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Everything posted by moosetracker

  1. Yeah, they'll take the young'uns any flavor, they can be molded.. But you have to be the "right kind" of Christian to be an adult leader.. Catholics and protestants are ok (but I don't know if all Protestants as some are very liberal).. LDS is not the "right kind" of Christian.. Then anyone who is not Christian, or a stay at home Christian is not allowed either.. SSScout - don't know if it is a change from when you were an Eagle and today, but now you need someone to attest that you have a belief of some kind.. Doesn't need to be your priest.. Could be a parent or someone else in the c
  2. I don't know exactly what was in the letter, and what was the "lead in...." and "....in summery" that were in the priests own words to fill out the letter in the Priests own words.. Was the letter simply filled with carefully molded innuendos, and the priest made it more or less toxic???.. That I don't know.. The one my husband, brother-in-law went to was inappropriate.. The one that hit the papers where (I think it was a arch-bishop) likened Obama to Hitler & Stalin hit the paper, and when people demanded an apology from him, he doubled down and the Catholic offices backed him up.. The
  3. I'm giving up writing comments. My last two I posted under the right section and they were thrown into the thread but under the wrong post and not where I placed the comment.. So In answer to Sentinel947 23.15.. ~~Did the council support it, or did they do sermons telling their followers to go out and rally and picket and protest about it as a massive group?.. One is fine, one is not, regardless of if it supports my ideas or not.. They definitely went beyond preaching about sin.. They were stating who to vote for.. You had a lot of Catholics ALOT, walking away from that sermon with s
  4. Well uprising may be strong, but he definitely mixed religion with politics and tried to force Catholics to all organize and protest and vote a certain way.. Dictating that all the priest read a certain political speech at all their services for a week, regardless of if the priest believed it or not.. My husband got his political speech dosed out at a Catholic funeral of all places!!.. I guess some priests who got into the speech too much expounded on it likening Obama to Hitlar or Stalin.. Other brave priest, noted what they were required to read, and then gave a sermon on why it was wrong to
  5. Exactly Sentinal.. I am not criticizing the parent for choosing not to associate with gays, just for stating it is because it is against his religious belief to do so.. Many people on these boards and in the news also keep siting Catholics as being one of the religions who was going to drop units if BSA accepted in homosexuals.. Yet the Catholic policy does not state that at all.. I don't think liberals are thinking the new Pope's words mean he is for same-sex marriage, but perhaps he will not promote uprisings and protests against it when it has nothing to do with his church or flock, and
  6. All I know is that homosexuals were active in scouting before the change in the 90's and people at council level knew it, and were fine with it.. Unfortunately when the change happened these people were already open and known in the scouting community.. So DADT couldn't work for them because they could not un-ring that bell and make everyone forget.. Were they as well known in the 60's I don't know, but in the 80's yes they were in scouting, well known and treated with respect. It was not a friend of a friend.. Heard it from a person who was a DE at the time, and had to ask 2 people to lea
  7. Who said being members of the BSA mean ALL YOUR TIME, as if you are permanently glued to the hip??. How do you write a rule strictly for them that states Homosexuals can not be adult leaders, while ignoring drunks, adulators, prostitutes etc.. And reconcile that with the phrase "Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." ??? It does not state the homosexual should be avoided, it states discrimination of a homosexual should be avoided.. if you are Catholic and do not wish to socialize AT ALL with homosexuals, you need to reconcile with the fact it is a
  8. Actually I have heard stories of scouters that were openly gay Adult leaders in their units and councils, that were turned away when they created this policy.. So why indeed.., Maybe because the conservatives got their panties in a bind about what WAS the current policy, and the fact that units did fully accept and welcome these people into their membership..
  9. True, but then you are saying in the '30's or 40's through the '70's or 80's the lack of a policy against homosexuals did not cause them to refuse to consider association with the BSA and found a BSA unit. So BSA pulled away from it's origins of not taking sides to be taken over by the conservative viewpoint.. Now it is swinging back to it's origins of not taking sides.. BSA was off course, and is righting it's compass. They aren't there yet..
  10. We had one cub whose parent left due to the vote.. The parent sited this issue as against his faith, but he was a member of our CO chuch, and the priest had no issue, and even tried to talk him off the ledge.. I think some people have allowed their politics to define their faith, rather then their church.
  11. Eagledad = are you saying these conservative CO's were not involved in BSA until the BSA created the rule against homosexuals in the 1990's?? I could agree they were probably involved in pushing BSA into making this self-destructive policy in the first place.. But to influence BSA to do so, they were already members of BSA. BSA is now going back to it's original stance on the issue. Gorgia Mom - that has all that has been said.. You welcome children of all faiths, but feel adults of any faith other the Christian (and I don't know if AHG also considers LDS not Christian) as not worthy
  12. If that's it Peregrinator, then it's a cop out.. I looked around & the LDS do believe in the trinity, they just call it by a different term.. Here is one explanation. Do Mormons believe in the Trinity? Mormons most commonly use the term “Godhead†to refer to the Trinity. The first article of faith for the Latter-day Saints reads: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.†Latter-day Saints believe God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in will and purpose but are not literally the same being o
  13. As I stated, the not following the bible strictly is what they claim.. I just am wondering if there is more to not welcoming them. I mean Christian is religions that believe in Christ, which they do.. I guess a few units, may open to other children but not allow parents of other faiths to be leaders.. But that is not the rules of the BSA.. The scouts and the scouters can have any faith they wish, and their beliefs can vary from being very loyal church goers to not thinking much about it, and never belonging to an organized religion. So if your United Methodist Church accepts scouts o
  14. From what I understand, although excepting boys of all faith, and boys of little faith (as long as not atheist).. Their acceptance of adult Leadership is stricter and more intolerant.. If not serious Christians then you can not be an adult leader.. And they will not accept faiths like LDS as Christian because it doesn't strictly follow the bible.. I stumbled upon some discussion with an LDS mother who was upset with the rules, and many people who I assume were interested in founding TL's in their area, were trying to defend TL's rule on adult leadership became pretty nasty to her.. It
  15. Thanks EagleScout - I figured that.. I have seen full sized realistic looking chuckwagons.. They are awesome, and I am impressed with them..They also look like a lot of work and need to have people who are fully committed to a hobby that would include them. The ones I saw were for people doing Dutch oven cooking compititions. I was just surprised that except for two post on building realistic chuckwagons, no one has building plans or stories of pitfalls they had while building their chuckwagon.. Sort of has me thinking not many people hold this even or know what it is.. I tried to p
  16. Hmm... Me thinks you both are getting a little bit too authentic.. I was surprised that no one else has done a cub scout chuckwagon.. Do your district/ councils do cub scout chuckwagons?.. Or is this a unique thing in my council?
  17. New Topic.. The Chuckwagon... My Pack is building it.. I found one plan to build a CW on-line.. It was put out by the Nutfield District.. We have a Nutfield District in our council, but I don't know if it is our Nutfield.. http://www.morrisvillecubscouts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/chuckwagonderbyinformation.pdf Was wondering if anyone else knew of other plans so I could give them a few options.. Or helpful tips on what to include, or pitfalls we need to try to avoid. We plan to crash a neighboring District's chuckwagon.. Our District hasn't held one for about 4 or 5 years.
  18. We play this relay game with M&M's but it could be substituted for those candy hearts.. The boys take a straw (I cut straw in half) and with suction have to keep the candy on the end of the straw and race it to the end where they shoot it into a pie tin (or something similar).. The team with the most candies in the pie tin at the end of the time is the winner. You can do the balloon tied to the ankle where everyone has to try to break the other balloons but keep theirs unbroken.. Just use red & white balloons to keep with the theme.
  19. Hmmm... I guess we typically hold our Pinewood in Feb. because the district level Pinewood is in March, so we end up with the B&G in March.. So seems we are a bit slower then most you guys.. I did not remember not having program after the B&G... But, then when my son went through most the advancement was done at home putting advancement into the den meeting was a change made about 2 to 3 years back.. I have no clue what we did though.. I know the Webelos was more schoolwork like and we did do the advancement in the den.. I also know we had something we were advancing in, because
  20. Agree with you both that it could be met at any time.. Which is when I addressed it, I did say, if you are not ready.. Then no big deal.. But.. This is a group that is not zippity doo da-ing through the advancement.. So I am not holding them from the rank until the B&G.. This is more a group that does not understand why we have the rank advancement before the last meeting before Summer Recess.. So I would like to plant in their heads reasons why at least they should plan, organize and set as a target date March for finishing up rank advancement.. If earlier so be it.. If later so be i
  21. OK.. So at the CS committee meeting in discussing future pack meetings we hit March which is our Blue & Gold party.. And I asked the question, "How are you (Den Leaders) doing with advancement? Are your scouts going to make rank at this time? If not, no biggie, but it is what you should be targeting for." Now, background is it is a very young pack with only Tigers and wolves... So no Webs to cross over.. So the question by one of the DL's is "Why is this time the target date?".. Ahhh.... "Because it has always been this way?" (not really good..) kindof cushioned with "If
  22. True Basement, but not to get your dander up, because I mean it sincerely.. Thank you for the way you handled it this time.. It was perfect!.. Perhaps they have no real problem, but just wanted to hear some war stories.. Don't know, it was very open, but never hinted they were having a problem. But, would be nice if follow up questions or comments showed the OP came back to read the responses that they got.
  23. I thought you still couldn't smoke in public. Still, BSA can definitely add to their rules on alcohol and smoking, I would think marijuana would more fall into the rules of alcohol then smoking as smoking is not in front of the scouts, and alcohol is not in front of the scouts or under the influence of..
  24. I guess it depends on whose viewpoint you are looking at, as if not illegal, the person in question may think there is nothing wrong with what they have done.. The one I guess all were (finally) in agreement with.. Was the SM who the council finally removed.. He had his group within the troop of his preferred scouts and made up hurdles that only they got the opportunity to jump through in order to go on special trips.. Like to go on certain backpacking trips you had to take the backpacking MB with the SM only (no one else as MBC).. The SM declined to work with anyone he deemed unworthy of
  25. Agree Horizon.. Reading your post I have to alter mine which is posted earlier.. An involved parent doesn't mean they are in a direct leadership position.. Many of our parents worked on the Committee or help with Driving.. It though did need to be something more then monetary support.. Something that had the parents buy into the importance of the program, and the scouts see their parents showing an interest in Scouting..
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