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Everything posted by Polaris

  1. I asked the SM. Oldest son's Scoutmaster does not want to take youngest son early. They take all crossovers in early March and put them into a New Scout Patrol. So.....waiting one more year.
  2. I put Cub son's swag, including belt loops, in a $30 on-sale shadow box from Michaels. Used hot glue gun. I trimmed and used the Webelos necker as part of the background. Google "Boy Scout Shadow Box" and look under Images heading. I have also seen a navy felt banner with awards and insignia on it hanging by loops from an arrow. I am not crafty, but I can tweak other folks ideas.
  3. We use Google Groups. One for youth/parents and another for adults only. Works great. And you can log in and read past posts. We have TroopMaster. I don't know why we don't use it for group email blasts.
  4. Polaris


    So glad you posted this. When my oldest completed Readyman, the WDL scheduled an EMT to lecture to the boys. Boring. I was going to call this week and do the same for youngest Scout Son. This is WAAAY cooler. Hmmm....thinking....I see lots of corn syrup and red food coloring. Lay out several victims and explain and practice triage.
  5. Pack sales were down $6000 this year. We have hit our mark every year for the last 6 years or more. I don't understand what happened this year. That being said, I just got an email from a parent and they couldn't figure out why they still owe dues. Parent thought they got credit for 100% of their door to door sales.
  6. We have extra funds from popcorn sales. It is funded from scouts selling over the amount needed for dues. Availability of dues scholarships is announced and put in a Pack **** Handbook and distributed at the New Scout Parent Orientation. That being said, in Sept, we had a new scout parent send an email complaining about our dues and said they had to quit. We offered up a full dues scholarship, to include Pack camping fees, Blue and Gold banquet costs, etc., and the family quit anyway. Excuses..... Our Council only covers the cost of Council Summer Camp, BSA registration fees and handbook
  7. I am looking at our Council's Popcorn Kernel Sales Guidebook: With incentives (prizes)--29% gross unit sales or 31% if sales over $4000 or 33% for sales over $6000 Without incentives--33% of gross unit sales or 35% if sales over $4000 or 37% for sales over $6000 Commissions are reduced after Dec 2 if monies are not turned in on time with 0% commission after Dec. 31. We sell Campmasters. Online sales via the website were a bust as the shipping costs as much as the product. So, we are not advertising online sales for out-of-town relatives this year. As suggested, check wit
  8. Our Pack only uses the occasional Run On or Stunt or Cheer mixed in with awards and announcements.
  9. KDD, At Boy Scout and Webelos summer camp.....upon return of missing items, you will get serenaded with: "Reunited and it feels so good...uhh!"
  10. Anyone using ScoutJourney web based tracking for $99/yr? https://www.scoutjourney.com/?gclid=CO3V0PzSurgCFapDMgod3xAAjw It looks new with more features to be added later.
  11. Yes. ScoutTrack needs the Archive feature. Perhaps I will zip tech support an email as a suggested update. Hopefully the developers are reading the thread and are already thinking about it............
  12. We just started with ScoutTrack last fall. Our renewal is coming up soon, also. As CC and unofficial Webelos leader again for youngest son, I have a love/hate relationship with it. Could be interested in something else or maybe the grass is just greener over there............. We primarily purchased the software for a simplified Awards database. One location instead of multiple DL emails. Yes, there have been growing pains--DL not putting them in at all or incorrectly--i.e. Religious Emblem instead of Faith Requirement. Our Awards Chair does send out an email of awards for everyone to c
  13. I understand campsites can change and that is why I said, "generally." One of our local parks suffered tornado damage last year and was closed for a period of time. However, a simple phone call to the facility to double check the info will take care of any facility changes. "It's closed." Move on to plan B. I am sure your events coordinator calls and asks the reservation office about the facility's amenities before booking the site. Right? As I stated previously, think of it as a "guide" with a preface noting the material may have changed. I think a new Cub Scout lead
  14. You are correct. The book will need a date on it so that folks will know whether it is current or not. Generally, the campsites do not change. That state park or memorial forest has been there for years and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Now the fees will have changed or maybe the picnic tables were removed, but all it takes is a phone call to get the current info--info you should ask about if you are looking into scheduling the site anyway. And, the book could be passed on to another individual to update. For example, another ticket item of mine is to update m
  15. First of all, let me apologize for the individual that has not contacted you through BeAScout.org. (If you spend enough time on this forum, you will soon realize the IT systems set up by National BSA do not work well.) You sent an email to a local volunteer. You need to understand that the leaders at your local Cub Scout Pack (group) are volunteers and they may be on vacation or they aren't great at checking and replying to emails. It is also possible the Pack's leadership may not have updated their "PIn" on BeAScout.org and your email went to a volunteer that is no longer active with the grou
  16. "Them skeeters and hicks can be very bad round these parts." Dratted iPad autocorrect changed ticks to hicks! LOL
  17. Below is Senior Pastor Dave Stone's video reply to the church family in response to media coverage regarding the church's decision to drop the scouting units at the end of the year. Click on Week 3 to play the message. The message was played this past weekend for all services at all satellite campuses before the regularly scheduled sermon. http://www.southeastchristian.org/Default.aspx?page=4754 (I am not sure how long this link will stay active. Likely only one more week or so.)
  18. Ahhhh......I just put the iPad on a heat source and nothing! Seriously....the "messages" are now gone. All fixed!
  19. Welcome! There is a lot of great information and wisdom on this site. Good luck and have fun!
  20. Yesterday, I had 2 notifications. Today, I have 3. Can't see 'em. Maybe the messages are scratched out with lemon juice and I just need to put my iPad over one of those old fashioned light bulbs.......
  21. http://www.instructables.com/id/Paper-Stomp-Rockets-Easy-and-Fun/ Here are some great photos and design idea. This website has lots of other cool DIY projects. During recruitment, we kept it simple. Rockets didn't have fins or designs.
  22. As I have the Webelos Handbook sitting on my desk to plan our year.............. 8 total Activity Badges required for Webleos and AOL-- 3 for Webelos Rank (Fitness, Citizen and one other) 5 for AOL (3 previous + Readyman, Outsdoorsman, one in Mental Skills, one in Technology + one other) Yep. Super easy to finish early if scout attends summer camp.
  23. New scout parent: "Will there be any bugs on the campout?"
  24. What are the simplified boats made out of? (I assume you are not using kits to keep the costs down.) We used your stomp rocket idea last year for recruitment. We may bring out our marble racing track this year.
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