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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. I got confirmation from someone at National that it is real, I am bummed. They said there will be a timeline to enable existing youth 18-20 to finish Quartermaster. I think it will most affect people like my son who will be 18 his entire senior year. He loves his Crew and Ship. I hope he will be able to particpate just without advancement. He already doesn't care much about the advancement. 90% of national and regional scout leadership for Sea Scouts are all 18+ now.
  2. Ah gotcha, sorry I misunderstood you 🙂 Carry on scouting!
  3. I am kind, trust me. My experiences were all before this. When I had to be Cubmaster, Den Leader, and Committee chair because they couldn't or wouldn't do their job. So that is my experience. I was kind by helping carry their load. When I have committee members sign up to do things and not follow through which lets the youth down, I am there to pick up the pieces. Because I am hear for the youth. I am not doing this for the adults. So let me know how I am not being kind?
  4. Scout leaders friends and family- We are Just Leaders . We are not experts. We're your next door neighbours. We're not perfect; we are just parents like you. We don't have anymore spare time or energy than you do, we all work full time and juggle our families and our schedules and try to keep it all together as best we can. The only difference between us is that we believe in what Scouting has to offer. So much so, that we contribute our time, our miles, and our talents to help our children and your children grow in Scouting. We complete authorization forms, budgets, and reg
  5. Most COR's won't do anything. Sadly, most units have people that won't deliver on their job. It is kinda a fact of life.
  6. Our council camps all closed down for the summer. The hits keep on coming.
  7. We are on the National Flagship fleet for the 6th year in a row. Ship 911 out of Georgetown, Texas
  8. Personally, I think these go too far. Unless real hardship is shown, advancement can wait for thing that require actually doing. I am fine for doing requirements virtually that make sense, but replacing talking about it vs. doing are not the same. A family is not a patrol, a family campout is not the same as a troop campout. They are doing a disservice to the kids by making everything virtual. This is like passing the kids onto the next grade level because they got older vs. demonstrating skill, knowledge, or even being brave and doing it away from mom or dad.
  9. Our ship has been very active over video conferences since this stuff started. Yesterday was pretty cool. We invited all the Sea Scout Ships across the nation to a presentation from an expert on invasive aquatic species. We had scouts from seven states in attendance and were able to make a recording of the presenter so it can be used by over ships in the future. Kinda fun to do. Tonight we are video conferencing with Sea Scouts from Australia to learn how scouting works there.
  10. I don't agree that we should suspend or remove service requirements. It is time to either postpone doing service for safety reasons or adapt to other kinds of service. My scouts are making masks at home. There are the designs my wife put together that they use or others that are online with different materials. There is a lot of need for the masks, we can't keep up with the need currently, and it allows the scouts and families an outlet to feel like they can do something to help in this helpless time.
  11. My scouts are making these. My wife put together instructions. these are nice because you can put a filter or an N95 mask inside it. Making fabric masks. Here's step by step instructions with pictures to make a mask with a pocket for a filter. Contact me if you have questions! https://tinyurl.com/hh-facemask
  12. Yeah, I have friends at National that were Furloughed. 😞
  13. Frankly, I am happy it didn't work out. This is pretty scary stuff.
  14. My sister called me today begging for facemasks. She works in a hospital and they are almost out. So we are making some and sending them to her.
  15. FYI, they made it easier for merit badge counselors to connect to a scouts record in scoutbook. This was always very difficult in the past so I think this is helpful. I believe once connected it sends a notification to the scoutmaster or committee chair. Before it was almost impossible to get connected to a merit badge councilor in Scoutbook this seems to resolve that issue. The merit badge councilor needs the scouts last name and BSA ID #. https://discussions.scouting.org/t/new-mbc-connect-instructions/165971
  16. I worked with a scout last night on Camping MB from another part in the state. got about 1/2 way through it and She has attended Nayle. So it isn't quick but it is worthwhile.
  17. Ouch! I heard from a friend that a troop in Wyoming is looking for one for Public Health MB. If you are cool with that, let's connect privately and see if you can help them out. The biggest issue with that one is requirement #5. I don't see how that can be done virtually.
  18. Agreed, I don't agree to send them to stores. I do think sewing masks or doing videos for senior homes are a good thing. but not a lot that can be done from home.
  19. I think Zoom works but the class can't be too big and there has to be interaction to ensure they understand the information. Not all requirements can be completed virtually. I am helping a girl about 3 hours away from me for the camping merit badge. I will only sign off on what I see or discuss. So her scoutmaster will have to valid some things.
  20. I had posed this question in my facebook, best suggestion I got was food delivery for elderly. They order the food and the scouts drop it off but I don't feel comfortable sending the scouts out to shop. My scouts don't sew, so nothing came up. It isn't about ranking up, it is about service. how can they help our community?
  21. I am building a list of merit badge counselors that are in my area that are willing to do online merit badge counseling . That way our scouts that can earn merit badges and want to can do so during quarantine. Anyone else doing the same thing? I am looking for someone who is a Public Health merit badge counselor that would be willing to do it. For those that have taught one online, how did you do it? Was it open forum like, slide show based? How do you test their knowledge and retention of the material? I am not a fan of just being present. I would think that someone present
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