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Everything posted by Trevorum

  1. Why, Pack, clearly we have to get DHS to arrest all of those Italian and Greek families who serve wine with supper to all family members, even teenagers. Their family values are clearly in conflict with ours!
  2. Call the Geology Department at the local college or university .
  3. Call the Geology Department at the local college or university .
  4. In commenting on the BSA Declaration of Religious Principle, Scoutldr says, "God with a capital "G". In my opinion, that means the God of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic tradition, aka, Allah, Jahweh, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, etc" Scoutldr, your opinion is not consistent with BSA policy. "BSA does not define what constitutes belief in God or the practice of religion" (BSA position statement, 6/2000). This means that the definition of God is NOT restricted to your deity. Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, Sikhs, Bahai's, Unitarian-Universalists, Jains, Taoists, Shintoists, Zoroastri
  5. I'd suggest doing the regular beading ceremony at a Roundtable or district banquet event. It's too much for Cubs. However, it is appropriate and fitting for your award to be formally recognized at a pack meeting, perhaps by the CC. The recognition should be no longer than that for a regular rank advancement (20-30 seconds). (I used to be a Bob White!)
  6. E54, I agree. My records-mom is on my case right now about missing campout rosters. She's right - without those basic records we wouldn't be certain who is eligible for OA or not. Not to mention dozens of rank advancements, hundeds and hundreds of MBs, address changes, etc. I appreciate her hard work and attention to detail and next time I see her I'll tell her so. Thanks for reminding us all.
  7. dte, ouch! OK, I apologize if I was reading your words wrong. I didn't mean to attribute ideas to you which you do not have. I guess I jumped to erroneous conclusions - having been badgered before in Scouting situations from good people who think their particular brand of faith is the only kind or the best kind. ... So, how about them Nationals?
  8. Darn. Polls could be fun. Any chance of Terry fixing whatever caused the problem and bringing them back? Maybe requiring some minimum number of posts (5? 10?) to be eligible to vote in a poll and other requirements to be able to create a poll in the first place. I'm no IT guy, but I figure this problem must have a solution other than pulling the plug. But then, it's not my site ...
  9. I remember my yucca pack. Bigger than I was, and uncomfortable. I'd put it in a big washtub with some detergent and scrub it by hand for 15 minutes or so. Be sure to get all the soap out and just air dry. They're sturdy.
  10. Regular committee meetings are needed. Effective teamwork requires communication and meetings are a forum for that. I see nothing wrong with adults serving as mentors for these miscellaneous leadership positions if older, experienced boys are not available.
  11. I had a new pair of olive spats when I was Tenderfoot (1965) but don't remember wearing them past ca. 1967.
  12. Vicki, I agree! In fact, these electronic campfires can be liveier than the real thing. We're all grateful to Terry. I also agree that we seem to concur on the main issue of this thread. However, I am still concerned that none of us falls into the trap of defining "atheist" as anyone who does not believe in the Christian/Jewish/Islamic God.
  13. Welcome to the forum, Kahuna! I look forward to more of your calm and insightful posts. Your Scouting experience will certainly be valued here!
  14. Downtoearth, Please don't misunderstand - you certainly didn't insult me; my cyber-skin is too thick for that However, my point was that your narrow view of "core values" excludes millions of fine people who do not share your religion. I'll stop quibbling now (although your belief that terrorists and felons are non-religious is baffling). As you have said, you know the truth, so I won't try to disagree with you. However, I do look forward to more of your thoughts.
  15. Shoot, we always move off topic here ... I'll again quibble and disagree with your claim that "agnostics or those who mix and match religions and haven't developed a well codified set of beliefs" do not have a "core set of values". As I said, even atheists abide by the Golden Rule. That's as core as it gets. Insisting that people who do not believe in your god are ethically inferior is insulting. They may not share ALL of values, but that doesn't mean they have completely different values, or no values, or even that any of their values are necessarily wrong. Remember Venn diagram
  16. Lynda, good point. My wife still recieves the US Gospel News from back when she was in the music biz. She doesn't read it and can't get them to cancel it. A certified letter might work I guess, but it's harmless enough, if bewildering.
  17. Downtoearth, welcome to the forum! I will quibble with your implication that the only valid moral code is the one that is found in the Bible. You said, "Atheists, or those holding some other beliefs, don't have a common core set of values" (emphasis added). This is incorrect and is theocentrist thinking. All religions have a system of ethical principles. Indeed, this is one of the three defining characteristics of religion (the other two being theology and ritualized behaviors). Even godless Humanists subscribe to the "Golden Rule". For more, see http://www.religioustolerance.o
  18. Slavery was a common fact of life among many groups of Native Americans across the continent, as reported by eyewitnesses. We assume (but can not demonstrate) that this was also the case long before the Fatal Impact with Europeans.
  19. Do mean that a poll is just a regular thread that poses a question to which folks can reply open ended (similar to Semper's recent "What would you do" thread)? Or is there a specific poll-creating button that I am missing? I agree that creating/using/interpreting polls is murky at best and hair-pullingly frustrating and misleading at worst. But, they can be informative if done carefully and fun if done in the right spirit.
  20. At the top of every forum is a small FAQ: " Who Can Post In This Forum?" Clicking on this takes us to: "Topics: Only registered users may post new topics. Replies: Only registered users may post replies. Polls: Only registered users may start polls. " OK, I know what topics and replies are. Am I missing the polls? Polls would be great!
  21. Ed is right. Faith doesn't require (or involve) "Left Brain Logic". This is a basic misunderstanding that often causes two people to argue around each other in circles.
  22. A. Mr. Z reads Playboy. B. All people who read Playboy are immoral. C. Therefore, Mr. Z is immoral. Anyone see the fallacy in B?
  23. All kidding aside, RisingScout, BelieveInScouts, and Calumetz - welcome to the forum, all of you! At the risk of my sounding like a broken record to the others, please remember that "BSA does not define what constitutes belief in God or the practice of religion" (BSA position statement - June, 2000). In other words, belief in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God of the Old Testament is NOT required for membership. For example, Wiccans who pray to natural spirit deities are welcome, as are Buddhists who do not recognize gods at all, as are Zoroastrians who worship the very ancient supreme God
  24. Personally, I don't let anyone carrying a venomous snake through my front door, praying or not. Seriously, this actually happened to me once (not the snake part) when I was young and had lots of spare time. These very nice people came to my door and wanted to talk religion. I was (and still am) very interested in different belief systems and so I invited them in for a chat. After a while they started to pray. They graciously invited me to join them but I declined. They continued for at least 30 minutes and, unsure what to do, I tiptoed around my apartment, doing the dishes an folding laun
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