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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Good luck getting the Cubs to understand any of that speech.
  2. Wow you like to twist things don't you? All c-14 dating has assumed a constant, not a variable, thus the result is wrong. Period. If they KNEW it was a variable they should have either 1) sought to define how to calculate the variable, or 2) put a HUGE disclaimer on the result as being +/- (x) where "x" equals the varying amount of carbon 14. I don't see that mentioned very often when looking at c-14 results unless you are looking at the detail of the data. The layperson is not going to go looking for that. Without that disclaimer, Bubba is going to take it at face value.
  3. Well, for one, the basis of carbon-14 dating assumes the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere as being constant. It isn't. Many of the science journals have confirmed this. Willard Libby even noted this in the 1960s in his papers on carbon dating, but the scientific community never took this in to account until recently. So science, as a group, ignored the fact that carbon levels differed historically and, therefore, many of the dating of artifacts was wrong. We are now being asked to believe they have it right now....same thing they said when they originally dated the objects. So much fo
  4. We give CS parents crossing over a 6 month pass on serving in the unit exactly because of CS burn out. To @@Eamonn and his point of parents in the 21st century, what we have seen is the 20- and 30-something crowd too busy with their golf games or girl's nights out to be bothered to volunteer in CS. I have seen two packs fold because of this phenomenon. The leadership of each pack spend 18 months trying to train these parents to take over. District, even council got involved. The parents simply knew it was easier to let the pack die and get merged with another pack so someone else could tak
  5. Well I hate to tell you, but our bank DOES protect us. We have it in writing and it is part of our account. Many banks are offering through federally backed programs insurance on savings and checking if using a debit card. Not all banks do, but many do. If you do your homework you can find one.
  6. Science also gave us leaches, plating, an upright walking T-Rex, heliocentrisim, opening windows during a tornado to prevent your house from imploding or exploding due to air pressure and other such things that were all later proven to be wrong. There are many things in which science expects people to take on faith too. Often very long-established scientific principles turn out to be very wrong.
  7. We use a card. No problems. - Receipts are scanned via phone to PDFs and sent to treasurer. No exceptions. - Bank insures our account for lost and stolen cards so we are covered as long as we keep a certain balance. Not a problem. - Only two people have the card or know the pins (personalized). - Cash back is turned off on the account. - We keep the minimum in the account and the rest in savings. Only the treasurer can switch between the two. As with anything it's all about process. You can find banks willing to work with you and protect your money. Crooks will always find a
  8. Not only in my opinion, but in the opinion of national. The boy could count. He had his paperwork. He knew darn well he'd only held the POR for four months. So did the adult. The POR date was clearly AFTER his BOR date. Can you imagine what heck would have broken loose at his Eagle BOR with a missed date like that. We had a boy with a ten day difference (which was not material to anything other than being ten days longer than required) on one date on his Eagle paperwork and his entire application was tossed back by national. You can take back something that was gained under false pretenses
  9. Everyone involved knew. This was an end-run. The rank was unearned and rightly taken back. It was the right call.
  10. If I have the checkbook or a debit card, how does the former better prevent me from embezzling money over the latter? The only barrier I see is that checks are accepted in fewer places, thus the check-based troop needs to carry cash more...but it doesn't provide anymore a barrier to stealing than a debt card. BSA on the wrong side of the debate again.
  11. Actually, if you read my OA example it has noting to do with punishment, it has to do with institutionally sponsored embarrassment sanction by district or council or a lodge. If its wrong for one it is wrong for the other.
  12. Thanks. Sadly, the mix the meanings of the words throughout. Someone went to law school and some others didn't. No end to end continuity.
  13. No, that would be torture and prohibited under Article III of the Geneva Convention.
  14. For the sake of argument... Would it be considered hazing to recite the oath and law on his own to get his canteen back? If so, why is it okay to require the reciting of the oath and law at a BOR or SMC but not to put a positive spin on the lost item scenario?
  15. I still do two-deep. I don't want to depend on the fact that others are eavesdropping on my SMC in case something happens.
  16. Are these definitions of "must" and "shall" stated somewhere? Or are these what we think they mean? In law school they teach you "shall" means "is required to", but in other walks of life shall can connote something less direct. Just wondering if these are documented anywhere by the BSA.
  17. Yup it is. Guess what? Reported it to district and council. Quite respectfully I might add. Know what happened? I got a lecture on my Scouts being over sensitive. Basically told to shut the front door....if you know what I mean. So much for your plan. So yeah, we protect our kids all the time. Hence why we focus on our unit and not district or council events. I don't trust them.
  18. Who does SMCs one-on-one? Our SMCs are two-deep. If we did use remote SMCs we'd do it two-deep.
  19. Yep, we see that too. We simply elect not to play their game. Kid misses practice and does not play or gets cut? Big deal. He's not going to in the NFL anyway. Has more time for other things he can control. Kid misses homework assignment or forgets to study for a test? Oh well, he gets a lousy grade and learns a lesson. Kid has three things on the same weekend, I let him pick BUT he has to let the other two know in advance that he won't be there. Kids who want to stay in Scouting will stay there. I don't care if my son makes Eagle or not. Won't kill him if he doesn't. The impor
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