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Everything posted by nolesrule

  1. Because, as NeilLup pointed out in the post above yours, many troops have trouble getting 50% of their registered youth to attend summer camp. In addition, elections need to be overseen by the lodge of the council in which the unit is registered. No valid election can occur that is conducted by another lodge. So for units that go to an out of council camp, they wouldn't be able to have an election at summer camp. So, frankly, that's two strikes against holding elections at summer camp.
  2. "We have lost over a billion jobs in this country" I hope that's just a typo or hyperbole. Not sure how we could lose that many jobs. This country doesn't have enough people to fill that many jobs. Everyone would have to work an average of 3 jobs to meet that number, including every child born in the last week.
  3. As the saying goes, use it or lose it. The boys are only going to retain the knowledge by using it. They need to be given opportunities to apply the knowledge regularly, and as SM you can observe those opportunities. If they learn to tie a knot once, but don't have the opportunity to tie it again for months, they are not going to remember. Patrol skill competitions are invaluable in this regard. Of course, you could always have the unit's policy changed such that they need to demonstrate it to you or one of the ASMs prior to it being signed off, but that won't change the fact that th
  4. Doesn't something have to be recognizable as a form of communication to constitute speech? I'm not so sure that post qualifies.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  5. 1. No 2. Eagle, 1994 I can somewhat understand why some would argue to allow Eagle, but I still disagree with it. But other rank patches, whatever the highest? What if they were former Cub Scouts who dropped out after Bear? Should they wear the Bobcat/Wolf/Bear w/ arrow points on their uniforms if that was the highest scouting rank they earned? Rank badges are for youth to wear, not for adults to relive their scouting days or identifying with current scouts. Do you really need to wear an old rank badge to be able to talk to youth about your scouting experience?
  6. "My favorite though was INVENTING MB, only two requirements (wording may not be exact): 1. Invent something and secure a patent for it. 2. Make a model or drawing of your invention. I understand that it was dropped in 1916 as few if any scouts had earned it... wonder why? " Have you seen the cost of the fees for filing a patent? And have you seen the length of time it takes for a patent to get approved these days? Heck, the youth could file for the patent the day after earning the Arrow of Light (assuming he could pay the filing fees) and it still might not get approved by
  7. "and in such other instances as approved by the Scout Executive." Well, that right there leaves a door wide open.
  8. A good time and place for a board of review would be before the monthly committee meeting or even on campouts, or sometimes before, during or after the weekly scout meeting. You just need to be able to get the scout and 3 members of the committee together in the same place at the same time for 10-15 minutes. The AP&P suggests (not sure if that's too weak or too strong a word) that the board of review be held as soon as possible (good ol' ASAP) when a scout is ready to advance, not just for palms, but for any rank advancement. ASAP still implies that it needs to be convenient for all
  9. Thanks click23. But does the new book finally give us commissioners the power to shut down units that may have an issue with their financials? Just kidding, of course. Couldn't help it after that other thread.
  10. Exact dates aren't much of an issue if you are holding board of reviews as needed (per the AP&P) as opposed to only 4 times a year. By holding quarterly boards of review, a unit is effectively forcing a 6 month time period on earning palms. As with all rank advancements, the time requirement begins on the date of the successful advancement board of review and is completed at the time specified by the requirement. So if the Eagle or Palm BOR was today, 3 months from now would be June 9. A Palm BOR could be held on or anytime after that date.
  11. "My point is that the scouts are being punished for what the adults in the pack, mainly the CM, are failing to address." Don't necessarily put this on the shoulders of the CM, even if the CM is against doing fund raising. The CM runs the program. The committee is responsible for executing the budget (which is based on the program), and that includes determining how the pack will raise the required funds. Some packs do fund raising and no dues, some packs do annual (or monthly) dues and no fund raising, some do a combination.
  12. "Basically the Unit Commissioner can and will shut a Pack down if anything is out of order with the books. " Unit commissioners do no such thing. Our job is to help keep units on the right track, but we have no authority over the units we serve. While we can help mediate situations, issues regarding "the books" are between the treasurer, committee and the chartering organization.
  13. "This pack has not attempted any fund raising so I don't think scouts should have to pay for the materials." The scouts ARE the pack. IF the pack wants to change how its expenses are paid for, that's up to the committee. First, they would have to make a decision to switch to annual/monthly dues (instead of pay-as-you-earn) or they would have to decide to use fundraisers. And if they decide on fundraisers, then someone would need to step up to the plate to develop and execute the fund raising plans within scouting guidelines. Since your father is already on the pack committee and want
  14. Not only is the patch ridiculously large, but the logo on it is silk screened or some other similar process, meaning it'll eventually get trashed from repeated cleaning unless you get the shirt dry cleaned.
  15. If that is his wish, then present his award to him at a weekly Scout meeting like you would any other badge of rank. There is no requirement to have an Eagle Court of Honor.
  16. I'm a UC in the same district. He is not UC for his own unit. The appropriate commissioners are aware of the situation and are working to resolve any outstanding issues. And yes, some of our district's UCs are pulling double duty, but not with their own units. Not ideal, obviously, but you know how it can be.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  17. Beavah, can I quote you on that? Seriously, I know some people out there (being non-Scout related I'd rather keep them away from this forum) who need to read that.
  18. One of the dictionary definitions for current is "most recent". I think that BSA doesn't define "current" in the insignia guide intentionally. It could be read as most recent jamboree held (most restrictive) or most recent jamboree participated in (least restrictive). Those of us who choose to continue to wear our Jamboree patch subscribe to the latter interpretation.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  19. " Now, there is an organization named Business Service Associates that also uses BSA. Wonder why the Boy Scouts of America hasn't gone after Business Service Associates? Sounds like selective suing to me! " And there's the Business Software Alliance, which goes around raiding people for supposedly using pirate software with little to no evidence. It is a bit confusing when I see BSA in an article headline involving these guys. That said, trademarks apply to market segments, not the entire market. These other BSAs do not overlap the market for Boy Scouts of America. And as for "s
  20. "Yeah I know that noserule" That's nolesrule (Noles Rule as in Florida State University Seminoles). I guess if you've never run your own business and had a trademark infringed upon, it's more difficult to understand. I was fortunate that a simple conversation with an unaware trademark infringer was enough and I didn't have to get lawyers involved, but when you hold a trademark and someone infringes upon it, you cannot ignore it. The reason "cola" on its own is not protected is that the cola flavor comes from the cola nut extract. All cola-flavored beverages can put cola in their
  21. I love it. A STATE law regarding how you can or can't use your FEDERAL Tax ID. (shakes head)
  22. Trademarks are a defend it or lose it kinda thing. If you don't take it to court, you can kiss your traademark goodbye. It's not about spending money on lawyers. It's a business decision regarding your assets. You wouldn't let someone walk into your garage and take your car. Why would you let them take an intangible asset either?
  23. When it comes down to it, BSA is just a youth program. Most religious institutions have a youth director who runs their youth programs. Do we think it's creepy if they don't have children in the program (or no children at all)? What about Big Brothers/Big Sisters? Is that program creepy? My late father-in-law (who was an Eagle Scout and a SM at one point before he had only daughters) mentored middle school students in his free time (he was on the verge of retirement when he passed). Is that creepy? One of the units I serve as a unit commissioner has a SM that's been there for a very
  24. I still wear my 1989 NSJ patch on my uniform. I even use the Jambo name tag. Go ahead and wear yours in the appropriate place above the right pocket. You earned it.
  25. As I pointed out in the previous thread on this topic, the BSA's congressional charter grants them a broader scope on trademarks than normal trademark law would allow (and the provision of the charter does not violate the Constitution which would be required to void that portion of the charter), so it's not the same as the Coca Cola example.
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