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About krypton_son

  • Birthday 09/10/1977

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  • Occupation
    IT Network Administrator
  • Interests
    Camping, Hiking, Shooting Sports, Survival.
  • Biography
    Lifetime Scout

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  1. Sounds great to me. Shooting sports is something that should never be lost.
  2. I'm torn on this one. I agree with augustspecht, leaders are responsible for Scouts safety no matter what, and we all know that they've been known to sneak things into camp that they shouldn't (some adults have been known to as well). But at the same time I wouldn't want someone going through my things without my permission. I remember working at Scout camp in the early 90's. One of the staff was known for his love of illegal substances. The camp director got wind of it and called in the local Sherriff who went with him into the Scouts trailer at camp and searched his bags. They found plenty of drugs and ended up firing and called his parents in to pick him up. I have no idea if charges were filed or if he got in any legal trouble (his father was a long time financer in the council and he tended to get away with just about anything).
  3. I've always carried. And always will. I'd rather have one and not need one than not have one and need it. Camping in back country where you can't call for help, can't get ahold of the police and there are wild animals everywhere, you'd better believe someone should have a weapon. I've been in Scouting for over 30 years and been in a few situations where one of the leaders having a gun saved lives. It can and does happen. I'm not saying that you should bring it into meetings and pull it out for everyone to see, but responsible adults having a concealed weapon is not a problem for me. Besides, BSA policy doesn't trump the law. In most states (mine included) your vehicle is your private property and legally no group, person or organization can legally prevent you from having a weapon in your property. Obviously safety should always be a concern and should be practiced. Over half of the adult leaders in our troop have guns in their vehicles, and every one of us is perfectly fine with it.
  4. I guess since anyone can join, why not: http://www.trendolizer.com/2017/10/boy-scouts-to-allow-old-men-into-cub-scouts-program.html
  5. Boy Scouts has always been a safe and fun place for boys to be boys. A place for boys to learn to be men. That's exactly what it was made for in the first place. It has always been a place were boys gather together to learn from men. It builds better men for the future. It's not anti-girl, but pro-boy. I think that's important. At the same time, girls should have the same thing. That's what Girl Scouts are about. What is wrong with it being a boys club? Why is exclusivity so hated now? Mentorship and education for boys from men is a good thing, not a bad thing. I would never want to force boys into Girl Scouts, that's their thing and should stay that way. This move goes against everything that the group was established for in the first place. I have no problem with a coed group that teaches both boys and girls the same thing as Boy Scouts, if parents want to put their children in it, that's fine. But don't force it upon a group that doesn't want it. Someone earlier said that this won't "ruin" Boy Scouts. I disagree. It completely changes it and makes it something completely different. It fundamentally is no longer BOY Scouts.
  6. It seems like nothing but a money grab to me. Boy Scouts has been hemorrhaging members in the last decade. After they announced that gay and "transgendered" kids could be in, their numbers dropped significantly. Now they're getting scared so they figure that they'll cater even more to the pressure of the left and allow girls. What they don't realize is that Scouting is so far from what it was originally and has lost so much of it's focus and meaning. Doing this just furthers that. Next thing they'll remove God from Scouting, then guns, etc. Until it's unrecognizable by anyone. It makes me ashamed to be a part of it anymore. When did exclusivity become such a bad thing to so many?
  7. I've tried to learn sign language before. I'm partially deaf (about 80% deaf in one ear and 10% in the other, which I suppose would be insulting to any truly deaf person to call myself deaf) so I've always thought that it would be good to at least know some sign language. I've never been any good at it though. I commend anyone who can use it proficiently.
  8. What?? I almost fainted when I read that. Balderdash I say!
  9. I didn't realize that either. It gives me hope that I might get one now after some vast clerical error.
  10. I would argue that that is a very, very different situation.
  11. @@gumbymaster, I like to think so. I'm pretty much open to most anything. I like everyone. But I'll always voice my opinion if asked. When you're as ugly as I am, it's hard to be judgmental of others.
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