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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. In our council, these positions were a disaster; most of us would relate the breakdown of the districts to forcing this on us, and making us go from 6 districts to 2. This broke the district volunteer structure, and we have never recovered, even though we went back to the old arrangement. Of course, we have not had a full complement of executives in at least 10 years, and the ones we have are terribly overworked and stressed. That relates to cost of living in our area, one of the highest in the country, and also to the economy. But we persevere.
  2. Interesting side note; there was a far earlier "Field Book" published prior to the one by GBB from 1948, and its followers. It was made available in a Lefax format around 1920, and had all the basic requirements and related reference material available in small print, but usable form. The segments could be purchased , separately, as desired, and later, there were non BSA items made by other publishers that fit in the small, pocket size six ring Lefax binder. BSA made covers, with the scout symbol, in various materials. These items are occasionally available on eBay, and are fascinating in t
  3. Some interesting comments from a couple of net discussions about super heroes and Boy Scouts, including an excellent explanation of the often used comment of someone being "a Boy Scout". ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comics historian Allan Holtz has unearthed what he believes to be the very first serious adventure comic. In a 2002 issue of Hogan's Alley magazine (named after Richard Outcault's seminal early work, of course), Holtz described his almost accidental recent discovery, in a microfilmed archive of The Philadelphia Leader, of Bobby the Boy Scout
  4. I too do not understand the comments about the outdoors part of the program. If anything, there are more outdoor opportunities and activities today than there were when I was a scout in the late 50's and early 60's; and far more high adventure events. Scout camp though could revert back a bit to more focus on camping, and less merit badge emphasis. Also, National should consider finding ways to not lose more local scout camps, developing ways to support smaller camps that still serve the local councils, but are not able to support themselves due to size and location. There also needs to be
  5. Lots of interesting comic material, both classic and recent, related to scouting in some way. I have gathered graphics from many for my archive. But Ihave not often been able to afford the best, or most unusual, such as Roy Powers or Superboy. Do have the entire Little Scouts series and hardback, as well as most of the Casper covers and ads. Still hoping to get a Dennis the Menace; but get outbid when they show occasionally. Maybe after christmas I will start sharing a few graphics on the Facebook site.
  6. Since I have not figured out how to post graphics here, so please look at the group Facebook page for covers of a couple of comics; one is SUPERBOY, and the other one 1941 edition of ROY POWERS, EAGLE SCOUT.
  7. It has been that way for years. You simply write two checks, or one to cover the two together, but ring them separately. We have done it that way for the past 3 years, even adding in the Quality Unit patches; just rang them separately. Not really sure what your question is.
  8. Yes, we need moderators on occasion. For the most part, I have little problem with their decisions. This thread just seemed silly to me though, thus my rambling post near the start.
  9. Its last throes, but yes, technically. Our support of the our future allies in Europe was already starting to draw us out of the worst of it, but it really was not quite over then.
  10. If used as an aide by the counselor, then they are fine. But, you need to not only have them fill them out, but then go through and discuss points of the things that require that. I have occasionally told a boy to redo and be prepared to show actual knowledge and understanding of things written on a worksheet. Gee, I wonder if that is why I get fewer scouts than I did before worksheets became common? Actually think it is because so many troops seem to have their own counselors for all the Eagle badges, and the most common open choice. Bottom line is, they are a tool, like any ot
  11. Well Ed, you certainly seem to get "chided" often enough here. Make sure you keep a few for your potatoes. You might want to try chives as well.
  12. Well, I just do not know what to think about all this, but I do feel that the discussion's comments on both sides leave something out that renders them of questionable value and so I cannot really weigh in well, due to my misgivings about the veracity of most of the statements made; so I guess I will wait and see if anything appears that can open my mind to accepting one comment or another; but not likely, as it is just too "fuzzy logical" in its presentation from all facets of the discussion, so let us simply agree, or disagree, but take it all as "a grain of salt"; so I am off to try and fin
  13. In case anyone here is interested, there is a Facebook group for this site; see below. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=6305356&ref=name#!/group.php?gid=172739770499
  14. OGE; The outrage is where the most of them are. That is where we get the major problems, and where all but Arizona seem unable to "listen" to their constituents and do something about it. I just don't get how our state government can somehow think allowing these individuals to continue availing themselves of all these benefits. And I certainly do not understand the idea behind the "Dream Act". How are these people more important than our own "legal", but less wealthy citizens? I am all for education, but not as an added burden on me, my family, and the bankrupt state.
  15. Back around 1960 or so, we had two students that lived above Yucca Valley, Ca. in a spot called Pioneertown, an old movie set for B westerns. They would ride their horses down the canyon to Yucca and leave them corralled, catch the bus to high school in 29 Palms 35 miles away, and then ride them back up in the late afternoon. Guess they must have had an arrangement of some sort wherever they left the horses during the day; but, cannot hardly imagine that today.(This message has been edited by skeptic)
  16. Responsibility? That only applies to others, not me!? Another idea that has become outdated, joining "common sense", its cousin.
  17. The public overwhelmingly supports repealing Congress!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Vol; Only one piece of the Health bill was tentatively ruled unconstitutional, not the whole bill. I say tentatively, because it will surely be appealed and eventually likely end up in the SCOTUS, very possibly with other parts of its whole. But, as has been pointed out, do not expect the entire bill to be negated, as almost no one would want to eliminate the "pre-existing" part, or kids to 25, now that they are in place. JMO
  19. Yet, at almost every school in which I have subbed the past ten years, there are kids that wait for hours for a parent or someone to pick them up. They have to sit in the office until the ride comes. And on a few occasions, I know the school has had to call youth protection authorities, as no one can be found. Meanwhile, out on the playground, they are no longer allowed to play tag or anything else that requires "touching" or possible better physical conditioning in the child to succeed. They still play dodge ball though in most schools, but I have not seen a school or park with a "s
  20. If anyone is interested, I am posting a Scouting related Christmas themed graphic on my Facebook page almost every day. I have gleaned them from various areas of the net over the past ten or so years, and keep them in my "graphics" archive. Take a look if you are interested; http://www.facebook.com/#! Just in case the link does not work, look under Wes Fish on the site.
  21. So, about a third were probably beyond the control of the camps in which they occurred; the tornado would have been far worse, had the scouts not done such a great job overall with the emergency; adults with health problems can only be screened so much, but they are adults and make choices; the scout sleeping, killed by lightning: what did the scouts do wrong?; adults electrocuted were foolish and should have known better. On some of the drownings, I would wonder if the activity was under the direct scout supervision, or a professional vendor who does it. And, without knowing the details, ho
  22. I am at the point that re-reading Mark Twain's and Will Rogers' political writings seems the only way to go. Amazing how much of what they had to say can be related to today's events.
  23. Because too few vote to start with? Half the complainers will tell you they do not vote because it makes no difference, or some other lame excuse. Yet they often are the loudest. It is embarrassing to supposedly be a "builder of democracies", yet have a citizenry that does not take advantage of the system. That infamous "silent" majority we constantly note. Any suggestions how to get them to speak up?
  24. For an "experienced leader", this seems to be very foolish at best, and not reflective of that much leadership tenure. For whatever reason, it should not have happened. That said, all of us with any time in the program have likely had our "whewwww!" stories. I had four mid senior scouts go cross country rock hopping in Indian Cove in Joshua Tree. Before they went, we went over the "rules"; stay together; keep everyone in sight; stop when needed for everyone; start back no later than 2:30 (made sure a working watch with them). Three came back, one not with them. "Oh, he wanted to loo
  25. So, I hate to be ignorant, but I do not see how you can edit your site info. The council comes up, but there does not appear to be any type of change or correction button. Thanks for any clarification someone might give.
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