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Everything posted by EagleScout441

  1. Although, the more I think about it, the more I think that co-ed groups should be separate from both the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, they should be their own division of Scouting.
  2. The purpose of this poll is to find out whether or not Venturers want to be in the OA. Why would a Venturer say that they didn't want Venturing to have OA elections? If they didn't want to be in the OA they simply wouldn't run in the OA election, one or two Venturers saying no to nomination shouldn't stop other Venturers from being elected, hence, they don't care whether or not there are OA elections for Venturing because they don't want to be in it. I know a Boy Scout who declined nomination into the OA, he simply didn't want to be in the OA. Maybe you didn't read my whole post: "If you aren'
  3. I don't think they should let anime, theater, etc., crews into the OA. The majority of crews in my council are outdoor crews who actually wear the uniform and a few of them frequently do joint trips with troops or ships in the area, so from my perspective, Venturing is basically upgraded Boy Scouts. National says that the program is struggling, but they are the reason that it is struggling. The only people that know what Venturing is are already in scouts and have already found a Boy Scout/Girl Scout troop that they like and don't want to make a transition to Venturing when they are acting a
  4. It's sad that a lot of Venturers don't want to earn the awards. Who wouldn't like to have a nice shiny medal hanging on their uniform? Apparently, a lot of Venturers don't. I guess most Boy Scouts are so tired of working on rank requirements that by the time they go to Venturing they just don't care about them anymore. Of course, ranks are, to an extent, required in the Boy Scouts. Comparing percentages between Boy Scout ranks and Venturing awards isn't really fair, they should be comparing percentages of the Boy Scout Hornaday and National Outdoor awards with the Venturing awards.
  5. I use a pair of Johnston & Murphy boots, extremely comfortable and durable as well. My only complaint is that the lack of tread makes them a little slippery. http://www.johnstonmurphy.com/product.aspx?c=1332&sc=1332&pid=83274
  6. So, in summary, what you're saying is that National has failed to change/clarify the OA membership requirements as the BSA has changed over time. I never thought about it like that, I only considered the current policies. "Should Today's OA require it Youth Membership also Achieve the Highest Rank. Based on the history of having to have acheived the highest Rank possible back then" No they shouldn't, because they already have a organization for that, it's called the National Eagle Scout Association. "Since Explorers and Venture Crews are not Considered "Boy Scouts" should they have to pay
  7. Philmont, really?! If you have "tree huggers" then hammocks don't leave any trace whatsoever, but without them the straps could damage the bark. What perdidochas said below makes sense, tents give you a lot more protection from bears than hammocks.
  8. Too bad, hammocks are awesome. I came up with another pro for hammock camping: Depending on how long your tent is set up, it will press down any grass, and you also have to clear that spot of stones/sticks, if you're not in a pre-cleared camping area, it will be visible where you set up camp. Hammocks, on the other hand, leave no trace whatsoever and you don't have to clear the area.
  9. The above comments bring up another issue. Why is it that OA considers under 21 members to be "youth" when the Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts consider over 18 members to be "adults"? A Boy Scout can be an adult in his troop but when he goes to OA events he's now a youth again. If a Boy Scout is between 18-21 how is he elected? He is not considered a youth in the troop but he also isn't considered an adult in the OA. While Venturing/Sea Scouts(if you consider them to be separate) have youth members up to 21. They're trying to keep "youth" Venturers from joining the OA as adults.
  10. Please see this thread for an argument in favor of Venturers in the OA: http://www.scouter.com/forum/order-of-the-arrow/22073-oa-and-venturing "If OA is a Boy Scout program, why would Venturing even be involved?" The fact is that both Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts are allowed into the OA. And OA is referred to as "Scouting's Honor Society," Venturers simply feel left out.
  11. Boy Scout, Sea Scout, Varsity Scout, and, Venturer? Why do all of them have "Scout" in their title except Venturing? Do Venturers not want to be considered as part of the Scouting organization? Or is the correct term "Venturing Scout"? "The word "Venture" is no longer officially used by BSA." Were they at one point called Venture Scouts/Venture Crews? Venture Patrols are dying, there are very few in existence now(sadly) that I know of, though I do believe that they are still part of the BSA.
  12. Weltanschauung: a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint. German, from Welt world + Anschauung view First Known Use: 1868
  13. After visiting Yellowstone and Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park, Yosemite will be next. Yosemite might not have geysers, volcanoes, or hot springs with brightly colored bacteria, but it does have amazing hikes and beautiful waterfalls. Jellystone, ha ha, very funny.
  14. Oops,http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/national-parks/yosemite-national-park/
  15. E92, I was commenting on Khaliela's statement: "We tell our boys that camp is for merit badges, the rest of the year is for fun!" And I agree, the citizenship merit badges were by far the least enjoyable.
  16. You should do what I did and find a friend who owns a hammock and try it out, then make your decision about buying one. If you have questions about hammock camping try looking here: https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/index.php. BTW, I also tend to be a side sleeper, but hammocks feel completely different and it isn't a problem for me. As far as trees goes, the camping in my area tends to be either woods, or fields surrounded by woods so finding trees isn't a problem. "IF you can tie to them." If you're worried about the straps tearing up the trees, many hammocks have what are called "tree
  17. The OA is a Boy Scout program but it is also a Varsity Scout program, under the revisions coming in 2014 Varsity Scouts "for membership purposes" will be classified as Venturers as well.
  18. "I noticed that the original topic was that you wanted ideas on how to get the patrol method working better. Upon discussion this changed into the fact that you were being bypassed for being SPL by someone younger and less qualified." The sudden change was caused by the fact that I was turned down for SPL(for the 5th time) this past Monday evening, and I was extremely aggravated and disappointed, hence this comment:"Honestly, I'd rather watch him fail and be the one to pick up the pieces." Sorry about that, I probably should have waited till I got my composure back and opened a new thread as
  19. I'm tired of doing the job without getting the recognition and the person who holds the position gets the recognition even though they didn't do the work. I had the same problem with patrol leader before I was officially elected. The way things are going now, I doubt I'll ever get the chance to serve a term as SPL. My contributions not being recognized is 1 of 3 reasons for my leaving to Venturing, the 2nd is because I prefer high adventure over regular car camping, and the 3rd is I'd rather camp with people my own age(out of the 18 people in my troop only 2 are my age, the rest are younger).
  20. The deal is I'm the most qualified person in my troop to serve as SPL or ASPL[highest rank(obviously) and most experience], this election was the determining factor for how much longer I'm going to stay in the troop before leaving to Venturing. I kind of wanted to have 1 term before leaving. This is the 5th time that I have been nominated for these positions, the only time I got to serve in either of these positions was as SPL during 1 week of summer camp. "My son was not elected to OA the first year he was eligible" Neither was I. "No one can truly be a good leader until they've given th
  21. I lost the election for SPL and didn't get ASPL either. The new SPL is more "popular" than I am but, from what I've seen, doesn't have the leadership ability and dedication required to be SPL, he is also 1 1/2 years younger than I am, which is just insulting. The new ASPL is a 17 year old Star Scout who joined the troop about 5 years ago, but last night was the first meeting he has showed up to since January 2012, and they still elected him over me. So now I'm going to focus on finishing all my partially complete merit badges and then join Venturing.
  22. "Typically in our area, the sports crews are ski clubs or specialty sports." I see many of the specialty sports, such as skiing, to be HA. When someone says sports I would think of something more along lines of team sports: baseball, soccer, or football(though football is banned by the BSA). "but I know of no church youth group that is truly youth led." I didn't consider that. "Venturing gives them a "big tent" where they can share their talents to make a better community and grow up to be thoughtful and caring adults." It also spreads out units of the same interests where one area te
  23. Is SR-6N a division of SR-6?
  24. What do you mean by "interested"?
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