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MB Card help


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Oh, let's make this simple. Here's the 1996 printing of the card, as an Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF file:




It is the 1996 printing of the card. The difference, then to now? BAR CODING. So what, who cares.


BTW, someone in the advancement field was kind to me a couple years ago in finding me a word template for the Advancement Report. This is simply returning that favor :)


Now all you need is light blue cardstock!


YIS(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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The number he is asking for is not the blue card but the white card that is issued with the merit badge more troops do not use these than do not use the blue cards. There is a link on national web site to a pdf : http://www.scouting.org/forms/33414.pdf

It is not working at the moment but should come back. I am puzzled as to why one would make blue cards national sells them for $6.99 per 100 already cut and perforated for tearing into the three segments at my local staples card stock is $10 for 250 sheets and self serve two sided copies are 11 cents each thus you get a sheet of three blue cards for 15 cents or 5 cents per which you must then hand cut and then somehow tear accurately to separate the pieces. IMHO you are doing a lot of hand work which may very well go bad ie blue card ripped in half to save 2 cents.

The other way to duplicate the above card and training cards is to buy one sheet and make color two sided copies of same and cut on paper cutter into the eight cards each sheet makes.

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Yah, I think SA is lookin' for the white card ("Merit Badge Pocket Certificate"), not the blue card ("Merit Badge Application").


But I don't think SA is lookin' for a PDF of the white card (which is probably not kosher anyway, it bein' an official product and all ;)), he's lookin' for an MSWord template that will let him print on a sheet of perforated white cards that he's already purchased from Supply Division.


Yeh know, to make 'em all neat and cool for his next Court of Honor!


Sorry, SA, I don't have one, but hopefully someone does!






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That's a greater challenge. SFAIK, the cardstock size BSA uses for all manner of cards is different from anything Avery and the other paper companies use for business cards etc.


There's also the small problem that most cards, vice cardstock, don't go through the printer very well. I've had problems with stuff being eaten.


Sorry... I had never thought but to buy MB award cards.

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Beavah has interpreted my request correctly.


I used to get the single white MB cards and printed labels using the label feature in Troopmaster. However it was still a bit of a pain to transfer the labels to the cards and they still didn't quite fit.


On my last trip to the council office they had 8x11 sheets of the cards with 8 cards on each sheet. I can print directly on the cards and if needed I can set up a template, I just thought someone out there may have already done that.


Our council give the card free with the purchase of the MBs. I tell the boys to hang onto the cards because they are an official record of the award and can be used to confirm the award if they ever transfer or there is a conflict with their record at the council. This is especially important as our council is one of those that do not use the blue cards.



SA(This message has been edited by scoutingagain)

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Sorry... I had never thought but to buy MB award cards.


Yah, da differences in different areas are kinda funny, eh?


Around here, we're the same as SA's area. Blue cards aren't required, but da Award Cards are treated as official records, and given out at COH's. Look nicer, too, than da ratty old blue card :)!




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Hey, I 'heard' that. I am riding to the defence of the blue card. It is a great thing, to be able to fill out one card, then divide it so that everyone involved gets the appropriate official record. And...I can attest to the fact that they preserve well, especially if kept in pile of other things your wife thinks you should have thrown out decades ago.;)

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  • 4 years later...

Here are the templates for the 8 card sheets. These are the only ones available.



Tenderfoot Scout 8-Sheet



Second Class Scout 8-Sheet



First Class Scout 8-Sheet



Merit Badge 8-Sheet



Life Scout 8-Sheet



Star Scout 8-Sheet



These are the only templates available.

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I can't say for sure that the feature is still part of the package, but Packmaster and presumably Troopmaster had the ability to print the equivalent of the white cards as part of their report printing. It's one of the options similar to printing the labels. They'll also conveniently sell you the perforated stock sized to their templates.


I used to use these for the Pack and they were very nice.

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If you are able to print these out in mass for your unit, that's great.


But I chair an event where they get mixed in with standard BSA Blue Cards during the electronic recording process for the event... they do not sort well, and if they aren't printed on card stock they don't hold up. I don't really care for the odd-sized or thin paper versions.


Personally, they way I would like them done in our unit is each Scout fills out all the Scout info except for the SM signature/date to start the badge.


That being said, I have had to fill out 60 or more for camp, and was so cramped up I swore never again.

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