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Everything posted by ScoutBox

  1. Was it ever really that elite? I mean I know that it spent more time on Skills which are perfect, but Elite? Most of what was taught before could also have been learned outside of WB. Today it's more of a leadership course dealing with todays problems. Youth Management etc.. I went too some elite courses in my Military career. And none of them where like WB. I learned a lot at WB. I liked it. But like you do think that it should be more outdoor related. Problem aren't so much of the BS Leaders, but Cub Leaders that are missing the outdoor side. This should be corrected by a Stronge
  2. Now I remember the other clips they were from "Remember the Titans". I'm glade there wasn't two films.. I was damn tired at this moment in the course, and needed some time away, and a chance to work on Patrol Project, and Ticket.
  3. Having just finished WB, I see the problem with Cub Leaders and the course. Many were not up to par on camping, and outdoor skills. Most of the BS Leaders were. I know that a better program needs to be had. I for one am un happy with the current Sm Handbook. I use several older ones to prepare PL Training. As the new one gives nothing for this."Not that I have found at least". I'd like to see more in this area, as this is one of the most important aspects towards the Boys and the Troop I can think of. Once the boys are trained and doing the job of leaders, then the Patrol Method, and Boy Lead
  4. Don't mention Jambo. I can rant about that all day.. too expense for one event. Same as World Jambo.
  5. JUst re read the requirements and see that in three years I'll have done 6 of the requirements. Just need the tender for the International Committee member.
  6. I know for a fact that the SM team on my WB course flew over to the US for the Tools to give the course. They even had to sign a letter saying they would teach the course exactly like it was given to them. Had this discusion already.
  7. Not sure if they run the same movies, and from some of the responses I guess not. We saw clips from Casablanca "Usual Character", and some other films?? But October Sky we saw all of it, and it was great. I down loaded the WB Program book off of the web, but it doesn't say which films to watch. But it does talk about "WIN ALL YOU CAN!"
  8. My troop has the same problem, Shirt only, and the new SPL has decided that the boys can now wear just activity t-shirts to meetings now???????? Anyway, i wear a full uniform to every thing we do. I also sent out the link last year from the Scout Shop and NO ONE responded.
  9. What's really sad is as an adult I have several uniforms. But I have boys who are wearing shirts too small for them because they don't want to invest in a new larger shirt. My sons shirt should last him.
  10. I have some of the older Scout Pants, But these don't have the side leg pockets. I wear them mostly due to the comfort, and better look at meetings. I like the Switchbacks but they are cut long. And the new Cotton pants are crap..
  11. I remember serving as an ASM in Trans-Atlantic Council back when one still had to earn the emblem. I got mine, and now the rules have changed. Although now I am again serving in TAC and live in Europe. and am a Member of the International Committee, my Troop has camped and held actvitites several times with other Scout Troops from other countries. We'll go to Whales next Summer camp to visit a Whelsh unit.
  12. Boy am I happy that I'll be a TG on next course's Staff.
  13. My course number was NE-II-193. This is changing to a newer number system this next course. Wonder why?
  14. Congrates and good luck guys. I'm currently working my Ticket. We also had some tears passed a few times during the course. October Sky for one brought one of our Patrol members to some heavy emotional tears.
  15. Craig, you did a great job on our patches. Thanks again. BTW Scouter, There are no BSA Emblems on the number patches. I can't see anything illegal about having someone else make them.
  16. Indeed CT. I should be finished and beaded by Spring Camporee.
  17. Just take the test once a week and you should be covered... I took it last year, and expect to have to take it again next year September again.. Once every two years right? Anyway, you didn't have to take it for each new position did you?
  18. I only saw the beading ceremony for the Staff who were not at the Ceremony the day before. They were given a second bead, and the SM took each persons leather bead thong, and untied it, and placed a third bead on it. I know that our SM and Our SPL had four beads. The SPL was the SM for the Course before. As for the Scribe, I can only assume she wasn't beaded, because I never saw her wearing here regalia. same for the Venturer Adviser. I know that this next course that both will be Beaded, as I've gotten to see the names of many of the people serving next year.
  19. On my recent Wood Badge Course there was a ceremony for the Course Instructors where they received their third bead. The Course Director /Scout Master was wearing 4 beads. We hod only WBer's on the course as Staff except the Venturer Leader, and the Scribe. But all Staff Instructors were Beaded. I am invite to Staff the next course coming up next year. But I will be beaded before then.
  20. Good question here. I'll bring it up at the TAC Commissioner's Course next Month. I do want to know this one.
  21. Since we don't have a lodge of our own to display our 35 years of Ribbons, they are tied to the top of the troop flag pole. I need to get a couple fo the ribbon ring holders whatever you call them to put on top to hang them correctly. Thanks for the ideas though..
  22. Just wanted to thank you, and say that that is one very good web page. Thanks, Mike B.
  23. Well, I must have done something good at my WB Course this past Summer. I've been asked to serve as a Troop Guide on the next course coming up next Summer.. Infact several from my Patrol were asked to serve as TGs. My TG will be the Program ASM for the Course. Great news.. I feel very honored to have been asked.
  24. Something I did at Summer camp was too have everyone take their shoes off and walk around. Then have them make casts of the prints they found. Tracking humans is also possible. There aren't many wild animals in the middle of a Scout Camp in the Alps.. Take pictures, and make copies of animal sounds. Then try to learn to make these sounds yourself. I say you have to make the best of the MB while you can.. Sadly, no one from my troop wanted to take any of the Historical MBs..
  25. I was asked to Staff next years.. can't wait..
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