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Everything posted by Pack378

  1. I have posted this before: post on craigslist.com. Just post that you are strapped for money and you would be willing to pay for shipping. People give Scout shirts away to the goodwill all the time....... I have received tons of uniforms at true shipping price.
  2. Update: well I just returned from my 2nd week of Wood Badge and I have to say YES it was worth it. I think anybody on any level of scouting should attend this course! I believe this course is the true essence of Scouting. Did I work hard? Yes Did I learn anything? Yes Did I make new life long friends? Yes Did I have FUN? You Know it....... I used to be a beaver SR-912
  3. I am setting up a shooting range for our districts cub-o-ree. We have certified instructors and range officers. My question is, how much distance is need to be blocked off and secured behind the range?
  4. first of all..... you should have a parents meeting and explain to the parents on what is going on. Explain to them if they do not step up, the pack could loose its charter. There is a time and a place for parents to step up and the time is now! You say you have 60 boys, thats roughly 25-50 family's, thats 50-100 parents. To me that breaks down to at least 10 leaders. Also, change the day the meetings are held, through a loop in the babysitting, the REAL scouts will still come. You might loose half of your boys but a small STRONG unit is better than a LARGE week unit. As you know a unit is all
  5. Can a registered adult receive two knots in a one year period? I have heard tenure only counts towards one year and one knot. What about the person who has a tiger den and a wolf den? Can they get the tiger and den leader knot within the same "tenure" year?
  6. So here is the deal, we are having a star wars themed blue and gold! We have a couple of things planned like a little show on the big screen, the 501's storm trooper division is coming (yes Darth vadar and some storm troopers are coming http://www.501st.com/), a couple of star wars skits, a star wars themed cake silent auction, and a star wars themed menu. All the leaders are dressing up with jedi robes and the boys are allowed to dress up as there favorite jedi character. Any other Ideas?
  7. Pack378

    Spoof Knots?

    Does anybody Know anybody that can create spoof Knots? I'm looking on making a spoof Mardi Gras knot with beads instead of rope...... I have looked around on the net with no luck....
  8. From what I am hearing she does not hold up to the core values of Scouting... Leaders have regulations they have to live up to just like the kids. I don't know how your meetings are held but in my den meetings parents are allowed to stay in the room as long as they don't interrupt the boys. I have asked parents to step outside if they want to talk. I encourage parents to help in the meeting but if they don't, don't make it so I have to throw up the scout sign to get the parents quite. Tell her to lead by example or get to steppin....LOL Last but not least don't let her through ADD in ther
  9. I have a couple of questions... Is your husband a registered scouter? Where are your meetings held? Are any other parents attending the meetings? Is it required by your CO for your assistant to be there? The reason I ask these questions are because I hold meetings without an assistant on our CO's property. I do have parents assist me in the meetings when they can. Also one of our Tiger dens has a mom/dad combo and they usually take turns running the meetings...... Is there anything else we should know?
  10. Posted: Tuesday, 7/24/2007: 5:29:44 PM I love old threads!!!!!!! My advice is pretty much everybody else's.... Go where you want but remember you could be leaving the boys with out an OA experience...
  11. http://www.thepatchplace.com/ ---------patches
  12. http://www.thepatchplace.com/
  13. I have run across many little tid bits of information from many different councils, and individual Scouters on the internet. The current one I found is just the history of BP and campfire ashes. http://listserv.tcu.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind9903&L=scouts-l&T=0&P=125690 If you have any neat sites please list them.... and NO I do not want to see your units website............LOL
  14. So... What year did the BSA start doing Criminal Background reports? and how efficient is the back ground report.... I noticed that one pack runs their own background report..... If you think there might be a current problem can you as a leader request National to rerun a CBR?
  15. gwd-scouter: size is a big deal.... show up to camp and see two dozen matching tents from one unit. That leaves an impression.. Big units get respect just because of the sheer size...
  16. our co provides us space for den meetings and pack meeting. They also provide us space for Baloo and other training. Besides that we are pretty independent.
  17. the Den Leader........... The hardest job of them all!
  18. Advice for personal and unit Web sites: national http://www.scouting.org/webmasters/units.html
  19. the neckerchiefs had a camo pattern on them...
  20. A couple of weeks back I went to a council sponsored event where there was a Boy Scout Troop there with Camo neckerchiefs. It looked pretty cool and the boys wore them with pride but is this not against BSA regulations? Chime in with your opinion.
  21. Ms. Eagle 515, nice of you to chime in! have you checked the site yet? I have to say The pre-course orientation really answered most of my questions.... I'm kind of curious about camping at signet....three weeks huh?
  22. I found this------------- Units may also use these materials to promote the Scouting program - however, a unit that needs digital files should contact its council for this support rather than attempting to contact the national office directly - as Graphics and Imaging Service does not support units directly, and will respond to requests from council offices only. The question I have is what is considered digital file?
  23. I know that content is allowed from nationals website via-cut and paste or in frames on a council level but what about a unit level? Are unit websites privileged to this information also? Do we need written consent and if so how do we go about getting it?
  24. We had a similar situation and I think it has a a lot to do with his maturity level and his friends. Talk to his parents and see what they want to do. The only problem you are going to have is when he crosses over to boy scouts with the recharter in Nationals computer
  25. http://www.scouting.org/forms/34426.pdf
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