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Everything posted by scoutmaster52

  1. Eagledad, This was decided on by the PLC and wholeheartedly endorsed by the Troop. Yearly this is voted on by the PLC. One boys reasoning is that it gives the eagles additional recognition and opens up the field of other positions to others. This is not to say that an Eagle can't run for SPL. Additional note PLC met last night and changed the requirements fo SPL. Must be 1ST class , proven leadership, and participation are the standard to run for ASPL. The current ASPL will become SPL. This must br voted on by the Troop as well.
  2. Its up to the Eagle canidate. As SM we talk over what is important to the EC and develop an ESCOH from there.
  3. Our C-O gives us a place to meet. This year we have a new rep and we have tried to become closer to th C-O. They even helped to pay for class B t-shirts.
  4. One of the best ideas that I have seen in Scoutcamps is having PB&J,fruit and juice avalible throughout the the day for the boys. This said nto us that the camp understood that boys get hungry and that it didnt push the boys at the trading post for candy.
  5. Own Two. Two rockets 4 tanks of gas= 1 week, eight people(three coffee junkies) Cranberry Lake, NY
  6. Peer pressure works on adults too. How many adults have you seen cover up or take off their Scout shirts before going into a store. Why? Is it a stima being a scout leader?
  7. Two years ago the PLC decided that there had to be requirements for leadership, voted on it, presented it to the Troop and had it radified by the Troop. Patrol Leader/ ASPL: Had to be 1ST class and had to meet an participation requirement. SPL: same as above but had to serve as 1 as PL or ASPL before. Retiring SPL(not Eagle) to become Troop Guide and advisor for current SPL Retiring SPL(Eagle) Appointed JASM
  8. After an election my son was elected to a second term as SPL(proud momment for me)based on his performance ond his popularity with the younger scouts. Afterwards another scout and father(member of committee and did the counting of the votes with two other Boy Scouts) complained that this was not fair(this boy is a peer of my son and while well liked doesnt go out of his way to associate with the younger scouts.) As SM I spoke to them(treated this as a SM confrence)and discussed with them why they felt that my son was reelected and why this other boy was not. Came up with ideas, that they bought into, on how this boy could better himself. This boy was appointed by my son as ASPL and was elected the next term.
  9. Our Troop enjoys a Fear Factor Feast. All items must be edible and the only other rule is once its opened it must be finished. We have had linburger cheese and onions, sardines, caviar, Brie and various fruits such as ugli and blood oranges.
  10. Class of 83, 2 brothers(84, 86), son 06, son AOL 07, nephew 07. Scoutmaster, committee chairman of Pack
  11. As a Scoutmaster, I have also been in this position. After taking over as scoutmaster, the "older scouts" who had been there before me started thinning out. A number of them were 14 year old life scouts. One boy after being elected Spl made only half of the meetings and less of the other activities. After one year he showed up even less( at one point he even was dropped from the roster). Along comes age 17 and he decides( with the push of the former scoutmaster) that he wants his Eagle. I sat down with the CC, the Eagle COH Chairman and the DE to discuss the situation. We came to the following conclusions: 1. The boy had served his time as SPL as Life and was signed off for his POR 2. He had "activly" served six months as a life scout. 3. As far as scout spirit we judged the boy by his actions in his life not just Scouting.( The boy was an EMT and a jr. member of his volunteer fire dept., though not an explorer) The end of the story was that the other scouts in the Troop decided that there must be a better judge of Active. Within the PL council it was decided that the active part had to be tied to the leadership position. Their thought was how doese one show leadership if the leader is not present. Now if the POR holder does not meet a % of activities, he can be removed by the PL council.
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