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Everything posted by AK-Eagle

  1. South East Alaska Council is looking for a Aquatics Director. While I dont know what the pay will be they will at least spring for half of the airfare to get you to/from Juneau. Our summer camp season is a short, only the month of June. Swimming and Lifesaving Meritbadges are not offered but the rest of the aquatics badges are as well we have a sea kayaking program. If you want more details call Lee at 907-789-8440 M-F 9-5. Hope to see you there! BTW we got a cook. Thanks in advance Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  2. Packsaddle I'll come down in August if you come up in March. A couple of nights in a snowcave will get your attention like nothing else. AK-Eagle aka Phillip Martin Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  3. So far as Troop 21 here in Juneau all the training you need to teach Totin'Chip Chip is 1. Earned the Totin'Chip Chip yourself, 2. Hold the First Class rank. After the training is done the trainer initials the card the trainee signs the card then brings the card to the scoutmaster for signature. In your unit it may be different. Ask your SPL first then if necessary ask your Scoutmaster. AK-Eagle aka Phillip Martin Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  4. From a earlier thread... IMHO a new uniform would be based on the current BDU design used by the military and police, NO not camo! Flat green pants and a buff/tan shirt, Loose fitting so they are comfortable for activites when warm or thermals can be worn underneath for cooler climates. Shirt; Make the shirt so it can be worn tucked in or out and still look good, use the cuff design on the BDU so that the sleeve can be worn rolled up. Deep six the epaulets the buttons are not comforable under shoulder straps or replace the buttons with velcro. Pants; Put real cargo pocke
  5. Hiya, We just got back early Wednesday morning from our yearly winter high adventure the 15Th annual Frostbite Challenge a winter campout for scouts from Canada and Southeast Alaska. The first day (Saturday) was spent riding the Alaska state ferry Matanuska to Skagway, Alaska staying there overnight. Day two headed up the hill across the Canadian border at White Pass to Fraser, B.C. to the camping area and started creating snow caves and organizing the rest of the campsite. Day three is for events like tomahawk toss, pancake flipping, string burning, getting the snow caves and c
  6. I don't see a problem with a deck of cards and playing a few friendly hands of rummy, hearts, spades, and yes even poker or blackjack, no gambling of course. One of the best memories this poor brain can muster is sitting with 3 other scouts in a drenched tent enjoying good conversation and a really cutthroat game of hearts waiting for the thunder storm to play itself out. As for keeping the scouts busy I don't know about you folks but I see a group of scouts playing cards as a group of scouts not getting bored, or homesick. Unless you plan your camp outs entirely to the minute there is
  7. South East Alaska Council is looking for a camp cook for our Eagle River Scout Camp. While I dont know what the pay will be they will at least spring for half of the airfare to get you to/from Juneau. Our summer camp season is a short one, only the month of June. If you want more details call Lee at 907-789-8440 M-F 9-5. Or fire me a email. Thanks in advance Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  8. Thump, Thump this thing on? AK-Eagle
  9. At the cold weather survival training I attended with the Coast Guard we were allowed to bring only what we could fit into a 1 quart ziploc bag. Shoe box eh? well if we adult types scheme, no no, plot, hmm not right either, teamwork, yeah thats it we could work it like; Tom fills his box with food, Mike with shelter building materials, Me with space blankets, etc. We could do rather well on that campout. AK-Eagle aka Phillip Martin Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  10. Once you get a theme idea why not have the cubbies make or decorate some certificates? A scout made "Award" has a prominent place on my brag wall. AK-Eagle
  11. How many scouters out wonder when their Brylcream became Turtle wax? Hasnt happend here, yet. AK-Eagle
  12. IMHO a new uniform would be based on the current BDU design used by the military and police, NO not camo! Flat green pants and a buff/tan shirt, Loose fitting so they are comfortable for activites when warm or thermals can be worn underneath for cooler climates. Shirt; Make the shirt so it can be worn tucked in or out and still look good, use the cuff design on the BDU so that the sleeve can be worn rolled up. Deep six the epaulets the buttons are not comforable under shoulder straps or replace the buttons with velcro. Pants; Put real cargo pockets on the pants sized to fit a sc
  13. I joined scouting in 1971 as a cub scout and have been playing the game ever since. Sure there have been lows to go with the highs. Just enough to keep things from getting boring. As things stand now I'll be in scouting until the great scoutmaster of all scouts calls me home. YIS AK-Eagle
  14. AK-Eagle

    Web Belt?

    I got tired of the low quality of the current BSA webbelt and buckle so for uniform use I wear a Australian scout leather belt with the two piece buckle they also sell a leather pouch that is just the right size to hold my cell phone securely. BSA used to have the same style belt and buckle and if they started selling it again I' buy it. YIS AK-Eagle
  15. I bought a Garmin Etrex Legend a couple years back and I'm really happy with it. www.garmin.com YIS Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle Scoutmaster Troop 21 Juneau Alaska
  16. Y'all might need this pmartin@gci.net 907-463-2083 fax snailmail on request
  17. I got two reflector ovens dontated to the troop today . Do to age and bad storing the bags have mostly rotted away and there is no sign of the instructions. But I recongize the pieces as a reflector oven. Anyone out there have a setof instructions they can fax, email, snail mail a copy to me? Thanks in advance Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle
  18. With neighbors like that I may replace the twine with concertina wire... After the first couple get tangled in it the rest will stay away. Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle
  19. If there is a horse stable nearby you might ask them... Some of them use sawdust as a base material in stables under the straw it holds mositure better. Phillip Martin aka AK-Eagle
  20. Gday all, Yes the event in Utah area is a tragedy. But there is little that can be gained by second guessing the people that planned and carried out the attempted search and rescue of Garrett. As a former coast guard SAR planner and a participate in several SAR cases I can tell you that the decision to suspend a active search is not taken lightly and occurs only after the the target's survival window has closed and there has been no sign to indicate otherwise and the searchers have acheived a high probability of detection (POD). Even after the search is suspended the people that particiap
  21. The Seven Steps to Survival These steps were developed in Alaska by the combined efforts of fishermen, the coast guard, and the Alaska state troopers. They have been proven to work and they are used in current survival training. Although they may be designed in Alaska but the steps should work well in any climate worldwide. 1. Recognition, The very first thing you must do is come to the idea that all is not well and not likely to improve on its own. "Houston, we have a problem" A line from one of the greatest survival stories ever. "Don't tempt fate when she has already indicated sh
  22. LeVoyaguer, Welcome to the club true the press takes up some room in the pack but the coffee tastes sooo good. I even have the coffee drinking scouts in the troop trained in its use and to provide the scoutmaster a cup first thing in the am. Phil
  23. When the chips are down the buffalo's empty AK-Eagle
  24. I cant be out of shape... round still a shape. AK-Eagle
  25. The Five Most Dangerous Things Said in Boy Scouts A Patrol leader saying, I learned this in JLT. A Commissioner saying, Trust me A Tenderfoot saying, Based on my experience A Professional saying I was just thinking A Eagle Scout chuckling, Watch this
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