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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. Smithgall: Let's see now, politely put... *You have evidence of padding the Merit Badge account of two of the Scouts. What does the Troop Advancement Chair know of this? *You are dissatisfied with the way the Scoutmaster and the Committee Chair "handle" the Troop and the Scouts. Have you approached the Charter Org Rep and Head about this? Do you have some consensus, agreement with other parents in this opinion? *You suspect that the SM is overreaching when he recounts his military career. Previous posters have noted places to check on this and people to help call the SM's bluff o
  2. Ah, memories... Did the car bash thing back in high school. But we did it in the school parking lot at the Fall Fair. Prepping the car was easy: my dad knew a junk yard that donated the '53 Chevy. Local garage towed it to our back yard where my buds and I took out the windshield, rear window (sold them back to the junk yard), broke out the windows, rolled the debris back into the doors, took out the battery, drained and removed the gas tank, removed the carburator and starter and generator (sold them back to the junkyard),removed the headlights and taillights. Garage friend towed it to th
  3. Went to the haedware store some years ago, and found hanging on the rack a "Fiftieth Anniversary Vice Grip©". Nicely engraved, polished, about $2. more than a regular Vice Grip. Same design, same useage. Prettier. I can always use another Vice Grip. Yep, I bought it. I had a regular job then. But a three hundred dollar book.... not til I get another job. Mebbe not then.
  4. Sctdad: If you witnessed a physical assault, you did the right thing. Since the arresting officer did not witness the assault him/herself, it was up to the assaulted party to bring charges. Then the officer would arrest the assaulter (dad?) on the charge of the assaultee (mom?). Matters not his alcohol level, still his hands doing the assault. Surprise! He cannot use alcohol to excuse his actions, they are still his actions. You would be called to court to give testimony as to what you saw. If she withdraws her charges, then, no case, he is not brought to trial, he has no conviction reco
  5. Washington Post Sunday 30 August 2009, Pg.A1 "Soul Searching On Facebook" by William Wan "For the longest time,the question just sat there on his screen. Cursor blinking. Waiting quietly, like a patient priest in a confessor's box. "Religious Views: ___________." "...Amid the endless trivialities of social networking sites - the quotes from Monty Python, the Stephan Colbert for prez groups, the goofy-but-calculatingly-attractive profile pics - the tiny box has become a surprisingly meaningful pit stop for philosophical inquiry. "... (a selection of religious vi
  6. In my stint as a Chaplain at the '05 Jamboree, one of my duties was as a"welcomer" at the Relationship Tent. Here were displays from various organizations with "Relationships" to BSA: Lions Club, American Legion, and such, and many of the faiths that charter Scout units. Scouts at the Jamboree could earn a Rocker patch named "Duty to God" for their Jambo patch. One of the requirements for that rocker was to visit the display of your faith and speak to the reps there. If your faith did not have a display there, speak to the Chaplain on duty about your DtG. I signed off on many Scouts DtG page,
  7. Huh-oh, the infamous BadgeMagic... Check the previous discussion first. A mixed blessing. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=202786#id_204107 among others...
  8. So it is still up to the (shudder) volunteer to make the program work. Flag ceremony? Bobcat relay? Learn the CSP and LotP? Salute? Sign? How is this different from the past material except it is MORE regimented? Sounds like a market for the old Program Helps. Still, MiF, KiS....
  9. Second method: Use "GOOP", stick anything together adhesive. Two patches, don't even have to be the same size/shape. Take a small length of cord, fray out the ends. Small amount of GOOP on the back of one patch, spread it around evenly. Lay the frayed ends into the GOOP to make an appropriate loop (make sure it will hang right side up!). Mash the second patch onto the first (back to back, natch). Squoosh the two patches together, clean up any ooze carefully. Place patch sandwich between two pieces of wax paper, put heavy book on top and leave for about an hour. Alcohol will clean
  10. That's the attitude I like.... It WILL be a great trip... not waiting til after to judge how great the trip was or wasn't. It WILL be a great trip!!
  11. Is Leupold & Stevens still in business? Good solid equipment. My L & S compass is still pointing north, and the degree ring is very accurate, declination settable.
  12. Use a big needle. Quadruple a heavy thread thru the needle eye. Whip stitch sew two patches back to back. Include a loose loop of thread, about one inch long, for button hanging in your stitching, make sure loop thread is twisted together. Hang on pocket button, turn over for other patch. Twofer.
  13. "BUY water? In seperate little bottles?? In a store??? Are you crazy? NOBODY would EVER do that!" ((this CocaCola VP is now selling propane in Arlen))
  14. Keep'em coming! Concerning Rabbit Raising.... The old one did seem to be about raising for meat, "market rabbits" as they are called. Soon-to-be-Life son raises our lagomorph friends for pets and show. He (and mom!) have earned many ribbons at shows sponsored by 4H, county fairs, Rabbit Breeders Associations. He has learned about public presentation, genetics, hygiene, gardening (manure!), construction (a new barn/shed), finances, nutrition, care for a living thing (many, many, actually), acceptance of death and the pride of accomplishment from hard work. The "AHA" moment for me, the d
  15. A corrolary to the 121 MB discussion is: Why only those 121? I have been told that Irving regularly culls those MBs that are less popular (?less than ten awarded in a given year?) and institutes new MBs, as tastes change and new skills and technologies evolve. Notably Computer Science, Composites, etc. But how 'bout Blacksmithing? Is that only to be included in Metalworking? Phillipine Scouts (according to my research) still awards a Blacksmithing badge. Could a Scout earn that? (by correspondance?) Even if a MB is "obsolete" it is never "eliminated" , according to one source.
  16. Let's see now... 121 MB, divided by 3, that's 41 rows. Allow 2" per row, that's, umm, 82 ". One long, drag-on-the-ground sash. Or two sashes. Custom make a four across sash, that's 31 rows, 62" long, not including the pointy bottom and shoulder curve. I hope our over acheiver Scout is tall.
  17. Planting a tree as a remembrance or memorial is an excellent thing. I've seen and participated in such several times, most recently in memory of one of our Troop's adult leaders. I too think $1500 is a mite rich for a stripling tree. The plum we planted was about $85 , 3 years old. We added a small plaque in concrete block and a teak and wought iron bench for another $250. All installation was volunteer. This was not a Scout project, purse, but involved many folks who had known the Scout leader, and our Meeting. I guess the ERI is trying to promote a fund raising for themselves and
  18. Once upon a time, I went camping with some friends. We decided we needed to go someplace new, someplace none of us had ever been before, but that was not too challenging. We figured 6 ,7 miles in, about the same out might be about right. One of us picked up "Guide to Trails in the Otter Creek Wilderness". Well, that was a place we all knew by reputation, but, strangely enough, altho we were all experienced hiker/campers (ex Scouts, AYH tour leaders), had never been to. Decided. OK, He plans the meals, he picks up the food and supplies, she borrows the tents, he plans the route. I ended up
  19. The amount is not "insignificant", niether is the "principle" involved. Here in the Old Line State, the sales tax is 6%, that's $3.00 on a $50. purchase. Three burgers at the King. Pursue it.
  20. A better question: When was Bugler not considered a PoR appropriate for any rank? I've known active Buglers and really inactive Chaplain Assistants, and Troop Librarians who were all considered good to go for rank. I thought all listed PoR (possible exception: Assistant Patrol Leader) were appropriate. Is there a master list or something?
  21. In your conversation with CSE, might point out the extra expense accrued by the action of the reimbursing staff: * time spent with unhappy volunteer. * Loss of FoS or other contribution. * Extra postage, paper, check printing, bookkeeping, etc. when CSE orders apology letter and new check and policy standard written and adopted and ordered. * Has this happened before? How many other unspoken unhappy unsatisfied Scouters are there out there? * Was the missing tax payment really absorbed by the Council coffers? I remember a movie (Richard Pryor?) about a creative accountant who ammass
  22. Whoa ther, big fella... slow down, calm yourself.... "...is old the size" ? Very nice... Quantity discounts, perhaps? Outfit the whole Troop?
  23. In as much as God is "all purpose", here is our "all purpose" grace/blessing/prayer.... Dear Lord, we are about to go canoeing/have another busy day at CSDC/begin hiking/rock climbing/white water rafting. In a short while, we will be very busy. Please forgive us if we should forget about you. Please do not forget about us. Amen.
  24. NB::: Make sure everything is installed right side up.
  25. Almost there... Little Bennett Regional Park, Clarksburg , MD (Quote from the website)http://www.montgomeryparks.org/enterprise/park_facilities/little_bennett/little_bennett_campground.shtm#camper_ready Camper Ready Camping Come enjoy the great outdoors without making a huge investment in gear! If you're thinking about camping, but don't want to make the investment in equipment to try it, then we have just what you need. Camper Ready Equipment is now available at Little Bennett Campground. For $25 per night (two night minimum) plus the site fee, your campsite will come pre-set
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