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Posts posted by theysawyoucomin'

  1. Heck there's a council or district board that has 5 people on it!

    5 folks think you rate!!!!


    who cares what you think!!!!!





    There was good advice here. Keep on trucking. There's alot of those feelings when earning anything. Your question makes me think of Gary Cooper in the SGT York movie. York's burden was bigger than yours.


    It also says something about you that you think that way.

  2. Technically on duty,on call



    These terms strectch it a little.


    For example ASM/Marine Lance Corporal gets 7 days leave and flys from Camp LeJeune to MRS. Lisabob's town. That Marine is subject to a recall off of leave if the stuff hits the fan. You can also bet that terms like"always in the public eye" and "direct representative of CMC" where ever he goes have been engrained in him. He is not "on call". 7 days leave is 7 days leave. His duty station for that time is his Mama's house or where ever he deems fit, so long as he is reachable by phone. These days with cell phones he could go camping in the Minnesota woods for a week.

    His leave has been granted by his Commanding Officer in consideration with his unit's mission requirements.


    Uniform regs are regs where ever he goes. It would not be proper for him to wear Utilities or cammies or BDU's to see his old friend at a Troop meeting.


    The Israeli Army is "on call". When you see men and women walking around town with an UZI or an M-14 while holding a bag of groceries that is "on call".


    The Marine would have to go back to his unit and time would be allowed for that. The majority of Marines on Camp Lejeune are not "on call". The Air Alert battalions are subject to 90 minute "grab and go" but that is only the ALPHA incremement.


    As far as never being around and being registered we have a Marine that is registered to our troop as an adult. He is a helo mechanic stationed in Pennslyvania. His Dad pays his registration, he is considered an adult memebr of the Troop and after his service to "king and country" is over I'm sure he will be back in some adult capacity.

  3. Would anybody have asked this question during WW2 (in England or US) when a "local boy" returned home for a bit of leave and went to visit his old friends in the Troop?


    The liberal agenda has certainly changed our minds on the subject.



    Let's look at the military side:

    Utilities are not authorized for wear on leave or liberty for Marines. If he was giving a presentation that would be ok. One of the service uniforms would be required foe a visit.


    Does from time to time mean every 6 months or so?




    As far as the military garb thing; when civilians wear uniform parts it looks stupid and it demeans the uniform. Hunters wear camo for a reason and that has a purpose. If a kid is gung ho about the military, get him a tee shirt. Wearing camo pants and carrying a large knife looks like one was misunderstood as a child, or that one watches too many low brow movies.


    The large majority of people I see wearing parts of uniforms, that are not in the military, need a bath.

  4. Funny thing, When our Uncle Sam sent me to Saudi Arabia we weren't supposed to have certain items in the "kingdom".


    Services for Jewish Marines were listed like this

    Catholic 0800 Mess Tent Sunday

    Protestant 0900 Mess Tent Sunday

    Brand X 1800 Mess Tent Friday


    Perish the thought of an illegal Jewish service in the "kingdom"


    We didn't pull out the Ham and Chicken loaf from the MRE's the Iraqi's ate it anyway. I recently saw a youtube tape of them trying to do jumping jacks in 2007 . They could not do them in 1991 either.


    Somebody forgot to tell those idiots that owned the "kingdom" we were there to save their butts not kiss their butt.



    If the PC stuff gets worse the 200th Jambo will have


    Foil celery

    Dutch oven celery

    Raw celery

    bean soup


    A large percentage of the world eats dog. I just wouldn't take any in the chow line, but I would not want it banned. Some of my brother scouts really like Fifi and Rex in a dutch oven and good for them.


  5. I confess to being one of those adults who say, "Why is he here".


    Mostly I think the boys 16 and over who don't come to Troop meetings and help the wee ones to be selfish. I didn't think about the fact that they like Scouts but dislike the Troop.


    Of course in a boy led organization, he (meaning all boys in this crowd, not just OJ) could grab the bull by the horns and run the show.


    I think some of the boys that never show are there for the little silver "chicken" and every one else can go pound salt.

    Can't sell popcorn, too busy to make ONE of the TEN weekend days to work Christmas tree sales, can't make one over the summer camping trip just for fun, no camporees. Younger Scouts don't know who they are.


    Not how I want my son to be thought of.


    OJ clearly had other Scouting activities that he was giving to and if he was on trial for being a Boy Scout there would be witnesses and evidence to convict him. Philmont, camp, Staff at Jambo the prosecution would have enough to make a case.


    Our Troop would not have boys with the same resume.

    Got my "chicken" I'm gone.





  6. Wife and I purchased this book for our 13 year old "mini me".


    The book seems filled with pretty good stuff, BUT(there's always a but in there) I can't help but think of all the well meaning parents who will give their kid the book and not do any activities with them.

    Parents that will think they have done their job by giving the book and going back to their self centered lives


    As a kid my parents didn't teach me half the stuff in the book, I learned it from FRIENDS.


    The history in the book forget it. Gettysburg, schools don't even come close anymore.

  7. I'd like to see Den Chiefs who get awarded the red white and blue rope receive a knot to wear as an adult. Heck some Den Chiefs work way harder than AOL receipients.


    I have the AOL knot.


    I've worked with some great kids who are den chiefs.

    I never was one.

  8. Ed, I usually agree with what you say but this time I don't.


    I couldn't take the old course right now if I wanted to. So where does that leave me?


    Gin up an old course and I'll go but until then I took the only WB course offered. I'll never know how good fried passenger pidgeon breast tastes because they are no more just like the old course.


    I agree with spending some time on the history of WB.


    I agree with Eamonn--

    The Bridge at NLE and the jig saw puzzle at TC challenge is just plain dumb.


    I think calling it Wood Badge does tick off some of the old timers.

    Well, Marine recruits don't spit shine shoes anymore. I never stood a short arm inspection but that doesn't make me or the new kids any less of a Marine to those who humped Surabachi or walked to the sea from Chosin.

    My old Scoutmaster was in the 'Corps in 1950 and took the old course from Bill Hillcourt he never told me I was any less than he was. In fact he told me he was proud of my accomplishments.




    Sometimes folks who know more overshadow the folks who know less. I HOPE THEY DON't DO THE SAME TO THE BOYS THEY WORK WITH.


    As far as the movie I thought it was good. We are an audio-visual society BP couldn't have had a movie. He had to get the same idea across some other way.


    Sleeping in a tent, pooping in a hole and cooking your own food does not a Wood Badger make. Hell, I did all that in the Marines but I never learned how to accomplish program type goals for young men to have a good time.


    That to me is the essence of Wood Badge.


    The kids we taught to ice fish at snow and do, the leaders I instructed at POWWOW, the kids we helped through the world Scouting Fund(whatever it's called I don't remember) none of them asked if I took the old course or new course. They just enjoyed the fruit of my efforts.


    What would I change?

    I'd make the thing one more weekend. On the third weekend you'd go backpacking and hump a pack ten miles, pack what you needed and really rough it so that all this BS could stop.


    Backpacking teaches you leadership and management and attention to detail, and penalty for ill preparedness like none other.


    I would behead any new course person who dared utter..."Well you guys in the old course and the 21st century course didn't have to....like we did in the SECOND CENTURY of Scouting WOOD BADGE(or whatever they would call it)

  9. "so the boys know you care"


    That person was a jerk. Not a good positive way to recruit for a good experience.


    Evade that person like the plague.


    Please don't let that idiot(who waved his beads at you) cloud your view of a good course.


    A(n) (fill in your favorite un-Scoutlike term) that teaches or takes WB is still a(n) (fill in) only after he completes his ticket he has two wooden beads that the founder hoped meant brotherhood, service,fun, doing your best, the boys being first, last and "always", sharing your knowledge and giving.


    Go for it GW, don't let that person sour you on the exerience or keep you from the joy of my 3 examples or whatever good you may find or share with others. Take the course but find out first if that guy is on staff, he would be worth grabbing a friend of yours and road tripping to another council to stay away from him.


    The boys know if you care beads or no beads.


    Best wishes.


  10. Goldie,


    Nobody ever said you were "unworthy to be a Scouter" at least not me.


    "sex with another man" where did that come from?


    Like closing your hand in a car door you don't have to experience something to imagine how bad something is. Is that what you're trying to say?


    Wood Badge isn't like that.


    99 44/100's percent of WB is attitude. After going on about flatulence, homosexuality, insulting Catholic tradition,BSA giving and wasting your money, I think you may not be a good candidate. Period. In fact you already can't stand the song, well you sing it every morning at WB.


    I've taken WB and SMF, SMF is 2 nights for 3 hours. You don't really get to work with your classmates. Alot of the aloofness(is that a word?) about WB is that people don't want to tell you about things before you experience it for yourself. Would you want to sit through a 2 hour movie such as "Departed" if I told you how it ended? Do you want my perception of what will happen at your course? Maybe your instuctors will be better than mine. You're not supposed to know about the "exam" before you take it.


    You may call me an elitist, you are so wrong.


    You asked for concrete examples, I gave you three.


    Less permanent examples were the smiles on the faces of the boys that I saw when completing the goals that made my ticket. The only place they remain is with the boys, maybe they will think back when they pass them on.


    As for what I do for the Council and the district, there's another example of you talking about something you know nothing about.


    The way I see it you could go and maybe have a great time, maybe your 5 goals would make a tremendous impact on the Scouts you serve. Maybe you'd change a kid's life. Maybe you would go and teach your Patrol mates a thing or two that you know.

    Heck, you could go, have a good experience and still say you thought it was a waste. As the C&W song says, "You can feel bad if it makes you feel better..."


    You don't have to agree with me to be right. I'm wrong about alot of things. When it comes to WB and the vast majority that attend they don't think their time or money was wasted.




    In fact let's ask.

  11. Gold Winger,


    Im glad you feel so strongly about Wood Badge, reading your 500 some posts since November I don't think you'd be an asset to any of the patrols that participated in the course I took. Your local council and you are truly better off without out you wasting your money on a course fee. As the old SM minute says..."Sir I think you would find more of the same horrible conditions where ever you may roam"

  12. There is a ton of speculation about Wood Badge on this site.


    There are some that will never go.


    There are some that went that hated it, I'm truly sorry for you. Somebody let you down.


    There are some that speak until they are blue in the face,they've spent the equal amount of hours for the Practical part of the course typing away wondering what will be.


    The course is for all Scouters. I took it between the bear and Weeb 1 year.


    The course is not "Survivorman". Most woodcraft can be learned by reading and then practical application in a safe environment, sometimes best done on your own close to home. Close to a vehicle to take you to the emergency room if needed.


    The 3 gifts I got from Wood Badge were:


    1. The idea that nothing is impossible if you can get a working team of Zealous, Cooperative folks to get it done.


    2. I learned to play nice with others. (Well, at least nicer than when I started)


    3. A network of great folks that also learned how to play nice and accomplish things for the boys we serve.



    I wear my beads every where I wear a khaki BSA shirt. I hope somebody asks', "What are those?" because I'll encourage them to go.


    I think in the New Year if you haven't gone, you could make Scouting better if you did go.


    I think in the New Year if you have gone, and encouraged one person to go we'd have full courses in our respective "necks of the woods"


    Could it be better? Sure if it was 6 months long and one mastered alpine skiing in Norway, snorkeling in the Keys, walking a thousand miles at Philmont, woodcarving like Rick Butz. It coud be better if BP were still teaching it. I think the folks that wrote the course tried their best, that's all we can ask.


    Personally I think it's darn good for what it is and I'm thankful to the volunteers that took the time to teach me.


    If you wonder what it's like, my New Years wish is that you go and profit as much as I did.


    Merry Christmas.



  13. a "Trainwreck" is any jumbled mass of potatoes, meat, onions and veggies thrown into a dutch oven.



    Polish Trainwreck is this and placed in the D.O. as shown 'taters on bottom




    Kielbasa 2 lbs

    Corn on the cob(if you are using a deep oven, if not soak it in water and roast in husk over fire)

    Onions and a few carrots (I like onions)

    Cabbage anywhere from 1/2 to a whole head

    Potatoes 3-5 nice red ones


    Add 2 quarts of water and cook for 40 minutes using equal heat top and bottom. If you don't like an ingredient cut back a little on it.


    Taken from a book about the US Forest Svc.



    Any discussion of foils dinners must include seasoning:


    Chicken---Adobo My son would eat mud pies with adobo seasoning

    Hamburger---Montreal steak salt


  14. Marbles(kids love Marbles)


    Soda bottle water rockets


    Make the ring toss game in the wolf book


    make the paddle boats in the wolf book. Get 4 1X12 boards and some poly sheet and make a pond(if you live in Upstate NY like I do you might want to wait 'til May for this one


    Alka selzer film can rockets(fuji film only)


    Make a CD/balloon hover craft.


    Play rag tag


    in the pond out of the pond


    Den leader sez


    The wolf year is a fun year

  15. Personally I think the "just go join Spiral Scouts" rejoinder is a convenient dodge of the real issues, more often than not.



    >convenient dodge of the real issues<


    Can you make this statement more clear? Just because Scouter A is against a certain set of actions by an individual and says to that person "go start another organization", is this a dodge?


    Can Scouter A only not be guilty of dodging the issue by embracing the other side? A side which he thinks is wrong?


    Is this what PC has morphed into?


    Seems to me the organization is failing due to lack of delivery or lack of customers.


    How many trained members of this forum (those who hate the national policy) have started an alternative chapter in their area?


    I admire Merlyn's zeal but is he out camping with the boys or just looking for a way to bring down the existing and offensive(to him) organization?


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