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Everything posted by ScoutBox

  1. Well Scouters, Summer Camp is over with for Troop 130, TAC-BSA for this year. We had a great time at Kandersteg (KISC). Helped out throughout camp, and taught the Wilderness Survival MB. Earned the SM Merit Badge. Never heard of it before. Anyway, the boys had a great time, as well as the adults.
  2. Well, I'll be wearing both shirts, but I'll be with the TAC team there.. Thanks!
  3. Well everyone Troop 130 from TAC-BSA is off to Kandersteg, Camp Alpine, tomorrow for a week of Summer Camp. I can't wait. I will be working not only as the SM for th eWeek, but also as a Staffer to help out in the camp. Anyone else heading out this week?
  4. I wear a hat I made up myself. I got one of those military type OD ball caps, with the velcro on the from, and I took our unit number patch and added velcro to it, and put in on the front. As for the troop, I'm the old person who wears a hat anytime. I'm a hat person..
  5. We built one tonight for the WEBELOS' Crossover. I would suggest using a fourth line over the bridge and having the boys either wear a rappelling seat, or a bowline and snap link them to the higher line. this way if they were to fall then they would be caught. This is something that can be used for any training or playing above the ground.
  6. Thank you very much.. I'll have a look. SB (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  7. Question? Can anyone link me or give me information for the Catholic Religious Award (Youth Award)? Thanks, SB
  8. I got myself a pair when I was in DC last week. The sizes seem to run correct.. but if he has a larger back side, then I would suggest a larger waist size. But they do come with an elastic band, and a tie cord..
  9. Sure these aren't just activity shirts??? I know what I read on the Scout Stuff site, but it just looks more like a uniform shirt to be worn outdoors.. not a dress uniform..
  10. Sure these aren't just activity shirts??? I know what I read on the Scout Stuff site, but it just looks more like a uniform shirt to be worn outdoors.. not a dress uniform..
  11. My son's Switchbacks are already too small for him.. Boy's growing.. anyway I have three pairs.. I like them for the outdoors, but they look bad for meetings etc..
  12. I was just at the Bethesda Scout Shop last week. Visiting DC, anyway, I had already gotten a pair of the canvas ones from TAC-BSA Scout Shop and sewn them up and flew with them over to the States. The seam in the hip blew out on the flight??? anyway, they took them back and exchanged them for another pair. I wore them yesterday, and do like them. I went ahead and reinforced the seams in them, at the crouch, hips and seat while I was at the machine already sewing up the lengths. I do like them, but would prefer them without the leg(short conversion zips.. they catch me just at the knees.. Anywa
  13. I was just at the Bethesda Scout Shop last week. Visiting DC, anyway, I had already gotten a pair of the canvas ones from TAC-BSA Scout Shop and sewn them up and flew with them over to the States. The seam in the hip blew out on the flight??? anyway, they took them back and exchanged them for another pair. I wore them yesterday, and do like them. I went ahead and reinforced the seams in them, at the crouch, hips and seat while I was at the machine already sewing up the lengths. I do like them, but would prefer them without the leg(short conversion zips.. they catch me just at the knees.. Anywa
  14. E92, My son goes to a Swiss, French speaking school. He also helps the teacher to teach the German Class, due to it being his mother tongue, next to English.. in fact, the three languages are his mother tongues.. I just took a writing course in French which I passed, and hold a special Skill level in, so I also wear the French strip.. my son wears the French and German strips.. I did have a mother tell me that unless he was tested then he shouldn't be able to wear them.. I told her that due to his going to school in both languages that the testing the school gives should be enough..
  15. Is there an official written test to be given for this badge?? My son speaks several languages and can read and write them without a problem..
  16. I wear my OD Tiley hat when ever out doors.. great hat.. I have the new Boy Scout Cap, and like it's shape.. I'm looking forward to getting my Woodbadge Class hat this coming August.. can't wait to go..
  17. TAC requires it. I will be attending an IOLS weekend next month in Belgium. And according to the letter i got there has to be at least one fully Trained Leader on all outings... I can't wait to go to the training.. Last thing to do before Wood Badge..
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing the Unit numbers in red with a tan or brown backing..
  19. I've had Craig murry design our new unit number patch. It's great looking, and cost a fraction of what the BSA Standard number patches cost. Instead of a Charter Number on the upper bar, I'm going with a EST. 1975, and then the troop Number, and then the city, and place. We are in TAC..
  20. I've been working for months on something simular but for the Class B t-shirts. I had Craig Murry design our troop a new number patch.. I though that this design would also work well for a t-shirt. Nothing too large, but the same size over the left chest area. As for a cap, I too like the idea of using the same number patch to do the same thing. There's a troop in Alexandria louisiana using a troop number on a green ball cap for many years now. Looks great and works well. This was may inspiration. But to add to this.. I live the above camp patch.. Looks great!
  21. I've read it, and found it a good read, lots of good information for a new SM, ASM.. and lots of good advice...
  22. Have to agree with Scoutfish, and the rest of you guys... I too am proud of the training I have been doing as a new to scouting again ASM. I've been an ASM for 2 and a half years now.. but new since 7 months.. anyway, I too am working to get all of the training I can get.. the more, the better I can be with the troop. I will attend Woodbadge this August here in TAC. I can't wait.. Everyone who finds out that I'm going first tells me.. "I wonder what Critter you'll be??" I understand most of that.. and have already seen some of that Critter built friendships at my last TAC outing in Kandersteg.
  23. Well, when there's more info. can someone be sure to post the links and information. I have several boys wanted to get started, but as we all know......
  24. Well, when there's more info. can someone be sure to post the links and information. I have several boys wanted to get started, but as we all know......
  25. Well, when there's more info. can someone be sure to post the links and information. I have several boys wanted to get started, but as we all know......
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