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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. So, almost precisely a year ago today BSA announced its new National Fee structure, discussed here This was the part I want to discuss I've talked to people in two Councils: mine and the "next door neighbor". Mine: yes it is coming. Other Councils confirm it is so. Next door neighbor: no, that 66-72-75 was merely "discussed" and never made official. I think both could be true: that in 2020 there was a plan to go 66-72-75 but with COVID and the absolute nosedive in registrations they do NOT want to tack on another $6 right now. I could also see BSA National be
  2. The Cubs program is in absolute freefall. For the first time since 1955 there are more Scouts, BSA than Cubs. I am not the least bit surprised.
  3. Even more interested in 1) I the LC will release that information to local scouters 2) If the LCs will still continue to insist that local donations will stay local. I believe I saw a council fundraiser as recently as this week still making that claim.
  4. I just want to echo and reiterate this. The money is NOT yours to divert. You are asking/begging for criminal charges here.
  5. Except that money belongs to the CO. If they try to cut a check to themselves, or to some charity, they are going to get into trouble, this per BSA's legal department, not to mention possible criminal embezzlement charges. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/financeimpact/pdf/fiscal_policies_and_procedures_for_bsa_units.pdf This does NOT sound like a full dissolution, but disgruntled parents leaving. If they leave, they do NOT get to take the cash with them.
  6. BSA is filing disclosure statement and reorganization plan 3.0 on Sunday evening.
  7. *deleted by moderator as disallowed content* As for this so called "expert", I mean he only has 40+ years in social work and academia focusing in preventing child sexual abuse and the impact of abuse on children. There's no WAY he should be a monitor for BSA compliance with YP because he was never an Eagle Scout or went to Wood Badge!
  8. They are going to be assisted by those with an expertise OR be an expert in their own right. And they are going to make sure that BSA takes YP compliance seriously and that the necessary changes are made to BSA's YP . They are going to make sure that the court's order(s) are adhered to or else BSA is going into contempt proceedings. BSA cannot be trusted.
  9. Video from last night's TCC townhall is live https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0rni9397kume5r/BSA Town Hall 05-13-2021.mp4
  10. Here's another thing: simply because the LEAD monitor is an attorney does not mean he/she won't rely on experts. The example I think is best is the Chicago Police Department Monitor. The monitor is a lawyer, but she has two "deputy monitors" a former police chief and a PhD/academic who has worked in criminal justice and incarceration for decades. BSA needs a monitor. It cannot be trusted on YP.
  11. A follow-up to this and the claim(s) made in this forum that the look back windows on the civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse are all Democratic trial lawyers. Arkansas: SB 676 extend the statute of limitations to allow claims until the victim turns 55. Primary Sponsor: Republican Lead Co-Sponsor: Republican Co-Sponsors: 4 Republicans, 1 Democrat Passed the Senate 31-1 (GOP holds 27/35 seats) Passed the House 95-0 (GOP holds 78 out of 100 seats) This will, in effect, allow about 800 more suits against BSA, LCs, and COs in Arkansas.
  12. Current online YPT = 72 minutes. If people cannot even be bothered to sit and watch 72 minutes, SELF PACED, in order to just have a basic awareness of what YP is and why BSA needs it, then BSA doesn't need them.
  13. Yep. Let's see how many YP violations get reported and acted on. Oh, what's that, BSA refuses to report that data? Ok then.
  14. Exactly! The Catholic Virtus program requires real, in person training. And remember: BSA did not even BOTHER to get direct contact adults fully (90%+) trained as recently as 2018. It was only too happy with 67%.
  15. The next time I want to know if I am in compliance with a court order, I'll go see a lawyer.
  16. I keep hearing from BSA and BSA-defenders over and over "BSA's program is top notch" or gold standard or whatnot. And I keep asking: according to who? Are there peer reviewed studies demonstrating efficacy? Or is it simply BSA patting itself on the back, insisting it learned its lesson, but of course REFUSING to allow any outside or external review? Yep. For example, and just by way of example, the Catholic Church's Virtus program has been the subject of a dozen or more peer reviewed studies from a host of different perspectives (psychological, criminal justice, etc.) BSA's
  17. Considered by who? BSA? Again, their credibility in this area is, precisely, zero. If BSA cannot handle a little review and oversight and is going into defensive crouch mode at even the SUGGESTION of an outside monitor, then that tell the victims that BSA isn't serious about YP. If it was, it would WELCOME outside review. Not shy away from it.
  18. Yes. And there are no lawyers, anywhere, who work in the area of child sexual abuse. Nope. Not at all. Ok then. Like I said, it is an interesting belief you have there.
  19. And no lawyers know anything about child sexual abuse. Got it.
  20. That's why I said put a clock on in: 5 years. I've seen some 3 year version as well. I've also seen a flex plan: 2 years, starting from the date the monitor (or the court) determines that BSA has reached compliance. If BSA behaves itself, starts to take YP seriously, and is able to convince the judge and/or monitor, then they get out from under the compliance monitor. If BSA insists on maintaining its lacksidasial attitude about YP and the abuse keeps happening, the monitor stays in. And if that takes years under a "dictator", well, I'm sorry. You don't fix a 100+ year culture o
  21. Right now the rule is no tenting if more than two years separation. I wonder if that will change to "no youth tenting together at all" or "no UNRELATED youth"?
  22. On 1, redacted names. Should have made that clear. You are correct. On 3, what are you and BSA afraid of? Having an independent, court appointed compliance monitor to ensure BSA in fact enforces YP for a period of say 5 years. This is very common when organizations (such as BSA) have demonstrated systemic and long term problems and there is a concern that the court's directives will NOT be complied with.
  23. Open, honest reporting. No more secret perversion files. Aggregated data reported by council (X number of occurrence of YP violations in the last year) Placement of an INDEPENDENT court-appointed monitor to ensure BSA compliance That's just the start. I'm sure the TCC will come up with more/better than I. But BSA running around cheering "We have the #1 YP program!" is useless to me, given that their credibly in this area is at or near zero.
  24. Unfortunately you are seeing and living the nightmare that many in BSA and the forum consider children sexually abused just the cost of having BSA. A cost the children abused must pay.
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