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About dluders

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  1. 1. Our year-old Venturing Crew is having a change of adult leadership for Rechartering 2009. Our previous Committee Chair was a female parent who also acted as a FEMALE ADVISOR. She believes that it is a REQUIREMENT to have COED ADULT LEADERSHIP present at ALL coed Venturing Crew activities (meetings, daytime outings, as well as overnight campouts). I believe that since there is no official BSA Female Advisor position per se, the need for a female adult leader is really only for OVERNIGHT campouts. There ALREADY IS Two-Deep Leadership present (albeit, male leadership) at crew events. I c
  2. This weekend, I will fill out my council's record card (along with photocopies of ALL of my training records YET AGAIN), and personally hand-deliver the entire package to the council. What choice do I have? After all, the form letter everyone got basically BLACKMAILS folks into compliance: "I am writing to remind you of the new training requirements for adult leaders in the XXXX Council....Effective December 31, 2008 [i.e., the Rechartering deadline], all unit "top leaders"...[and] 'direct contact leaders', including Assistant Scoutmasters, are required to be trained. Scoutmasters and
  3. "Bob White", I ALREADY TOLD YOU (via your two, unsolicited "Private Messages") WHY my troop lost membership. DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT. We're talking about COUNCIL RECORD KEEPING, not my troop. I know the saying, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." Well, any organization who loses the same records 5 times in 8 years (regardless of the reason) IS INCOMPETANT by any objective measure. I'm a licensed Civil Engineer working for the US Air Force. Anybody who goofs up the SAME WAY in my profession/workplace gets people killed. There is little/no tolerance for incompetance.
  4. 1. Whether or not a council continues to use the (faulty) ScoutNet national database or not, BACK UP THE DATA with a locally-developed, Excel spreadsheet. How complicated could this be? If ScoutNet is unreliable, then (gee) maybe they should have a BACKUP. What a business concept! 2. The fact that I called my council's staff "incompetant" seems to rankle "Bob White". He apparently wants me to settle for mediocrity, and just resubmit the same paperwork for the 6th time without a peep. Well, "A Scout Is Trustworthy" to keep the records of the volunteers who make the program work.
  5. I still believe it's a matter of competancy. The council "professionals" has known about the problem with the danged national BSA database program, but they stuck with it anyway. You know the old saying, "Three strikes and you're out"? Well, it took 5 strikes to get through to our council staff that "Gee, we have a problem here" and to FINALLY do something about it. You take an Excel spreadsheet, populate the data, BACK IT UP on a cheap $15 thumb drive, and you're done. No more lost data, no more telling the same Scouters EVERY YEAR that their training records are lost and that they m
  6. Here is the entire, unedited text of the reply from our council's Program Director (who sent me the form letter, and to whom I complained yesterday): "I very much appreciate you taking the time to express your frustration. For years our council, like almost all other councils in America, have utilized a national BSA database to track all training records. The data base I am referring to is great for a variety of useful applications. However, the component that deals with tracking training records has been very inconsistent over the years. Our support staff has done their job correctly
  7. Naw, I already wrote such a letter to the Scout Executive last time. It didn't do any good. This time, I'm going to raise the issue at the council's "Open House" on October 30th. I want to know how many other Scouters are getting jacked-around with similar form letters, and wasting their time re-taking the same course. I want the council to FIND my training records. You know, the ones that I EARNED through MANY WEEKENDS away from my family. They're going to ACKNOWLEDGE their recurring, systemic problem and FIX IT once and for all. Any small business who lost their records 5
  8. 1. A few days ago I received a form letter from my council's Program Director. It reminded me of the "new training requirements for adult leaders", and stated that "Our records currently indicate that as an Assistant Scoutmaster you have not yet completed the following course(s): New Leaders Essentials and Scoutmaster & Assistant Scoutmaster Specific Training." This letter marked the 5th time in 8 years that my council has "lost" my training records. 2. I already had provided my council with those (and other) training certificates, as recently as last autumn. Although I received
  9. Thanks for the replies so far. To summarize, it sounds like my son won't have to be dual-registered in a Boy Scout troop because (1) He's a Life Scout, (2) He's already served as a troop "Position of Responsibility" for 6 months as a Life Scout, and this is signed-off on his Boy Scout Handbook and Eagle Scout Application form, (3) He can have an Eagle Court of Honor wearing his Venturing "Class A" uniform (no merit badge sash). Again (due to High School time pressures), my son won't be able to be truly "active" in two Scouting units simultaneously. Being a phantom member of a troop is
  10. My 15-year-old Life Scout son is CONSIDERING joining a new Venturing Crew soon (since his old troop is "folding"). He can join another nearby troop, or join the Venturing Crew and still work on his Eagle Scout (only 2 Eagle-required MBs and Eagle Project are left). Due to High School time pressures, he's doesn't really have the time to be truly "active" in two Scouting units simultaneously. He's already served in a troop-level leadership position for 6 months as a Life Scout. I read through the BSA Venturing literature and the past year's posts on this forum, but still have these quest
  11. I'm the Scoutmaster of a 25-Scout troop, and only 3 of the 25 Scouts are going on today's overnight campout. School just "let out" yesterday, and apparently folks have other plans. Even my own 14-year-old Life Scout son can't go, since he's 2500 miles away on a big trip. Should I have cancelled this campout (due to a lack of participation), or should a troop hold its campouts no matter what? Right now, we're planning on going anyway with 3 Scouts and 3 Scouters (including myself). That's a pretty poor turnout, don't you think? The Scouts THEMSELVES voted for this campout location and dat
  12. I earned my Eagle Scout on 9/4/1973 from the Greenwich Council, (Greenwich, CT) and am currently a Scoutmaster in Spokane, WA.
  13. Thanks for all of the additional replies. I'd like to answer some questions that some of the respondents had: 1) Since the Life Scout DID serve admirably as Chaplain's Aide for 6 months, he fulfilled his Position of Responsibility. I don't know if some Ass't Scoutmaster signed off on this in his Scout Handbook yet, but I can't deny his eligibility for Eagle Scout on these grounds. 2) The Scout DOES show "Scout Spirit," but since he only comes to 1/3 of the troop meetings (and no campouts) anymore, I was hoping for more "Scout Spirit." I agree with others that he should be mentor
  14. Our troop's policy is: "To be considered active in Troop xxx, a scout is expected to attend 50% of scheduled Troop meetings and activities during the Troops annual plan calendar. Participation in extra BSA functions will be favorably considered, and at the discretion of the Scoutmaster, may offset some missed Troop functions. Any scout not meeting these standards will be reviewed by the Scoutmaster and committee on a semi-annual basis for continuation in the troop. To be considered for a Troop Brownsea scholarship, a higher standard of participation is expected." Obviously, this
  15. Just to clarify the specific situation about this Life Scout: a) He became a Life Scout at a Board of Review on Feb 8, 2005. b) He has had the same Scoutmaster (me) for the past 3-1/3 years. c) He was much more involved in troop campouts, meetings, & other activities before his last campout 1-1/2 years ago (in Oct 2005).
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