscouts/ Unc.
  22. Come on in! The Ether's fine Unc.
  23. To me, there is only one important standard for the leaders of Scouts. Do they show Scout Spirit? Unc.
  24. Sorry about last evening scotiacat (and anyone else who couldn't find us.) The link is: http://www.msnusers.com/boyscouts/ You may need to create a username etc. for yourself if you're not already a member of MSN. Come on in and say howdy! Unc.
  25. I'm lighting the beacon again. I'll be in for a while. Hope you'll come in for some jawin' on a Saturday night! There's nothing on television, so what's to lose? Unc.
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