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Everything posted by BS-87

  1. The programs just aren't compatible for integration. Boy Scouts teaches chivalry, and Girl Scouts teaches feminism. This makes the Boy Scouts more likely to integrate, being the more tolerant program. Maybe when the Girl Scouts teach home-economics and the Boy Scouts teach misogyny will my opinion change.
  2. Your Council probably doesn't need to know, but it'd be good information if your District Finance Committee is looking over it. They're far more apt to take into consideration everything you're doing to see if you're overkilling it.
  3. Basementdweller - Your stance on J2E is characteristic of many very successful unit leaders. Because you are 100% the Gold Standard, your experience is greatly needed to help other units achieve your level of success. Journey to Excellence breaks down the leading indicators of what it takes, step by step, to build and maintain a good unit infrastructure. This is sorely needed by most units out there. I sat down with my units and worked out actionable items for each requirement, as to how we'll achieve the Gold level, and it's almost like an epiphany for the leaders and committee to see wh
  4. If anything, camp YPT needs to include even more than the standard YPT. There are far too many situations that someone can consider threatening at camp, and the staff needs to know how to protect themselves. They also need to be able to identify the signs of abuse, in case parents or leaders aren't following the rules on their end. And once again, they need training on how to protect themselves from abuse, as they may be put in vulnerable positions.
  5. There really needs to be a focus on chartered schools. Think like how the BSA style of chartering works. A national Education Organization has the program, communities charter the ability to use that program and pay for it through either property taxes or tuitions. This raises an issue of standardization, but the federalization of education as it stands is part of the problem. Standardization assures that instead of having some mediocre and some brilliant, that all will turn out mediocre. The community can respond best to its own needs and standards. Education is not a federal respon
  6. What you say is understandable, but it's gotten to the point where there is no equal balance of power or debate. What the WI governor is doing by refusing to negotiate is exactly what public unions do to municipalities and school districts, making it impossible for them to balance budgets effectively. If the unions didn't use their power to force debt on small governing bodies, this fix would not be necessary. Collective bargaining has become akin to hostage taking.
  7. Speaking of CPAC, Ron Paul just won the Straw Poll. And some Tea Partiers don't seem happy about it because they feel he's unelectable. Here I thought real Constitution following folks would be happy that the Champion of the Constitution had won the CPAC straw poll. Ron Paul is everything the Tea Party could ever ask for, and has a hugely loyal base that would do anything to march him to the presidency. In 2007, Romney's CPAC victory was seen as evidence that the man had an organization built that could help him in a national presidential bid. Not only is Ron Paul more successful at this, but
  8. As a newsworthy note, I think Donald Trump just threw his hat into the 2012 ring during his speech at CPAC...
  9. When I first read the original post I was afraid of the many implications of the word "active". 5th Grade is about the early point for some of the boys to start doing something that may be a nuisance to and embarrassing to their tent-mate. It's a subject that some Boy Scout patrols end up having to discuss, but I suppose it could start back as a Web. Could certainly make these kids not want to share a tent with the boy, and it may actually be happening but the boys in the den are too embarrassed to talk about it, preferring just to beg not to be in the same tent as him so they can fall a
  10. Sustained discussion of the primary candidates AND issues. It's pretty easy to tell what the primary topics will be in 2012. First and foremost being Health Care and Health Insurance. Immigration never fails to be brought up. The Economy and jobs will certainly be at the top as well. The war may be taking a back seat in this election even though it shouldn't.
  11. We used to throw the term HSSA around whenever we noticed someone who was using too many acronyms. If someone asks me what an acronym means that they heard their Scoutmaster or Unit Commissioner use, I'll often explain, then mention that's their job as HSSA or "He who Speaks in Scouting Acronyms"
  12. "She had an excellent opportunity to gain that relevant experience; unfortunately, she left before she could get the full benefit. " Yet another weapon to be used against her, and another reason she cannot win in a general election. Which makes her popularity devastating to the GOP at this juncture...
  13. We're nominating a President, not going on a moose hunting excursion or summoning demons.
  14. The idea of a President Palin is enough to scare the bejeebus out of anyone. She's perfectly competent, just lacks relevant experience and has gained a poor public reputation despite her venture into reality tv.
  15. "The front runners rarely win the nomination." That's good news for the man with the plan, Dr. Paul. I can understand why his stance on some issues aren't as appealing to some, but the problem is that he's not given a serious chance by anyone. This is largely because most politicians calculate their answers to ultimately say nothing that'd nail their feet to the floor, whereas Paul just talks and talks about all the things that need to change. If he were wrong, this would be a problem, but he's actually accurately predicted most of our economic woes and has been saying for years what's co
  16. Unfortunately it's all still speculative. But we should see answers coming in the next few weeks. To the seven I mentioned and five more invites were sent to the first Iowa forum on March 7th. This means anyone serious on running needs to be there...
  17. Sports teams frown upon being afraid of the ball... Cub Scouts was a much better fit! In Middle and High School, sports teams frown upon being too apathetic to run for or chase the ball... Boy Scouts was a much better fit!
  18. I figured I'd be the first to say something here as the season for speculation begins. And use this thread in the future to talk about the front-runners, dark horses, and issues. Just to start off on the right foot, I feel it prudent to share what my thoughts are on what we're going to start seeing in the next few months with guys starting to throw their hats in the ring. What I'm hoping to see is a strong showing from seven main contenders; Romney, Daniels, Palin, Huckabee, Paul, Gingrich, and Pawlenty. How do you feel about that list? As the warning, I'm a Tea Party backer and
  19. Maybe it'd be important for 12-14 yr-olds to learn their family health history... just saying...
  20. How did this thread deteriorate into matters of race?
  21. That's why physical fitness requirements should focus on improvement based on goals set by the scout. Let the boys surprise you and their parents with their ambitions on paper, and then hold them to their goals.
  22. There are serious health problems like your examples, and then there are bologna problems that people would take advantage of to make their kid meet any conditional loophole. Maybe maybe physical fitness requirements should focus on improvement based on goals set by the scout. Let the boys surprise you and their parents with their ambitions on paper, and then hold them to their goals.
  23. I'd like the echo the question as to whether the father is a Crew Member, as that may change my opinion. Either way your Crew Youth Leaders need to meet with the Committee and this gal/pair in order for the group to decide what the best "punishment" should be. Odds are, the ones who come up with the harshest punishments that everyone can agree is fair are going to be the culprits themselves. She may feel that stepping down as Vice-President and not being able to participate in outings (maybe she'll be limited to KP duty) is fair enough, and I think so too. Would really let her show her le
  24. There's a lot of hate on this plan so far as the "corpbabble" goes, but it really is good for what it is. We need to clarify what this is first then and that is a "Strategic Plan" which is something en vogue for the management field right now. Knowing two of the involved SE's as well, I'm not surprised by some of the initiatives. Anyways, the "Strategic Plan" is of no use to anyone who is not management minded. This basically means it's most useful to the professionals. What the Strategic Plan does is give a direction to professionals. What that means is that these initiatives will start
  25. Whoa... that sounds atrocious... I'm sorry, didn't know the backstory. Woodbadge is not District Committee Training... It's hard to believe there's a District Committee out there that refuses help!
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