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Troop75Eagle last won the day on June 21 2020

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56 Excellent

About Troop75Eagle

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    Senior Member

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  • Interests
    Scouting development and legacy, Scottish Rite Masonry, history, art
  • Biography
    Eagle Scout 1986

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  1. Historically, Scouts drew directly from and was formed around military traditions and structure. The merit badges frequently had either direct correlation or applicable though that has softened somewhat. There is a reason there is a wide range of commands, formations and activities that echo this. Likewise, the traditional development attributes from scouting up to very recently if not still so allowed enlisting members to have one upgrade rank on coming in. it seems modern parents may not be cognizant of these facts and in some cases bitterly refute or resent it. Be that as it may,
  2. I set out the experience from the 80’s that seems a little different than what I’ve been reading.
  3. The two pronged approach you discuss came after me In ‘87 or I have no memory of it. Historically, Scouts drew directly from and was formed around military traditions and structure. The merit badges frequently had either direct correlation or applicable though that has softened somewhat. There is a reason there is a wide range of commands, formations and activities that echo this. Likewise, the traditional development attributes from scouting up to very recently if not still so allowed enlisting members to have one upgrade rank on coming in. it seems modern parents may not be cognizan
  4. It’s good to appreciate our own country. I’m not sure where the money is going to come from for a lot of needs on the National wish list. This year hasn’t helped for an already runaway spending habit. But let’s hope for the best
  5. I agree with your statements. There are complications to it however with the last 4 upheavals (sex abuse aside) and how content and changes are made and enforced. Once bureaucracies get involved with changes a lot can happen that isn’t good. This is especially worrisome In determining policing young scouts in their attitudes, comments and behaviors among themselves. The scope of prohibitions and sensitivity has ballooned and will be subjective based on any one adult or child’s sentiments. The scope and breadth of potential proof of determined training and content may well mushroom to havi
  6. I appreciate your feedback. I understand your idea better. I was, instead, addressing the theoretical and thorny issue of how to balance any group’s influence and dominance over a system and how to manage that. From that particular perspective, it is a balancing act and can take sinister turns either way. But I get that isn’t really what you were addressing. It was really the description of “allowing a single religious group to run a shadow program,’ that motivated my response. There was no real criticism of your observations but rather an expansion of one area that struck a cord with me
  7. What you say is in some respects true but there are factors that cannot be overlooked that make the problems difficult to overcome. It seems to me, that when bringing up the Dominance of a religious group, you get into really hot water. Protected class from discrimination aside, the scouts would be in the unsavory position of having to convene committees or Star chambers to adjudicate persons on these sorts Of beliefs and undertaking purges to maintain some desired effect. The idea that one or more people could decide state by state, region by region or nationally on this basis sends
  8. Indeed that is correct. A slightly different approach is that progress is not always forward. Sometimes lateral and indeed backtracking to an effective format. Another one of those bitter ironies of history that people have trouble accepting is that the more people are equal, the less free they become. It’s inverse is true. These objectives do not work in tendency with what people seek to achieve. Communism. That, of course, goes to the lowest possible common denominator where everyone socially is officially equal but only has the freedom to do what they are told and even th
  9. Scouts has obviously changed. It has gone through convulsion after convulsion with no end in sight. It has seen two world wars, Korean, Vietnam, Cold War and modern wars. It has rumbled through boom and bust with dignity, pride, bearing, respect and a vital element in the social fabric. it’s ranks have produced many leaders and men of character and its programs instrumental in shaping countless lives in positive ways. My father, uncle and I got our eagles and supported others in our troop. The men I knew were of good caliber, respected, ethical and had a genuine interest in seei
  10. You validate what should be obvious. But there will be apologists for groups that have become a masquerade for every conceivable action imaginable. The apologists will never concede the reality. You’re wasting your time. As you can see and has been the case, no amount of evidence will ever shake loose the narratives that must be maintained at all costs no matter how ridiculous to the contrary. Nothing would shaken the scales from their eyes and if thousands burned businesses and looted the acts would be conceded as wrong, but the organization still valid. The forum has outlive
  11. That video says a lot. Actions taken leave zero question for intent. Fortunately, they were not particularly skilled and no doubt will come up with all sorts of mitigating ideas. I really can’t think of any reason to take those particular steps except to burn human beings alive. Police aside, burning law abiding parents, civil servants and Individuals to an agonizing death. I’m so weary of apologists excising these people and claiming it’s outsiders and a few radicals not sanctioned. There is a point when making such arguments moves beyond embarrassing but insulting.
  12. Well, everything you just mentioned describes a tailor made justification for stand your ground laws, expanded castle doctrine and a host of other defense of self and others from agents of unrepentant chaos. It’s a fast track to being labeled a domestic terrorist organization and legitimizing repression and even martial law on an unprecedented scale. There will be evaporating support and a trail of destroyed businesses and lives that will be brought on by their own choice. im not sure what such people expect to accomplish by this advocacy but it will not bring about impr
  13. It should go without saying that any claims left, right or center of an entitlement to ‘redistribute assets’ from any source for any reason without due process is a non-starter. Do actually do such things is yo invite the grim reaper - always especially delighted to have help -come and settle matters. As we know, Advocating such positions is inciting violence and chaos which is not tolerated at all. it is, in my view, incumbent upon those who are associated With , a part of or claiming to be part of an organization that espouses such views to suppress them, denounce them, expel t
  14. A lesson for every young person in scouts and beyond is how to think. Not what to think, but how to take in information and evaluate it using critical thinking. Logic, reasoning, careful scrutinizing and weighing a host of factors is a good habit and a lifelong skill. The older I get, the more I don’t like or agree with some of the conclusions and am forced to reevaluate. Sometimes I arrive at a new understanding, sometimes I’m not convinced. But it’s a skill well worth making sure scouts, at least, Have as a basis for coming to well reasoned conclusions and choices. How they choose to ap
  15. I do agree with you squarely on one point you raise despite any disagreements on perspective or history. And this doesn’t distract or lessen anyone else here for trying to get at the substance of the matter. Bias does play a role in reporting. It always has. The ability of people to play games, cut and paste selectively, and fabricate in a thousand different ways simultaneously. Information overload and confusion is a problem. The site Bias check is vital. It’s vital since they seem to get things right a great majority of the time and it’s important to have people do it. in a
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