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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. It isn't inevitable. There are very good legal arguments why LCs should not be considered part of BSA National. And I assure you, if BSA were suddenly to unilaterally "declare local councils are part of the whole" they'd be opening up an entirely new front in this mess with the LCs suing BSA and refusing to turn over a dime absent a court order.
  2. Transcript part 2 (created via automated system, so be forgiving). The end of 2020 versus 2019. This was due to lower sales and reductions in inventory, particularly in supply, these decreases in cash were offset by significantly reduced spending and lower expenses throughout, thus reducing the payable balances when comparing 2020 to 2019. Please now refer to the consolidated statement of revenues, expenses and other changes. Total revenues were down one hundred and seventeen million from last year. This reduction is again attributable mostly to the covid-19 pandemic as we experienced
  3. Transcript part 1 (created via automated system, so be forgiving). Hello and welcome to the twenty twenty one national annual business meeting. Thank you for joining us. And I wish we could have all met in person, but that was clearly not possible. And even though it's all been through. Zoom We've had some terrific conversations this week. I appreciate everyone's participation and insight in these sessions. And here's the good news. We are currently planning to meet in person next year in beautiful San Diego, California, the week of May, twenty third through the twenty seventh
  4. https://scoutingwire.org/top-12-key-takeaways-from-the-bsa-2021-national-annual-meeting/ May 28, 2021 The Boy Scouts of America held its National Annual Meeting (NAM) virtually on May 23-28, 2021, enabling attendees from all over the United States and around the world to tune in remotely to its National Business Meeting and other events throughout the week. Below are the top 12 key takeaways from the meetings. At a high level, the main focal points for the BSA 2021 National Annual Meeting included working on a resolution to the bankruptcy, further increasing the commitment
  5. Yep. That's the point. Unit leaders: don't worry, don't ask questions. Just do what you are told.
  6. Imagine a hostage video, but without the warmth. We are in bankruptcy, and we will survive. That said, until the BSA emerges from bankruptcy, on advice of legal counsel, we will NOT be electing new board members until the bankruptcy is over. (There's a complicated legal reasoning for this about exculpation). All is well. We will survive the bankruptcy. Smaller councils (Class 200-500) want what amount to guaranteed seats on the national committee. That is being considered and a survey will be sent to local councils Key-3. That said, nothing is going to change until afte
  7. Here's the question: to what end? Seeking criminal prosecution for abusers who are still alive? Ok. Seeking criminal prosecution of BSA and/or Local Councils? Does the phrase "bombing the rubble" or "bouncing the rubble" sound familiar? Past a certain point BSA and the LCs will simply be out of cash, camps, and assets. And since criminal fines are not discharged in bankruptcy, that means they are looking at either financial burdens for years in order to pay it off and/or voluntarily liquidation. If that's what abuse victims want, hey, I am not going to argue against it. But let's b
  8. It sorta is, for the reasons I listed before. You may hate his ever loving guts, but your emails are going to do nothing to dissuade him from protecting his clients interests. JUST LIKE an effort to email the TCC lawyers (for example) from BSA supporters would do absolutely nothing to change what they are doing, at least I would hope. An attorney's job is to zealously defend the interests of the attorney's client. Schiovoni's doing that. Hate the stalling tactic, but he's doing what he is suppose to do. And TCC/FCR/Coalition are doing what they are suppose to do. Now let see what the
  9. And from what I gather when volunteers have offered to help with the IT side/development, they've been told to go away.
  10. The email addresses were already exposed on like every document at this point, not the least of which were documents Schiavoni had signed electronically, starting with his motion for admission pro hac vice back in April 2020. So, his email address wasn't exactly a secret. Neither were any other of the attorneys for that matter. As for mass/blast email, he wouldn't respond and I would 100% believe that he'd use that in a future filing to demonstrate a "pattern of harassment" and try to pin it on the TCC or Coalition. He's already quoted Kosnoff numerous times who "resigned" from the C
  11. And what is it the TCC/FCR/Coalition want? They want to know exactly how much Century and Chubb are on the hook for here AND/OR how much their maximum assets are. In other words, if the channeling directive puts Century's insurance into the Settlement Trust, how much is CENTURY on the hook and how much is CHUBB on the hook, max? Or will they simply say "We only agreed in the INA transfer to pay out $50 million max, to heck with all of you." The other possibility is that Century may say "All we Century HAVE is $50 million, and Chubb's not on the hook for ANY of this, so you can't get blood
  12. And now the TCC/FCR/Coalition have responded to Chubb/Century's attempts to stall, stall, stall document production. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/d40c3e3d-de92-4d77-947f-0e7de46db184_5198.pdf In short, Chubb/Century refused to produce a single document, did have a meet and confer, then agreed to produce what amounted to garbage, and are stalling, stalling, stalling.
  13. Agenda now set for Jun 4 hearing https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/57da6150-6353-4fcc-b8ea-2925d05b2483_5197.pdf No real shockers what the big ticket items items are. Century is prepared to call witnesses to contest the idea that BSA must leave bankruptcy by August and to push its point that they want the 82,500 claims reviewed before anything happens. The other big question: will the court announce its decision on exclusivity; it is currently "under advisement". Debtors' Motion for Entry of an Order (I) Approving the Disclosure Statement
  14. 75%+ of BSA IT staff were laid off so part of it was that. The other thing is that Scoutbook is legacy and being used in ways, frankly, it was never meant to be used for. The long term "solution" (note the quotation marks) is the new Akela system that will replace or integrated Scoutbook, my.scouting.org, Scoutnet, etc. This is stitching together 3-4 systems, NONE of which were designed to work with one another, and using bubble gum and twine to make it work.
  15. Michigan Crossroads. When asked for comment, they shut right up and deferred to BSA National. Every indication is that they (BSA) are playing this off as if the target(s) is/are the ABUSERS, not BSA as a corporate entity. I think some people are deluding themselves.
  16. Read into this what you will. TCC's latest motion https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/44f5eafd-6bb1-4c4d-93eb-ecdac7fddacc_5178.pdf TCC had retained CBRE to assist in determining the value of the Local Council properties ("including camps, service centers, and Scout Shops") So far, so good. But now TCC wants the expand CBRE's scope to include, in short, a massive data viz map Two things CBRE started doing this on April 15 and expects to keep working through June 14 (at least) The TCC is asking the court's permission to allow CBRE to cont
  17. I guess my question is that past a certain point if BSA as an entity is found criminally liable for the abuse and is forced to pay criminal fines if that is just going to put it right out of business. To my knowledge (as in applies to people) criminal fines are NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy via Chapter 7 or 13, meaning BSA could be fined right out of existence.
  18. The PA Attorney General's office did a something similar for the Catholic Church/Dioceses in PA. The grand jury report that came out was nothing short of horrifying. https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/report/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_jury_investigation_of_Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_in_Pennsylvania In answer to the inevitable question: no, no one got arrested in PA as a result. No one got indicted either. But this potentially makes the Michigan AG an interested party to the bankruptcy, especially if the TCC asks for the IV files (at least as to Michigan) to be rele
  19. This, for me, is the key to a good commissioner. I've got one now, SM for a troop for 4 years, founded our new Venture crew in the district, and just a really good guy. He approached out Committee with the idea that we are all volunteers, that we are almost all new to scouting ADMINISTRATION (we've got 3 Eagle scouts on our committee, that does NOT mean they know how to do the backend work for a troop) and that was exactly what he said: I'm here to provide you answers OR get the answers from the person with the answers.
  20. That's why makes me so appreciative of what TCC is trying to do here. In addition to working on behalf of all abuse victims for maximum financial benefit (as they are by law supposed to do) they have also said they'll be asking for the FULL (redacted) release of ALL these files. BSA needs to finally come clean here.
  21. Here's the thing: mediation is a big, giant, black box inside a black hole. The phrase "meditation breakthrough" is not unheard of. Sometimes, the dam just breaks "suddenly and all at once". Now, that does that mean I expect some big announcement today at June 4? No. But it isn't impossible, either. Looking at things in their most charitable light, the TCC did not want to delay until June 4 but it happened The court ordered the delay on the request of the mediators. We don't know what wheels are turning in the background. Maybe that last hearing and the TCC's list to the
  22. Yeah, I agree. But another thread seemed...overkill? If you need to split, I'm ok with that.
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