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Posts posted by malraux

  1. Just now, perdidochas said:

    Well, maybe. I have been a Tiger Cub Den leader, Bear Den Leader, Webelos Den Leader (through AOL), Advancement coordinator, Assistant Scoutmaster,  Merit Badge Counselor and Eagle Project advisor.  That's not too non-typical in BSA. 

    Yeah, I'll probably follow the same path. But it does channel into larger and larger units. i.e. the den leader has to watch ~8 kids, while the SM/asm is more working on monitoring 20ish kids.

  2. 5 minutes ago, cocomax said:

    I wonder why 2 other councils would put up the same PDF?
    Were these directives disseminated to councils by GSUSA for each council to use and customize and post as they see fit?

    GS of the Heart of the South:

    http://www.girlscoutshs.org/content/dam/girlscouts-girlscoutshs/documents/volunteers/GSHS VolunteerActionGuide.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2utCijn3PJl4480pFSIB8OMqWKwamSfXeIr7oSwb6_f8hMbCC-XA1T3ME


    GS of Greater Atlanta




    It's basically the same as what my local gsusa council has as well. I'm not familiar enough with their processes to say, but it certainly looks like the ban/strong discouragement from participating in events with other scouting organizations comes from the top.

  3. 9 minutes ago, SSScout said:

    I did not see anything on page 26 about BSA fraternization, either pro or con AND on page 27,  it states  ""  Respect the mission of Girl Scouts of West Central Florida (GSWCF).""  which makes this sound like a "council" document, not the National policy?   Did I miss something?

    But in any event, "all Scouting is local"....  I have spoken to some GS leaders who told me they want to have their members (girls ! ) participate in a training we are holding, even after I told them that anyone participating had to "join" the BSA to participate ! Application and dues and all !

    My bad, I must have been looking at the wrong pdf. Its on page 38, but quotes the same language of no events with the BSA that other councils have also used. I just assumed that something hosted on the national page would be for all councils.

  4. Theres a general principle of once a uniform, always a uniform that covers this in that it once was correct so it should still be correct. I currently wear the den leader PoR patch from my mom even though its different from the current version.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, scotteg83 said:

    Funny you mentioned FingerPrinting MB.  My Son earned it at summer camp in under an hour as well.

    Reading through the requirements, I could easily see that being about what it takes. There's just not a lot to learn or do by the requirements.

    To me, a lot of this depends on the specific MB. Many of the MB are the most cursory of introductions to the subject, whereas others are about getting one up to the level of proficiency. The MBU is a good event for the MBs that are about the basics, not so much for the ones about proficiency.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rock Doc said:

    Just curious about the breakdown of the $40,000 annual budget. Our 40+ scout troop probably operates on a tenth of that amount. Are you including the costs for summer camp or super trips?

    Not the person, but $40,000 to start up presumably includes a lot of costs that will be amortized over many years. Troop trailer, tents, cooking gear, etc are not cheap, but will last a long time.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Eagledad said:

    Where WB has gotten off course is in trying to make it the mountain top experience to match the reputation of the previous course

    Isn't the real mountain top leader training experience Philmont Leadership Challenge anyway? 

    Wood Badge should try to be what it is, a decent enough leadership training for Scouting, and not a life changing event.

  8. 3 minutes ago, mds3d said:

    In the United States it is illegal for an emergency department to triage patients by ability to pay. Many Electronic Medical Records don't expose insurance information to ER personnel to prevent even subconscious decisions based on insurance status.  

    I almost added something about EMTALA, but felt brevity was better.

  9. 13 minutes ago, FireStone said:

    With Scouts BSA officially starting for girls in February, hitting Tenderfoot by summer camp is certainly well within norms in terms of time needed. Scouts who cross over from a Pack to a Troop in March an do it, so certainly if a scout signed up with a Troop in February they'd have plenty of time and (hopefully) opportunity to do so.

    I wouldn't even call it "ambitious", I think it's a reasonable goal for any scout to be well-prepared for the summer camp experience.

    Especially looking at the webelos requirements relative to the tenderfoot ones. Most webelos scouts should be ready to breeze through those requirements quickly enough having done earlier versions of them prior to crossing over. 

  10. From the Cub Scouting side, the issue is that Scouts BSA doesn't roll off the tongue the way Boy Scouts did, plus habits. It just takes a while to get it right.

    I try to just say scouts when referring to a group of scouts, there's no reason to worry about gender.

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