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Everything posted by ScoutNut

  1. >>"You are certainly entitled to your own prejudices. That's what they are."
  2. >>"So here we have BSA application "A." It is signed by a real parent for a real boy and paid for with real dollars. Is this an application you'd accept or not?"
  3. Wow, my question is where do you camp that has a water faucet in the campsite? We usually have to hike to the pump!
  4. >>"Maybe he gets something out of it, maybe he doesn't."
  5. So what does the boy get out of it? He is registered with BSA. He never attends meetings, never advances, never goes to camp, never learns what it is to be a Scout. Never is really a Scout at all. Except on paper. So, how is that good for the boy?
  6. Actually, the "official Tiger Cub Book" has the den leader signing off on each specific elective next to "Akela"'s (parent) signature. I always checked because there were often electives we did in the den that the parent did not include. It should have been easy enough for you to go thru and enter the specific electives completed online. If that was to much to do in order to insure your Tigers got their correct awards, you could have requested the Advancement Chair to simply check off any electives to match the number of beads you had requested. Or you could have gone to th
  7. >>"Our new charter is behind us 100% and sees no reason not to use the school."
  8. If you don't want to meet in the new council's area, and feel that you have the potential to draw even more than 32 Cubs from your own area (old council), why not just stop the drama, simplify everything, and find a Charter Organization in your old council? Personally, to me it does NOT sound like it is BSA not "looking out for whats best for the boys". It seems that it is more you, and your friends, with little to no knowledge of how BSA is really put together, or how it works, trying to force BSA to do things YOUR way, that is what is putting the boys program in jeopardy. By
  9. We do not tie our recruiting and our popcorn sale together at the same event. Recruiting is a year long activity. Our sign-up night is just that, a sign-up night for new families who we have recruited and have not yet registered. They pay their National registration $ to, and get Pack info, fliers on upcoming Pack activities, and their den Handbook, from the CM, and ACM. Their den leaders give them den specific info. We hold it as early as possible in the school year so that the dens can get into their den meetings right away if they want. The popcorn sale is for everyone, and is wh
  10. Our "official" sign-up night is in August just after school starts. We do this night for brand new sign-ups only. Den/Pack leaders explain their respective programs to the new families. Our "old" Scouts have never really left, and most have been active with us over the summer months so there is no need to "re-recruit" them. We hold it in the School/Parish Hall on a Friday evening. However, we keep recruiting by word of mouth all year long. Most of the den's start their regular meetings right after the Labor Day holiday. The Pack will hold a Popcorn Kick-off meeting/party in early Sep
  11. >>"I had an issue with Tiger Beads for My Tigers because apparently the program they used required each bead to be broken down by every elective..where as the Book said for each paw do any elective and Color the Paw when Complete get a Bead...No record had to be kept explaining detailed elective count"
  12. >>"We had a cub master who was not youth protected go on several events including a over night and it was covered up by council.">"We had a meeting to have him removed. We had at least 95% want him to be removed and council lied and kept him in. We picked a new cub master and council went out of it's way not to allow this individual in.">"We decide to change councils. We are located on the county line. We were just informed that we can't do any scouting in our county to which we most live."
  13. Are these complaints related to the popcorn fundraiser at your old Pack? If so, see my response to your post on popcorn credit. If not, what - EXACTLY - were these "serious issues", and "abuse of power"?
  14. I am sorry that the financial side of the Pack was never explained to you. When you changed Packs, your original Pack was under absolutely no obligation to send ANY of the money in his Scout account over to your new Pack. That they are willing to give his new Pack 18% is extremely nice of them. In BSA the local council issued a charter to local organizations giving them the right to use the BSA program. These Charter Organizations own their BSA units (Pack, Troop, Team, Crew, Ship). All funds raised in the name of Scouting, and and in the name of a BSA Scouting unit (Pack,
  15. Things needed on Cubtrails - The ability to go back to edit a meeting, or activity. Better forms. Forms that can be downloaded as a spreadsheet that I can manipulate how I want them. Ability to add Pack specific awards.
  16. Cubtrails looks interesting, but has a few flaws. No way to edit meetings/activities after input, and the forms are rather useless. Also, no way to add Pack specific awards. Good start!
  17. A big question is what was this fundraiser advertised to the public as? Was it advertised as "Send our Pack to Camp"? Send little Jimmy, and Johnny here to Camp? Or was it "Buy tickets to help Pack 1234"? Big difference. Also, when you say "We actually don't help with any boys or leaders camp fees.", that is not entirely accurate. By providing these money earning activities, and putting profits in Scout Accounts, you are allowing individual Cub Scouts use of PACK FUNDS. Remember, this is Scouting, not a mini business for each Cub and his family. Any and all funds
  18. >>" And yeah, I know testing isn't allowed. But that' my whole point, maybe it shgould be.">"The AC can compare the listed requirements on the BC that the counselor signed off and compare them to the book. During the BOR, the AC can ask questions that are not testing that can still let the AC know if the scout actually went over this stuff during the MB process."
  19. What to do now - Contact Camp Director and let him know. This guy might be pulling this at every camp, all Summer long. Find out (from CD) if this was the actual counselor, or just a helper. If it was an actual registered counselor, contact the Council Advancement Chair and let them know their counselor is not really counselling. Let your Advancement Chair, and SM, know so that they never use this guy for any badges. SM, and/or AC, should talk to the Scouts in the Troop who went to Summer Camp. They need find out if anyone had this guy for Robotics, or any other badges.
  20. >>"I turned down a fathers request to go camping as a family."
  21. >>"If you and your husband were paying to be rechartered, and found the unit did not put you on the charter, well ask for that money back."
  22. ScoutNut

    Chess pin

    There is no need for your 2nd grader, who does not like to read, to read an entire book. Reading an article on the internet with the info needed would work. There are a lot of sites out there on chess players. I would even take the famous person who plays chess route if it sparks your son's interest.
  23. As another mentioned, I am rather amazed that after 14 years of leadership in the BSA you have no clue as to how the organization is put together. Have you never taken any training at all? Have you never read any BSA literature? Oh, well, water, bridge, that sort of thing. Here is a quick/dirty wrap-up of how the BSA is organized - The BSA National organization is made up of 4 Regions, with 33 areas. The National offices are in Irving, Texas. BSA National grants two types of charters. The first is a charter to create a local council. The second type of charter is to l
  24. Why on earth would you have your son join a Pack with someone you characterize as "SATAN INCARNATE", and then stay there, putting up with "verbally abused me,gossiped,spread lies,etc etc for 6 YRS" ?? Six years, really? I would not have stayed six minutes. Then, to top it off, since you obviously did not get enough the prior six years, you put your son in the Troop "SATAN INCARNATE" was SM of, and stayed with him for another two years! Stop the drama/insanity. Find a new Troop for your sons to join, and take a bit of a break from leadership yourself.
  25. >>" The feeding could have been easily accomplished either before or after the BOR."
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