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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. SctDad: Thank you for your service to our boys. Sometimes seems there ain't many of us left. But the issue isn't about what the Army/navy/CG/Girenes might allow, but what is considered appropriate by the BSA? If a DE is willing to "stand in the gate", well and good.Perhaps in that case there were other problems afoot. But BSA leaders still need to set the example. I am sorry no one could come up to you and respectfully engage you in conversation about what is appropriate as uniform. Ahead of time, at our CSDC, we announced (via "guidelines" and emails, etc.) What we considered "appro
  2. Amethyst: Welcome to the electronic crackerbarrel. Thank you for your service to our boys... IMHO, your question answers itself. One cannot wear "camo pants with the uniform" because they are not defined as part of the uni. See: http://www.scouting.org/cubscouts/uniform/parents.aspx You will often find BSs and CSs units that for $$ reason choose not to wear uni trousers but choose to allow BSs and CSs to wear (uniformly thruout the unit) 'clean jeans' or some other choice with the uni shirt. They thus refer to the shirt alone as 'THE' uniform. But strictly, it is not. The shirt i
  3. Please, tell me you wear the uni because you are proud to be a Scout and not because you're afraid of being sued. The uni should be worn to identify one as a Scout. Traveling, doing service, acting in a Scout activity. We encourage our Scouts to wear the full uni (full monty? Nah...) at appropriate times, and the Troop Tshirt or Sweat shirt for work projects and camping. Flag ceremony at Camporee, display time, parade, traveling to Jambo, etc. full uni. Digging trail drainage ditch, hiking on the AT, capture the flag, Troop Tshirt. Yes, we get favors (ice cream!), good comments from adu
  4. Kraut 60: Not to worry. It matters not who Lem is or where he metaphorically comes from. It just helps keep us focused. Being asked to defend or explain one's faith does not detract from it, it can only make that faith stronger, else one doesn't really have that faith. I find great agrement with Lisabob and others here. I have observed that many wish "THEY would do something about it."...Pick an 'it'. Trouble is, WE are THEY. Even as the man said, "all politics are local", so too "all Scouting is (are?) local". Apply ye the ""Program"" the best way thou canst...
  5. Leave time for and encourage personal sharing of situations. Don't just TELL, but SHARE from your own experience. Allow the Patrol to add to the training of their own experience.
  6. I see much truth in the above posts, but remember this: A DC is not an "assignment". The SM cannot "assign" a DC to a Cub Den except that a BScout WANTS to be a DC. What the DL wants is a DC that #1 wants to be a DC, #2 has the proper spirit to be an example and leader to the Cubs and #3 is willing to BE THERE. If the affiliated Troop has no one of those qualities, then by all means seek elsewhere. If the BSs of Troop #1 are not enthusiastic about that Troops program, your Cubs won't be either. Go to Troop #2, where the BSs are happy and of the proselytizing mien. Oh yes, make sure they
  7. I just read an article where it was called a "lemon squeezer", owing to it's dimpled, pointed crown.
  8. I suppose it would depend on the context. Comic recitations, sure. Patriotic inspiration, mmmmm probably not. Little Willy in a fit of gore, Nailed his sister to the door. Said his mother, feeling faint: "Willy, please don't spoil the paint." Willy saw some dynamite, Didn't understand it quite. Curiosity seldom pays, It rained Willy for three days. Yesterday upon the stair, I saw a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today! Gee, I wish he'd go away. ob cit "Goedel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas Hofstadter
  9. I know why I wear all those patches... extra insulation. That polyesther is too cool in the winter. The plastic backed patches really block the wind! I wish I could wear more. I say MORE patches, MORE knots, MORE "Quality Unit" strips. Do you remember the BIG Jambo Troop shoulder patches? Block that wind, man. Keep your right shoulder warm, yep. Whatever happened to the rumor of button hole holders? Close up the closing gap, I say. Den Chief cords are too thin, make'm hawsers.Carry something worth seeing. The last IOLS I helped with, the Fearless Leader made the students cut a BRIGHT red an
  10. When you take the specific certifying course (archery or BB or slingshot) for Range Officer, you should be given a copy of the book. Not necessarily at National Camp School! However, the Cub Scout Day Camp Director book (4" thick) my wife brought home, included the CSSS book. The certifying class I took for archery was given by a man who gave us (literally) photo-copies of two books, saying the one, Cub Scout Shooting Sports was out of print at the time, and the second, from a national archery club training was not Scout approved but really good reference. Be strict, be fair and be fun. And
  11. Oh, yeah. BM. Use the "search forums" function above, ask for a year back. BM has it's uses, and it's detractions. Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer cherce. Good luck.
  12. The woman had been told by her doctor to put her affairs in order. She knew that, as with all people, her time approached. She called her pastor and asked him to come visit. She had some important things to discuss with him. When he arrived, she made some tea and they sat down together. She told him of her conversation with her doctor, that she wished to discuss her final arrangements, her funeral. She had no near family and so, to her,the church was her family. He listened attentively, "of course", he said, "what can we do for you". She told him of her favorite hymns, scriptures to be rea
  13. Scouting for Food... Why we do it... http://www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/news/display.htm?StoryID=82748
  14. SSScout

    Smart Mouth

    Last time the "you can't make me , you're not my dad/mom/teacher" speech was addressed to me, I leaned down to the speaker's face and said slowly and directly to him, in the presence of the whole Den/Patrol/class, "Yes, you, do, be, cause, your, dad/mom/teacher, will, know, when, you, don't." And then I ask if they would like to call my bluff. Sometimes, one of the boys will honestly ask, "what does 'bluff' mean?" and we can discuss poker and the boys get a kick out of that. Rarely any more trouble of THAT sort.
  15. "Aww, John-in-KC, mate, yew caul thet a run on? Now THET'S a RUN ON!" ;-)
  16. I think GW's comment needs atttention. Your working name for your activity "Advance-a-ree" does sound like a MBU. But CS and BS activities do this all the time. The difference is the advancement is a CONSEQUENCE of the activity, not the GOAL. We camp and hike and go and do stuff, and the advancement happens. Well, yeah, we may design the activity to lead to rank requirement fulfillment("Jesse can be cook so he can meet his FC requirement"), but it is not there purely for requirement meeting. Cub Scout Day Camp is designed for fun and involvement and sure, wolf, bear and Web requirements a
  17. ("Darling we are growing older") While the bell tower peeled potatoes, Lard was rendered by the choir. While the clairon rang the dish rag, Someone set the church a-fire! "Holy Smoke" the preacher shouted, In the rush he lost his hair, Now his head reembles heaven, "For there is no parting there!"
  18. (sorry for the interruption) The Flag Code is an informal guideline for the respectful display and (when appropriate) retirement of US flags. It is rather like Emily Post, a reminder of what are good manners and appropriate behavior in many situations, in other words, what is least likely to offend. And, like Emily Post, manners in one locale may not be appropriate in another. And, like Emily Post's suggestions as to behavior, such suggestions are ripe for ignoring. Folks are always able to adapt or ignore the Flag Codes guidlines to their own situation and other folks are equally abl
  19. Man walks on, carrying a suit on a hanger. MC asks "Hey, where are you going, can't you see we're having a meeting here?" Man replies "I'm taking my suit to court." Next , man walks on carrying a big suitcase. Same query, he responds "They told me I have to take my case to another court". Man walks on with lots of small signs plastered on him, all of which read "SUE". Same query, more frustrated. Man replies "I"M being SUED!!" Next, Man walks on carrying a step ladder. Response: " I'm taking my case to a higher court!" Next the man walks in, dejected, dragging a large duffle bag. Repo
  20. The piece of cloth that represents our country and reminds us of it's ideals is the same if hung from a ships spar or ten penny nailed to a wall. The Code for it's "proper" and "correct" display is neither legally required (which would imply a criminal offense and some punishment) nor, it would seem, widely agreed upon. (to be continued)
  21. "...and on earth, peace, good will toward men".
  22. As it happens, one of the participants in my WB Troop last April created just that game... "Are You Smarter Than a Tenderfoot?" and another ran a "Scouting Jeopardy" game. They only lacked the flashing lights and Alec Trebec. Put us all on notice that as Scout leaders, we need to be knowledgeable and ready to answer with authority (or know where to find the answer) any Scouting question. 'Course, this was adults among adults, not adults in front of young Scouts. Maybe a Game Show ran for the Scouts? Part of the Patrol competition? At the WB, it was fun and challenging. Perhaps not for
  23. Bullying is not Scouting. It is a fault, a problem. Scouting at it's best is the learning and practice of what is called in modern terms "Servant Leadership". Along with this comes the practice of "Cooperation" and the realization that what benefits you can benefit me: Cooperation. Bullying exists when, as someone wiser than I said, "good people do nothing". Those good people can be one of the boys or an adult that listens and believes what the boy tells them. The something can be as simple as saying "no". It does take a certain amount of courage, learned by watching adults who act on thei
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