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About GrammaScout

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    Clinical Lab Scientist
  • Interests
    Boy Scouts...third generation now !! Genealogy,Gardening, Sudoku, Travel...
  • Biography
    Active in the Lutheran Church that sponsors our Boy Scout Troop (of 50 yrs.) Our son, an Eagle Scout, is an Asst. Scoutmaster and has two sons in the troop. We are strong advocates of this troop which has had recent difficulties working with members who have zero knowledge or experience as Adult Scouts in the BSA program. We have been upset for about 8 years now. I am here for support and for suggestions from others as to how they have handled such situations.

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  1. to add: The Church with the assistance of this COR...gets the blame for not following the regulations with adding a Girls' Troop....not the Troop. .The thinking was: out of the blue, by the way, this: IF we Charter it, then WE own it. IF we own it, then we must RUN it. No body has any interest in RUNNING it, so we must get rid of it. ! After 50 yrs. of harmonious working together...this is what just jumped out at us. This Troop doesn't need outside help from anywhere...they are exemplary...but the word 'OWN' has ruined it. They planned to RUN the Girls' Unit as well...b
  2. I have a bit of experience with Microbiology, and it is generally held that improper hand washing is the major source of such bugs causing illness. Folks must learn to wash and wash well...in between the fingers, etc.
  3. We are still waiting for a return call from the District to inform us as to the 'why' of this? The Unit did NOT put him in any position, actually were hoping that fhe forced move to a new Chartering Organization would have 'lost him'...
  4. Hi. Please explain the details of why this Unit is operating 'outside of the separate units for boys and for girls rule? I am not totally familiar with the wording.
  5. Sorry, but there is a comment further down that describes something similar and it killed the Troop. First off: it is NOT the Church's money !! The money is from Fundraisers and from Parents and/or Donors. People who have NO clue about how Scouting is supposed to work, who have NO understanding of how Troop Budgets work, etc....should not be qualified to 'vote' on anything regarding Troop funds. ..... Voter Fraud? a term suggested TO me by another...the thought being that there would be people voting on something about which they knew nothing....making them ineligible voters, j
  6. We have NEVER had a Unit Commissioner but now we suddenly have one! Our Troop is 50 years old...exemplary...90 Scouts including about 20 girls...many, many Eagles. We do not have to do any active recruiting. All of a sudden: we have a Unit Commissioner...? However do we need one? There must be many other Troops that COULD use some guidance. This person has put himself 'in charge'. He sat in for the Committee Chair when she has been unable to attend...is that kosher? Doesn't that positon require a person to be registered with the Troop?..............This person has been the CO
  7. I’m behind. Does this ‘new’ Charter-arrangement apply only to UMC sponsored(?) Troops?
  8. Our 50 year old Troop 618...with about 70 boys and 15 girls....was ditched by those spreading false information and inciting paranoia enough that the Council has just voted to stop Chartering....50 years. Pardon my sermon here, but in the eyes of God, no one sin is worse than another....that idea comes from us. So: Abuse of a young man and lies and false witness to get rid of a 50 year Troop...are both sins. We recoil at the 'abuse' one but look away at the other one. .......... A Nearby Lutheran Church somewhat accidently received word of the need of a CO for this Troop....and they
  9. 50% reduction in membership?.... You mean in the 'Catholic Church'?
  10. Thank you. This is what i have been told by LDS neighbors in Scouting. I would just say that if it is really an LDS Youth Meeting, it is NOT a Boy Scout Meeting and is deceptive in calling it that. *****-For what it’ I suppose if a particular non-LDS kid were engaging in particularly disruptive behavior, then at some point we may have had to pull the plug; but I never saw anything like that happen.***** I am a bit puzzled about your comment here above: So are you saying that if an LDS Scout was engaging in particularly disruptive behavior they would NOT dismissed?
  11. The program IS the safest it has ever been. Our experience was that those 'Attorneys' have NO clue of what is really happening....nor does anyone. "..distancing from Boy Scouting'..?? no reason..........
  12. Since when do we 'require' that Scouts must participate in Church activities??.....They have joined the BSA NOT the Church !!! Chartering means Sponsoring....which obviously now has 17 explainations as to how WE all think that is supposed to work... Do you really not want YOUR Scouts to be around Protestants? If so, I think you have a problem.
  13. Our Troop of 50 years has had no claims of abuse...and input from all former Scoutmasters and COR's has validated that. So this fear about not being covered by the insurance of the BSA simply was not a factor inthe decision to 'dump' this Troop of 70. Your statement that the BSA insurance ONLY clicks in after that of the CO's...is contrary to what we have been told by our Council...Taking more control over the Scout Troops does WHAT exactly? It has no connection to any 'funny business' or 'damage', etc. that may occur.
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