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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. Kids with asthma would be showing symptoms. It’s not something randomly found during a physical. It may be diagnosed during a physical, but I would hope the parent(s) would address the symptoms (SOB, wheezing, etc) prior to the physical. Note that the most common/most important medical history listed on Part B of the forms. Asthma is included on there. I’m shooting out all the possibilities, in no way is this the best choice. From what I said previously, I might’ve just worded it wrong. For a typical summer camp without any HA or treks, I feel the year prior would suffice if nothing
  2. I read somewhere that the old med forms for BSA were valid for 3 years. I believe it would suffice for a typical one week resident camp. I don’t believe there are many serious underlying, undiagnosed diseases or conditions in the average teenager without any symptoms. If they have prior medical conditions or worries, then they should follow up with their primary care provider. The problem may be getting a physical in general, for camp or not. Either way it may be a lose lose situation.
  3. @Ronmass I’m the health officer at a summer camp near me and council has not mentioned anything yet. It is too soon to tell since the claims about the virus change daily. I’m thinking councils will wait until May if they will decide to open or have a limited amount weeks. I would assume there will be additional screenings at check in with the health officer. Probably the generic questions (traveling, any symptoms, fever, etc) would be asked. I’m more so concerned how would everyone get updated ABC forms when doctors will be already packed. I’m hoping they allow the use of last yea
  4. Shame.. we've been going for the past few years . I always enjoyed this one more than their orienteering one.
  5. This is what I was thinking since each state is handling it differently. We shall see!
  6. All good points and I didn’t think of a few of them. My main question was if any council already made the decision. That website you provided is interesting, I haven’t seen it before! I’m the health officer at a resident camp and I’m wondering how (like you said) the physicals, staff background checks, and all that stuff can be completed in such short time. You provided very good points, thanks!
  7. I’m just trying to get a feel to see if any councils have canceled their summer camp programs yet. I’m hoping it doesn’t last that long to where camps can’t open. I did the other post about high adventure, but I’m wondering overall summer camp programs.
  8. I've posted about being the health officer at a summer camp for the upcoming summer. I'm sure council is doing their part in case we have to regarding refunds and everything as a "what if" scenario, but I haven't heard anything. I'm not really focusing too hard on it since there's nothing we can do about it. This virus changes so quickly, so who even knows if it will last until June. There's no true studies that show how long the virus is going to last, it's still too early. I wouldn't be shocked if national puts some sort of extra screening process as a precautionary measure if camps are
  9. Thanks! Our camp isn’t super huge, I’ll be the only health officer for the camp. We see around 300 youth and adults a week. There isn’t any major accidents that happen, so that’s pretty good. I wish I had a golf cart or something! Our protocols are so basic, so I’ll have no problem with that. EMS is less than 10 mins away.
  10. Our protocols even state to use candy (last year we used lollipops) as a placebo for HS+ kids. Haha
  11. Update: I was offered the contract & salary recently! I’m glad to be working in the health lodge after 2 years in the FYS program. Any tips are still welcomed! The previous health officer (also my friend) wrote a crash course for procedures.
  12. Thanks for those tips! While most are already known to my camp, I still like input from leaders from their perspective! Ive been a first year program instructor for the past 2 summers, so most of the time that “illness” is just them being homesick. 😁
  13. I’m aware, just wondering if anyone has tips/tricks 😁.
  14. Hey all, I haven’t posted in a while since my troop is unfortunately dwindling down to a very low amount of members. Anyway, I’m looking for tips/suggestions/tricks for a resident camp health officer. If anyone has experience or know anyone that has and has any suggestions, let me know! The camp is relatively small, only around 300 scouts a week.
  15. I have carried a tick key in my first aid kit for a few years yet never used it. Over the summer at the camp I worked at, I got 3 ticks within a 24 hour period on the same leg. I’m still not sure how that happened, but that’s besides the point. I found them later at night, so they were on there for a few hours each time. I decided to try the tick key because I wouldn’t of been able to use tweezers in two spots due to it being an awkward angle. I must say, I’m a fool for never using this before. My ticks weren’t big but weren’t small. The key was so simple and effective. It took no more t
  16. My troop is a small (10) yet boy led troop. Usually how it goes is that my mom, we call her the Outdoor Coordinator, looks for different places around us and out of state. Our boys in the troop don’t really care about branching out outside of our repeated ~4 camps. Once my mom compiles a list, she has the SPL present it at the meeting, but the scouts are still more than welcome to give their ideas. We have my mom make a list as sort of a motivation kind of thing. After the list is presented, we pick and choose as a troop where we would want to go. We are very accommodating to everyone, we don’
  17. I think it’ll be cool if it’s in a public place, but mine wasn’t so I didn’t bother. It’s up to you, I see a lot of projects that have a plaque:
  18. I’m not too sure. I work in the FYS program and this was my 2nd year. I’m not sure if I will go back next year since I will be out of high school, but I will eventually if I don’t.
  19. Update: Today was the last day of the season. Tear down was done in the perfect weather, it felt like it was fall. It was hot during the season, but it finally cooled off at the end.
  20. I didn’t want one for the longest time until my troop sort of kept pushing it and then we decided to have a full ceremony with dinner. I do not regret it, it was a great experience. I hate being the center of attention, but it felt deserved this time.
  21. Last week was extremely brutal for staff. It was very hot and it was easily to get dehydrated. I believe the heat index was over 110 at one point. Staff still sleeps in the green canvas tents, but at least we have a electricity. I was glad I decided to bring a fan this year. We had some nasty storms throughout the week which also made a impact on us. Outpost was harder than usual due to storms, but we still made do. This week is beautiful and perfect temperature, so I guess it’s a plus for this week. Only places in camp with AC is trading post, camp office, and health lodge. It doesn’t even r
  22. Staff tents look like this at my camp! These scouts know the drill.
  23. https://www.inquirer.com/news/new-jersey-judge-accused-teenager-sexual-assault-eagle-scout-good-grades-good-family-juvenile-court-20190703.html
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