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Official BSA application


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Not yearly, but not only when join.


It is more like everytime you want to change or add a position of some type..


From committee member to den leader redo form.

from den leader to Cub Master. Redo form.

From Cub Master to Asst. Scout Master. Redo form.

Want to be a merit badge counsilor? Redo form.

Going to help in District with training? Redo form.

Youth protection lapsed, got knocked out of your positions? then re-up your Youth protection and redo form 3 times 1 for ASM, 1 for merit badge counsilor, 1 for District training..

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Ok, that part about the adult form I didn't know.


I'm curently a den leader who's going to be taking over as CM at the Blue & Gold. I'm working with the CM right now and we don't actually have an ACM. So I guess that's what I am for the first half of this year. I'm thinking I should just fill the form out as CM now.

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I understand that when switching units, ie Pack to Troop, both youth and adults need to fill out new applications. Also when applying to be a Merit Badge Councilor you need to have a new BSA adult application even if you are already a registered BSA leader, since a MBC is not a directly a Troop leadership position. But why do you need a new application for switching positions within the unit? Honestly, in the three units i have been associated with have not followed that policy. We would just make changes at time of recharter.


I tried searching on the web for this information but can not find it.

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Curious, about sneaking it in with the recharter. A bunch of entry operators not knowing the policy and just making the switch.


We fill our applications out when the change occurs any time during the year. Therefore, even if it occurs a few weeks before recharter, we are conditioned to know the application needs to be in with the position change, and do it by the book.


I believe it has to do with the Charter Org. Reps signiture of approval for the person to be in the new position. But also because the computer systems and systems of operations for BSA is so antiquated..


njdrt-rdr - you can not become Cub Master until the old one officially resigns as there can only be 1 Cub Master for a unit.. If you are remaining a den Leader while being an Asst Cub Master, then just stay as Den Leader, and do the ACM job as just being a helpful parent, until the time comes to become the official Cub Master.

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Been a while since I was a UC or DE, but back in the day, if you were changing positions within a unit, you didn't need to fill out a new application, making the change at recharter time. Only exception to this was if a youth member aged out and had moved up to a scouter position, then an adult application would be needed.


But if you serving in multiple positions, i.e. MBC and SM; DL and district committee member, ASM and crew advisor, etc. then a new adult app would be needed.

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@artjrk --


If you don't fill out the form when you take the new position (and just wait until re-charter, like many leaders do) then the "time in position" does not start counting until the registrar changes you to the new position!


Prolly not a big deal - but one of the Cubmasters I worked with could not be awarded his Cubmaster Award because Council said he had only been CM for 18 months, not 2 years as required.


(I did get him the Unit Leader Award of Merit.)


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We do a practical blend of all the methods listed. If positions change in August or earlier, we do new adult apps. If positions change in October, we'll wait for recharter. The IH signs the charter, isn't that in essence approving the new positions?


Scouts fill out new apps when they change units, including moving from the pack to a troop.

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This allows for a background check everytime a scouter changes position.



I don't have a problem with it. I understand it is a hassle but it protects everyone.


I carry a form in by briefcase already filled out with out my sig or ssn/



so is this about adult awards, paperwork or youth and adult safety.

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I know this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know why they don't make an online version of these.


I understand the desire to get a hard copy signed but surely there's an easy fix to that barrier. I electronically sign or click "I agree" all the time. I'd be willing to do the same wearing any or all my hats: applicant, unit leader, or committee chair.


Think of all the time and money that could be saved by volunteers and professionals alike.


Every hand written application needs to be manually typed into Scoutnet by someone being paid at the council office, plus, many if not most of us, retype them into something like Troopmaster.


Almost every other activity my sons or I belong to allows an online registration.

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WOW! I just call the council registrar and tell her that John Doe is switching from adult leader position "X" to adult leader position "Y"..andf the registrar changes it on thespot.


Now, when I became CM, I had to fill out another application and turn it in, but because I was going to be the CM.

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The only time I ever filled in a new adult application was when switching Scouting programs (Pack to Troop to Crew), and when applying to become a Unit Commissioner. I would also need a new application for Merit Badge Counselor.


I never turned in a new application when switching positions within a unit. I also never turned in an application to be on the District/Council Training staff.



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Depends on how deep into the district training staffing you go. I do not need to get anyone who is doing a piece for IOLS or OWLs, this is just a open invite for anyone with scoutcraft skills to help out.. But, if they are running Specifics, Baloo, Den Chief etc, and they are not signed up as a District anything.. Then I am to get an app. from them.. I am not good at this though, half the time I do, half the time I don't..


Do not know if being a UC would mean you are already district committee, because there was something this year where our UC's that were on district committee were pulled out of district committee because they were some other group.. I never understood that.

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