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Posts posted by Trevorum

  1. I've heard of flat earther's, but I didn't know there were still geocentrists alive and kicking. I know of some people whose cosmology says our earth rests on the back of a cosmic turtle (not sure they really believe that, though). Religion is a strange lens sometimes.


    I doubt whether any of them work for NASA...

  2. I'm not certain I understand the point of this classification scheme. Yes, some MBs are harder than others, but I think the scouts can and should discover this for themselves.


    Setting up a priori age groups can discourage scouts from pursuing MBs that the adults think are "too hard". A case in point: one of our brand new cross-overs - barely Scout rank - just earned his very first MB - Wilderness Survival. No one told him it was difficult even for 15 year olds, but he did great and had a blast.

  3. I don't mind the long pants. They are clearly designed more for "parlour Scouting" than for outdoor activities, but I actually wear them on campouts. It's the uniform shorts that are dorky. During warm weather, I tend to wear khaki shorts from Old Navy or zip-offs. My sons refuse to wear the shorts.



  4. Along the same lines, but from a different faith tradition:


    Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, whose breath gives life to all the world,


    Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom.


    Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.


    Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice


    Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people


    Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me.


    Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.


    Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others.


    Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.


    I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, Myself.


    Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.


    So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.


  5. A friend said,


    "Theories explain facts lots of facts, considered together and thats what science is about. The sun disappears below the horizon in the evening. Thats a fact. Then it reappears the next morning on the opposite horizon. That, too, is a fact. To say that these facts are caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis is a theory. The problem is that some well-intentioned people do not understand that in science, a theory is not a hunch. Its not some kind of half-baked, unproven guess. Put another way, theories dont aspire to become facts when they grow up. In science, its theory that brings order and stability to the whole unruly collection of facts."

  6. From what I could tell from another news article, this is a type of voluntary probation program. No one is forced to join a troop, but they have the option to do so and have their infraction expunged from their record.


    My first concern was for the safety of the other guys. Scouting should not be a "boot camp" for offenders. In most troops, everyone is there because they WANT to be (excluding the occasional parental mandate). But these guys are told they HAVE to be there (or "else"). That seems to be a recipe for conflict and potental violence.


    Still, the article suggests that it has turned around a number of misguided young fellows, with two of the 125 having earned Eagle (reportedly).


    I'd love to hear from some of the SMs of these troops...

  7. Back when I was a CM, we saw the Tiger to Wolf transition as the biggest "leak in the pipeline" (even worse than the Webelos to Scout transition). Despite our best efforts with program, we could not retain much more than 50%. At the time, I attributed this to two factors: 1) the "us vs them" distinction created by the orange and blue uniforms, and 2) the fact that the Tigers are much younger (and smaller) than the rest of the pack and program activities that appeal to a 5th grader are not interesting (or even reasonable) for a 1st Grader. And vice versa.


    Now that Tigers are integrated into the Pack with the blue uniforms, #1 is solved but #2 remains. Webelos just don't mix well with Tigers. I predict that over the next 5 years or so, National will re-tool the Webelos program somehow to make them more independent. Pack programs would then be geared to a tighter, and younger, age range.

  8. Meanwhile, in Houston, a precinct judge is sentencing kids to serve time as Scouts!


    "Another juvenile program that he spearheaded two years ago is one in which juveniles that have committed serious crimes such as arson, sexual or weapons offenses are matriculated into Boy Scout troops.


    "We have sent more than 125 boys into the program... the parents have to be involved with their children in order to make this work"




  9. Interesting thoughts (and perspectives), all. Luckily, "Joey"s mom was camping with the troop that weekend, so she was able to check him into the hospital herself. We did have the standard parent's permission sheet, but did not have to use it.


    I certainly do not want to make anyone a "laughing stock" or the butt of any joke! My idea was to honor him (for participating in the day's events even though he was not feeling well) and recognizing his bravery and cheerfulness (for undergoing the operation).


    Maybe this would be better as a SM minute than as a "gag award" at the CoH.

  10. I agree with Semper. There is a certain threshold of minimum size and lack of experienced leadership below which a unit will almost certainly fold. It happens all the time and, IMHO, not all units are worth saving. New units are constantly starting up to replace those that have failed, for a variety of reasons.


    As lynncc suggests, reviving a pack can be done with dedication, patience, and a lot of "1 hrs/week" But, where can your son get the better scouting experience now? If he is thinking about making it to Eagle, you owe it to him to give him the tools he needs for success. In this case, a functioning, and FUN, pack.


  11. Welcome to the forum! I suspect we'll be hearing a lot from you in the months to come!


    The troop is stuck in a rut that has been dug by untrained leaders who think they know what scouting is. It will take some time to turn around this MB mill. You won't be able to fix this alone and you'll need some allies. There may be strong personalities involved with vested interests in the status quo. Have you spoken to the other adults yet? do any of them share your concerns? How about the unit commissioner or the District committee? They should be involved in finding a solution. Have you had a private, non-confrontational discussion with the SM? Give him your vision and see what he says. Let us know what happens!

  12. It was late, after a busy day of hiking, lashings, and cooking, everyone had finally gone to sleep. The new Scout patrol seemed to be coming together nicely. Suddenly, well past midnight, one of the new boys came running over to the Assistant SM's tent. "Joey's being stabbed!" The SA ripped open his own tent and hightailed it to the Patrol area where Joey was screaming in agony. There was no blood and Joey was actually complaining of "stabbing pains". Some gentle palpations indicated that a trip to the ER would be wise, and 12 hours later, Joey was recovering from an emergency appendectomy. He's fine now, but we'd like to acknowledge in some special, maybe humorous, way his first camping trip with our troop. We have a CoH coming up in 3 weeks - does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

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