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NESA publishes on-line Update to Ceremony Booklet


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Oh my; NESA just did something useful. :-}>



NESA Presents the Eagle Scout Award Suggested Ceremonies Booklet


Out of print for more than 20 years, NESA is happy to bring this useful information to you. Heres what is in the updated piece:


Eagle Scout Awards Suggested Ceremonies BookletThe Eagle Scout Pledge

Ceremony 1: The Challenge

Ceremony 2: History of the Eagle and Man

Ceremony 3: Lighting the Eagle Trail

Ceremony 4: The Light of the Eagle

Eagle Scout Light Box

Ceremony 5: The Light of the Eagle (alternate wording)

Ceremony 6: An Eagle Scout

The Eagle Scout (poem)

Ceremony 7: Order of the Arrow

Ceremony 8: The Voice of the Eagle

Ceremony 9: The Picture Ceremony

Ceremony 10: Parents Ceremony

Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner

Ceremony 11: Citizenship Ceremony

Sample Mayoral Citation for Citizenship Ceremony

Ceremony 12: Alternate Opening Ceremony

Ceremony 13: Closing Ceremony


A huge Eagle Scout thanks goes out to Aloha Council (Honolulu, Hawaii) Scouter Kevin Doyle, who used OCR software to scan the old booklet, then he edited it and designed what you see here.

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Sorry about not linking; just forgot that "I" have NESA on my favorites. Thanks for posting it.


Desert; I find a number of them a bit clumsy at least, and yes, even odd to some extent. But, they are jumping off points. Have seen a number of ceremonies that have been pasted from two or three of these. Whatever the scout and his family feels is good for them.

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The "Eagle Pledge" claptrap always sets me to ROLFing. ("I believe it to be a movement that helps a Scout become master of his own powers ... and helps him find a worthy use for his powers.") Since when do we teach how to use lightsabers and control the Force? Whew. [ wiping tears from eyes ]


Seriously, though. Am I the only one concerned about Ceremony 7 and its use of the OA ceremonial principals as characters? Callout ceremonies and crossover ceremonies aren't supposed to use those names, so why does NESA think it's OK?


desertrat: I thought Ceremony 9 read like it was missing a few pages ...

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Why does almost anything posted or presented have so many posters that find the need to be negative about all or part of the subject? Use what you find helpful, and ignore the rest. But lets see if we can start to look for the positives, and quit bashing everything. It is getting simply tiresome. And it is certainly not showing Scout Spirit.



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skeptic - Just because someone poses legitimate questions or criticism doesn't mean they're not showing Scout Spirit. Under that logic, it would not be Scoutlike to question the decisions of your local district or council, or especially National. And nearly every Scouter has been known to do that before.


NESA is part of the BSA. I appreciate Mr. Doyle's efforts, but the pros in Irving should have vetted the book more closely, IMHO.

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The change is that now there's a "published" book with a collection of variant ceremonies for people who didn't want to think of their own ceremony or are looking for a different type of ceremony. The book has more "ornate" ceremonies and more "plain" ceremonies, so you can generally find what you're looking for. My troop's ceremony is most like #10, but in ours the Scoutmaster also speaks about the boy for a couple minutes, maybe relates a couple anecdotes about the boy or something.


So, if you're wondering what to do at an Eagle ceremony or want to try something different, use the booklet and pick one or mix and match or whatever you'd like. :)(This message has been edited by BartHumphries)

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