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Everything posted by MattR

  1. Here's a wedding picture of my garbage cans. This is a .jpg. So, what are the file extensions of the images you want to upload? BTW, it may be case sensitive, so .jpg is okay but .JPG is not.
  2. 600 hundred = 600x100 = 60,000 months. But you're right in one way. If I have to explain the punch line then it's a lousy joke.
  3. No surprise there. I suspect you took my description a little to literally. If the words tcc, stang, kossnoff, rsa, omni, the names of the insurance companies, the judge's name, any dates the case must abide by or plans 1 through 5, put it here. I'm sure I'm missing a lot but will try and keep a list. Honestly, I suspect a lot of people are lurking here because this thread is the best analysis of this case. I suspect there are a few CEs following this as it's the best source of information around. Those not reading this are posting comments like "there's been a deal made and so ...." So,
  4. @CynicalScouter, I keep moving your posts. Change threads
  5. If the judge is talking about it, put it in the ch11.5 thread. If the judge is not talking about it but you think it's related to ch 11, put it here. Honestly, the simplest solution is if the judge is talking about it then put it in the ch11.5 thread, if not start a different thread. Unfortunately, we've tried that for about a year and everything keeps going back to the same thread. This is a forum, not just a single thread. To paraphrase an old TV show, we have the technology The problem with jamming a whole lot of threads into one is that there are people that would rather not read eve
  6. I just did move them. Kind surgery with a chain saw. Let me know if I messed up.
  7. I think there's just more opportunity for a scout to find something that resonates them. On the other side of the coin, that takes more adult volunteers. I agree. Unfortunately, you're preaching to the choir. But back to the OP, how many kids in a poverty and crime infested neighborhood can go to Philmont? That's a barrier. Another is setting up units in those areas. As I said above, it requires a lot of volunteers to make this program work. But when those parents are struggling to find time just to make ends meet ... there's another barrier. The BSA has certainly tried to make th
  8. Just a friendly reminder, but we split the ch 11 thread such that topics including tcc and bankruptcy plans would stay in the old one and all the other topics that came up about yp, moral vs legal, the future of scouting, etc, would go here.
  9. This is the part that sticks with me. Scouting helps kids that need it. Why is that? And is scouting much different from other activities? Or is it just that scouting just attracts different kinds of kids than, say, sports? In my case I did both scouts and sports and I seemed to have kept different aspects of each (with some overlap). Second, what are the barriers to these types of activities for families in "an urban mess, with a lot of poverty and crime"? Again, is scouting unique? The BSA has been trying to crack that nut for a long time and have failed. I have my suspicions why but le
  10. I'm voting with there needs to be a better relationship with the CO. That's where all the grief is coming from. It doesn't even matter whether this story is believable, the COR is a pain and the only way to fix that is creating a better relationship with the CO. Also, expecting a better relationship with a new CO, where there's no effort to create a good relationship, is just kicking the can down the road. It may be a lot easier to repair the current relationship than find a new CO. As others have said, go talk to the CO.
  11. It will be a lot like this past year - in flux, fewer volunteers, trying to figure out how to recruit.
  12. You can do that. Nothing wrong with saving time.
  13. I have 2 simple goals that could be made smart. 1) Ask a random sample of parents whether they want their children in scouts. Answer on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 is absolutely and 5 is not on your life. Measure the percentage of 1s and set a goal for that. The point is raise awareness of scouting. i.e., get some marketing that works. 2) For those that said absolutely, make them successful volunteers. measure how many are volunteering 3 years later in a gold status unit. i.e., make sure they understand the program, are well trained and helping out. So, I'm not interested in membershi
  14. First of all welcome to the forum. If every patrol is always required to achieve honor patrol then it's fine. However, if this is an extra requirement for a patrol that has a PL needing something signed off then it's an added requirement. Added requirements are not acceptable. I wonder how the patrols respond to this. Will they vote against a scout because they'd rather not do honor patrol? There are better ways to motivate patrols. And that is the key, motivate the entire patrol rather than just the PL.
  15. And the reason they want to raise Cub Scout membership even though cubs get burned out before scouts is bringing in more money. As I said, membership is more important than quality. We're 3/4 of the way through that year and the troops in my district have been told they need to sponsor a pack because so many packs have completely collapsed. On the other hand, I think it gives us the opportunity to find kids that aren't burned out on cub scouts. We just need to figure out how to recruit from the middle schools.
  16. I agree. Still, they have a lot of assets. And since they have so much they've gotten in the habit of spending a lot of their efforts making that pile bigger. So the focus is on money. It is not on the aims or quality of program. If there's ever a choice between increasing membership, units, anything that brings in more money, or increasing the quality of units they always lean on more money. What is more important to a DE, increasing membership and units, or improving quality of existing units? Has a DE ever said let's take 3 weak units and combine them and support it so it's a quality unit a
  17. I knew you'd have this available. Thanks! Anyway, $3.3B / 750k scouts is $4400/scout. What other youth organization has anything close to that? What was the plan for all that money? How was it helping achieve the aims of scouting? I'm sure its spent on something, but my impression is the plan, somewhere along the line, morphed from help units into grow the endowment.
  18. I didn't say no money, I said it shouldn't be the focus. Every decision seems to be based on increasing membership rather than improving, say, the aims. Why have lions and tigers if kids get burned out before they get to the best part of the program? Seems clear to me it's about membership/money. I'd like to know what BSA's total value is compared to its yearly budget (including all councils). What other non profits measure assets in billions and spend so little per target member?
  19. Or maybe the criteria for being an asm needs changing. Call an 18 yo that's still in HS a JASM and the problem is solved.
  20. Maybe we should have called this thread "ch 11 paradoxes." There are lots of hard problems. This is just one of them. I'm not sure the bsa is equipped for that. Maybe that's the biggest problem - create a servant leader driven professional structure. Make it so the volunteers can be the focus rather than money. I know, wishful thinking.
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